Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Pour retrouver les publications signalées par Nota Bene Cancer (archives indexées à partir du n°127 du 1" mars 2012) :
Sommaire du n° 593 du 2 février 2024
Qualité de vie, soins de support (9)
Menée à partir de données 2008-2019 des registres américains des cancers et de données Medicare, cette étude analyse la qualité de vie des patients ayant survécu à un cancer
Do Contemporary Cancer Survivors Experience Better Quality of Life? Evaluating a Decade of SEER Medicare Health Outcomes Survey Data
Menée à partir de données 2008-2019 des registres américains des cancers et de données Medicare, cette étude analyse la qualité de vie des patients ayant survécu à un cancer
Do Contemporary Cancer Survivors Experience Better Quality of Life? Evaluating a Decade of SEER Medicare Health Outcomes Survey Data
Allaire, Benjamin T. ; Horvath, Marc L. ; Lines, Lisa M. ; Davidoff, Amy J. ; Smith, Ashley W. ; Jensen, Roxanne E.
Background: A cancer diagnosis may have deleterious effects on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) as adults age. This study examined differences in HRQOL between cancer and matched non-cancer Medicare beneficiaries over 65, within and across two time periods. Methods: We used novel matching methods on data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)-Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (MHOS) data resource. We matched SEER-MHOS respondents with cancer from a recent period [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre mai et novembre 2022 (27 études), cette étude analyse l'utilisation de cannabis par des patients atteints d'un cancer ou ayant survécu à la maladie
Cannabis use among cancer patients and survivors in the United States: a systematic review
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre mai et novembre 2022 (27 études), cette étude analyse l'utilisation de cannabis par des patients atteints d'un cancer ou ayant survécu à la maladie
Cannabis use among cancer patients and survivors in the United States: a systematic review
Amin, Samia ; Chae, Si Woo ; Kawamoto, Crissy T ; Phillips, Kristina T ; Pokhrel, Pallav
Background: How cannabis products are being used by cancer patients and survivors in the U.S is poorly understood. This study reviewed observational data to understand the modes, patterns, reasons, discontinuation and adverse experiences of cannabis use. Methods: PubMed and PsycINFO database searches were conducted between May 2022 and November 2022. Of the 1,162 studies identified, 27 studies met the inclusion criteria. The inter-coder agreement was strong (0.81). Results: The majority of the [...]
Menée à partir de données portant sur 270 patients atteints d'un cancer traité en ambulatoire, cette étude de cohorte prospective analyse la fréquence des poussées de douleur et identifie les facteurs prédictifs
Trajectories and predictors of High-Occurrence pain flares in ambulatory cancer patients on opioids
Menée à partir de données portant sur 270 patients atteints d'un cancer traité en ambulatoire, cette étude de cohorte prospective analyse la fréquence des poussées de douleur et identifie les facteurs prédictifs
Trajectories and predictors of High-Occurrence pain flares in ambulatory cancer patients on opioids
Meghani, Salimah H ; Quinn, Ryan ; Robinson, Andrew ; Chittams, Jesse ; Vapiwala, Neha ; Naylor, Mary ; Cheatle, Martin ; Knafl, George J
Background: Pain flares have a substantive impact on the quality of life and well-being of patients with cancer. We identified longitudinal trajectories (clusters) of cancer pain flares in ambulatory patients and sociodemographic and clinical predictors of these trajectories. Methods: In a prospective cohort study using ecological momentary assessment (mEMA), we collected patient-reported daily pain flare ratings data over 5 months and identified predictors and correlates using validated [...]
Menée en Belgique à partir de données portant sur 328 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé, cette étude prospective analyse la prévalence d'une malnutrition et d'une cachexie
Malnutrition prevalence in cancer patients in Belgium: The ONCOCARE study
Menée en Belgique à partir de données portant sur 328 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé, cette étude prospective analyse la prévalence d'une malnutrition et d'une cachexie
Malnutrition prevalence in cancer patients in Belgium: The ONCOCARE study
Rasschaert, Marika ; Vandecandelaere, Pieter ; Marechal, Stéphanie ; D’hondt, Randal ; Vulsteke, Christof ; Mailleux, Marie ; De Roock, Wendy ; Van Erps, Joanna ; Himpe, Ulrike ; de Man, Marc ; Mertens, Geertrui ; Ysebaert, Dirk
Rationale: Unintentional weight loss and malnutrition are common among cancer patients. Malnutrition has been associated with impaired health-related quality of life, less well-tolerated chemotherapy regimens and shorter life duration. In Belgium there is a lack of epidemiological data on malnutrition in oncology patients at advanced stages of the disease. Methods: Malnutrition assessment data was collected through a prospective, observational study in 328 patients who started a neoadjuvant [...]
Mené sur 1 096 patients atteints d'un carcinome à cellules rénales de stade avancé traité par sunitinib en monothérapie ou par nivolumab et ipilimumab en combinaison (durée médiane de suivi : 25,2 mois), cet essai de phase III évalue l'association entre la qualité de vie mesurée à l'aide d'un score et la survie globale
The Relationship Between Health-Related Quality of Life and Overall Survival in Patients With Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma in CheckMate 214
Mené sur 1 096 patients atteints d'un carcinome à cellules rénales de stade avancé traité par sunitinib en monothérapie ou par nivolumab et ipilimumab en combinaison (durée médiane de suivi : 25,2 mois), cet essai de phase III évalue l'association entre la qualité de vie mesurée à l'aide d'un score et la survie globale
The Relationship Between Health-Related Quality of Life and Overall Survival in Patients With Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma in CheckMate 214
Cella, David ; Choueiri, Toni K ; Hamilton, Melissa ; Blum, Steven I ; Ivanescu, Cristina ; Karu, Karl ; Ejzykowicz, Flavia ; Motzer, Robert J
Background: In CheckMate 214 (median follow-up, 25.2 months), nivolumab plus ipilimumab yielded greater overall survival (OS) benefit than sunitinib in patients with intermediate-/poor-risk advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC). Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessed by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Kidney Symptom Index-19 (FKSI-19) was also more favorable for the nivolumab plus ipilimumab group than the sunitinib group. We investigated whether HRQoL scores can predict OS [...]
Mené sur 153 patientes ménopausées atteintes d'un cancer du sein et recevant un traitement endocrinien (âge moyen : 62 ans), cet essai randomisé évalue l'intérêt d'exercices aérobiques d'intensité modérée pour améliorer leurs fonctions neurocognitives
Effects of aerobic exercise on neurocognitive function in postmenopausal women receiving endocrine therapy for breast cancer: The Exercise Program...
Mené sur 153 patientes ménopausées atteintes d'un cancer du sein et recevant un traitement endocrinien (âge moyen : 62 ans), cet essai randomisé évalue l'intérêt d'exercices aérobiques d'intensité modérée pour améliorer leurs fonctions neurocognitives
Effects of aerobic exercise on neurocognitive function in postmenopausal women receiving endocrine therapy for breast cancer: The Exercise Program in Cancer and Cognition randomized controlled trial
Bender, Catherine M. ; Sereika, Susan M. ; Gentry, Amanda L. ; Cuglewski, Cheryl ; Duquette, Jennie ; Grove, George ; Cummings, Meredith ; Cho, Myeong-ga ; Brufsky, Adam M. ; McAuliffe, Priscilla ; Budway, Raye J. ; Diego, Emilia J. ; Evans, Steven ; Rosenzweig, Margaret Q. ; Marsland, Anna L. ; Conley, Yvette P. ; Erickson, Kirk
Objective: The Exercise Program in Cancer and Cognition Study was a randomized controlled trial designed to determine whether 6 months of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise improves neurocognitive function in women with breast cancer (BC) receiving endocrine therapy (ET). Methods: Postmenopausal women with hormone receptor+, early-stage BC, within two years post-primary therapy were randomized to the exercise intervention (six months, ≥150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise/week) or [...]
Menée à partir de données portant sur des patients présentant des métastatases cérébrales, cette étude évalue la pertinence d'un système de score pour mesurer les changements dans leurs fonctions neurocognitives après une radiothérapie du cerveau
Evaluating the sensitivity of EQ-5D-5L in patients with brain metastases: a secondary analysis of NRG CC001
Menée à partir de données portant sur des patients présentant des métastatases cérébrales, cette étude évalue la pertinence d'un système de score pour mesurer les changements dans leurs fonctions neurocognitives après une radiothérapie du cerveau
Evaluating the sensitivity of EQ-5D-5L in patients with brain metastases: a secondary analysis of NRG CC001
Cherng, Hua-Ren R ; Qu, Melody ; Zafari, Zafar ; Bentzen, Søren ; Armstrong, Terri S ; Gondi, Vinai ; Brown, Paul D ; Mehta, Minesh ; Mishra, Mark V
BACKGROUND: EuroQoL EQ-5D is a commonly used measure of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in clinical trials given the use of its index score as a measure of health utilities. It is unclear whether EQ-5D is sensitive to changes in neurocognitive function and progression that occur following brain radiation. This study sought to evaluate the sensitivity of EQ-5D-5L in reflecting these changes. PATIENTS and METHODS: A secondary analysis of NRG Oncology CC001 was performed. Mean EQ-5D-5L [...]
Mené sur 279 patients ayant survécu à un cancer du système nerveux central, présentant des troubles cognitifs et professionnellement actifs, cet essai multicentrique randomisé évalue l'intérêt d'une intervention de réadaptation cognitive dispensée sur internet pour améliorer leurs fonctions physiques et leur qualité de vie
Internet-based cognitive rehabilitation for working cancer survivors: Results of a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Mené sur 279 patients ayant survécu à un cancer du système nerveux central, présentant des troubles cognitifs et professionnellement actifs, cet essai multicentrique randomisé évalue l'intérêt d'une intervention de réadaptation cognitive dispensée sur internet pour améliorer leurs fonctions physiques et leur qualité de vie
Internet-based cognitive rehabilitation for working cancer survivors: Results of a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Klaver, Kete M ; Duijts, Saskia F A ; Geusgens, Chantal A V ; Kieffer, Jacobien M ; van Rentergem, J Agelink ; Hendriks, Mathijs P ; Nuver, Janine ; Marsman, Hendrik A ; Poppema, Boelo J ; Oostergo, Tanja ; Doeksen, Annemiek ; Aarts, Maureen J B ; Ponds, Rudolf W H M ; van der Beek, Allard J ; Schagen, Sanne B
Cognitive problems contribute to decline in work performance. We evaluated (1) the effectiveness of basic self-management and extensive therapist-guided online cognitive rehabilitation on attainment of individually predetermined work-related goals among occupationally active cancer survivors, and (2) whether effectiveness of the programs differed for survivors with and without formal cognitive impairment.In a three-armed randomized controlled trial (NCT03900806), 279 non-central nervous system [...]
Cette étude présente les conseils d'un groupe d'experts en neuro-oncologie concernant l'utilisation d'anticoagulants par voie orale pour traiter une thromboembolie veineuse chez des patients atteints d'une tumeur cérébrale primitive ou métastatique
Practical guidance for direct oral anticoagulant use in the treatment of venous thromboembolism in primary and metastatic brain tumor patients
Cette étude présente les conseils d'un groupe d'experts en neuro-oncologie concernant l'utilisation d'anticoagulants par voie orale pour traiter une thromboembolie veineuse chez des patients atteints d'une tumeur cérébrale primitive ou métastatique
Practical guidance for direct oral anticoagulant use in the treatment of venous thromboembolism in primary and metastatic brain tumor patients
Ranjan, Surabhi ; Leung, Denise ; Ghiaseddin, Ashley P. ; Taylor, Jennie W. ; Lobbous, Mina ; Dhawan, Andrew ; Budhu, Joshua A. ; Coffee, Elizabeth ; Melnick, Kaitlyn ; Chowdhary, Sajeel A. ; Lu-Emerson, Christine ; Kurz, Sylvia C. ; Burke, Joy E. ; Lam, Keng ; Patel, Mallika P. ; Dunbar, Erin M. ; Mohile, Nimish A. ; Peters, Katherine B.
Management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors (BT) is challenging because of the risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). There are no prospective clinical trials evaluating safety and efficacy of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), specifically in patients with BT, but they are widely used for VTE in this population. A group of neuro-oncology experts convened to provide practical clinical guidance for the off-label use of DOACs in treating VTE in [...]
Observation (6)
Menée à partir de données de 61 registres européens des cancers, cette étude estime, en 2020, la prévalence des cancers par localisation et en fonction du sexe et de l'âge
Complete cancer prevalence in Europe in 2020 by disease duration and country (EUROCARE-6): a population-based study
Menée à partir de données de 61 registres européens des cancers, cette étude estime, en 2020, la prévalence des cancers par localisation et en fonction du sexe et de l'âge
Complete cancer prevalence in Europe in 2020 by disease duration and country (EUROCARE-6): a population-based study
De Angelis, Roberta ; Demuru, Elena ; Baili, Paolo ; Troussard, Xavier ; Katalinic, Alexander ; Chirlaque López, María Dolores ; Innos, Kaire ; Santaquilani, Mariano ; Blum, Marcel ; Ventura, Leonardo ; Paapsi, Keiu ; Galasso, Rocco ; Guevara, Marcela ; Randi, Giorgia ; Bettio, Manola ; Botta, Laura ; Guzzinati, Stefano ; Dal Maso, Luigino ; Rossi, Silvia ; Hackl, Monika ; van Eycken, Elizabeth ; Van Damme, Nancy ; Valerianova, Zdravka ; Sekerija, Mario ; Scoutellas, Vasos ; Demetriou, Anna ; Dušek, Ladislav ; Krejici, Denisa ; Storm, Hans ; Mägi, Margit ; Pitkäniemi, Janne ; Velten, Michel ; Bouvier, Anne-Marie ; Jooste, Valérie ; Guizard, Anne-Valérie ; Launoy, Guy ; Dabakuyo Yonli, Sandrine ; Maynadie, Marc ; Woronoff, Anne-Sophie ; Nousbaum, Jean-Baptiste ; Coureau, Gaelle ; Monnereau, Alain ; Baldi, Isabelle ; Hammas, Karima ; Tretarre, Brigitte ; Colonna, Marc ; Plouvier, Sandrine ; D'Almeida, Tania ; Molinié, Florence ; Cowppli-Bony, Anne ; Bara, Simona ; Debreuve, Adeline ; Defossez, Gautier ; Lapôtre-Ledoux, Bénédicte ; Grosclaude, Pascale ; Daubisse-Marliac, Laetitia ; Luttmann, Sabine ; Stabenow, Roland ; Nennecke, Alice ; Kieschke, Joachim ; Zeissig, Sylke ; Holleczek, Bernd ; Birgisson, Helgi ; Murray, Deirdre ; Walsh, Paul M. ; Mazzoleni, Guido ; Vittadello, Fabio ; Cuccaro, Francesco ; Sampietro, Giuseppe ; Rosso, Stefano ; Gasparotti, Cinzia ; Maifredi, Giovanni ; Ferrante, Margherita ; Ragusa, Rosalia ; Sutera Sardo, Antonella ; Gambino, Maria Letizia ; Lanzoni, Monica ; Ballotari, Paola ; Giacomazzi, Erica ; Ferretti, Stefano ; Caldarella, Adele ; Manneschi, Gianfranco ; Gatta, Gemma ; Sant, Milena ; Berrino, Franco ; Trama, Annalisa ; Lillini, Roberto ; Bernasconi, Alice ; Bonfarnuzzo, Simone ; Vener, Claudia ; Didonè, Fabio ; Lasalvia, Paolo ; Buratti, Lucia ; Tagliabue, Giovanna ; Serraino, Diego ; Capocaccia, Riccardo ; Di Benedetto, Corrado ; Venanzi, Serenella ; Tallon, Marco ; Boni, Luca ; Iacovacci, Silvia ; Gennaro, Valerio ; Russo, Antonio Giampiero ; Gervasi, Federico ; Spagnoli, Gianbattista ; Cavalieri D'Oro, Luca ; Fusco, Mario ; Vitale, Maria Francesca ; Usala, Mario ; Mazzucco, Walter ; Michiara, Maria ; Chiranda, Giorgio ; Cascone, Giuseppe ; Giurdanella, Maria Concetta ; Mangone, Lucia ; Falcini, Fabio ; Cavallo, Rossella ; Piras, Daniela ; Madeddu, Anselmo ; Bella, Francesca ; Fanetti, Anna Clara ; Minerba, Sante ; Candela, Giuseppina ; Scuderi, Tiziana ; Rizzello, Roberto Vito ; Stracci, Fabrizio ; Rugge, Massimo ; Brustolin, Angelita ; Pildava, Santa ; Smailyte, Giedre ; Azzopardi, Miriam ; Johannesen, Tom Børge ; Didkowska, Joanna ; Wojciechowska, Urszula ; Bielska-Lasota, Magdalena ; Pais, Ana ; Bento, Maria José ; Calisto, Rita ; Lourenço, Antonio ; Safaei Diba, Chakameh ; Zadnik, Vesna ; Zagar, Tina ; Sánchez-Contador Escudero, Carmen ; Franch Sureda, Paula ; Lopez de Munain, Arantza ; De-La-Cruz, Marta ; Rojas, Marìa Dolores ; Aleman, Araceli ; Vizcaino, Ana ; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael ; Sanvisens, Arantza ; Sánchez, María José ; Sánchez-Gil, Antonia ; Ardanaz, Eva ; Galceran, Jaume ; Carulla, Marià ; Bergeron, Yvan ; Bouchardy, Christine ; Mohsen Mousavi, Seyed ; Went, Philip ; Bordoni, Andrea ; Visser, Otto ; Stevens, Sarah ; Broggio, John ; Bennett, Damien ; Gavin, Anna ; Morrison, David ; Huws, Dyfed Wyn
Background: Cancer survivors—people living with and beyond cancer—are a growing population with different health needs depending on prognosis and time since diagnosis. Despite being increasingly necessary, complete information on cancer prevalence is not systematically available in all European countries. We aimed to fill this gap by analysing population-based cancer registry data from the EUROCARE-6 study. Methods: In this population-based study, using incidence and follow-up data up to Jan 1, [...]
Menée au Canada par enquête auprès de 1 001 patients ayant survécu à un cancer (dont 656 cas de cancer du sein), cette étude transversale analyse leurs perceptions concernant les causes de leur maladie
What do cancer survivors believe caused their cancer? A secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data
Menée au Canada par enquête auprès de 1 001 patients ayant survécu à un cancer (dont 656 cas de cancer du sein), cette étude transversale analyse leurs perceptions concernant les causes de leur maladie
What do cancer survivors believe caused their cancer? A secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data
Galica, Jacqueline ; Saunders, Stephanie ; Pan, Ziwei ; Silva, Amina ; Ling, Hok Kan
Purpose : Given that risk reduction and healthy lifestyles can prevent 4 in 10 cancers, it is important to understand what survivors believe caused their cancer to inform educational initiatives. Methods: In this secondary analysis, we analyzed cancer survivor responses on the Causes Subscale of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire, which lists 18 possible causes of illness and a free text question. We used descriptive statistics to determine cancer survivors’ agreement with the listed [...]
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Impact of COVID-19 on cancer incidence, presentation, diagnosis, treatment and survival in Northern Ireland
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Impact of COVID-19 on cancer incidence, presentation, diagnosis, treatment and survival in Northern Ireland
Bennett, Damien ; Murray, Inez ; Mitchell, Helen ; Gavin, Anna ; Donnelly, David
The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on cancer patients and services but has been difficult to quantify. We examined how the entire cancer pathway—from incidence, presentation, diagnosis, stage, treatment and survival—was affected in Northern Ireland during April–December 2020 compared to equivalent 2018–2019 periods using retrospective, observational cancer registry data from the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR). There were 6748 cancer cases in April–December 2020 and an average [...]
Breast and cervical cancer screenings across gender identity: results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System before and during the COV...
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Breast and cervical cancer screenings across gender identity: results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Berzansky, Isa ; Reynolds, Colleen A. ; Charlton, Brittany M.
Purpose: Although national medical organizations often neglect to include trans and gender diverse (TGD) people in their breast and cervical cancer screening recommendations, the World Profession Association of Transgender Health recommends that TGD people who are at risk for these cancers follow existing guidelines for cisgender women. Despite WPATH’s recommendations, TGD people are less likely to get screened in large part due to discrimination. The COVID-19 pandemic has limited access to [...]
Enhancement of Omicron-specific immune responses following bivalent COVID-19 booster vaccination in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Enhancement of Omicron-specific immune responses following bivalent COVID-19 booster vaccination in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Roberts, Thomas ; Uwenedi, Grace ; Bruton, Rachel ; McIlroy, Graham ; Damery, Sarah ; Sylla, Panagiota ; Logan, Nicola ; Scott, Sam ; Lau, May ; Elzaidi, Ahmed ; Plass, Siobhan ; Mallick, Soumyajit ; Spencer, Katie ; Stephens, Christine ; Bentley, Christopher ; Pratt, Guy ; Zuo, Jianmin ; Paneesha, Shankara ; Willett, Brian ; Moss, Paul ; Parry, Helen
Cancer patients who are immune suppressed remain at increased risk from COVID-19 and have recently been prioritised for additional booster bivalent vaccines. Despite this, previous studies have shown that humoral and cellular immune responses often fail to reach levels comparable to the general population following booster doses. The emergence of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 has necessitated the deployment of modified bivalent mRNA vaccines that direct the synthesis of spike protein from [...]
The Effect of Disability and Social Determinants of Health on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
The Effect of Disability and Social Determinants of Health on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rolle, LaShae D. ; Chery, Maurice J. ; Larson, Michaela ; Lopez-Pentecost, Melissa ; Calfa, Carmen J. ; Schlumbrecht, Matthew P. ; Crane, Tracy E.
INTRODUCTION : The objective of this study was to examine the effect of disability status and social determinants of health (SDOH) on adherence to breast and cervical cancer screening recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of the 2018 and 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data sets. We defined adherence to screenings according to the US Preventive Services Task Force guidelines for breast and cervical cancer screening. The [...]
Efficacy of Tixagevimab-Cilgavimab as Immunoprophylaxis in Patients With Hematologic Cancer
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Efficacy of Tixagevimab-Cilgavimab as Immunoprophylaxis in Patients With Hematologic Cancer
Salvini, Marco ; Grossi, Paolo Antonio ; Cacioppo, Alessandro ; Merli, Michele ; Pellegrini, Giacomo ; Brociner, Marco ; Passamonti, Francesco
Patients affected by hematologic malignant tumors (HMTs) remain at high risk of COVID-19 because of lower response to anti–SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Tixagevimab and cilgavimab are fully human SARS-CoV-2–neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) derived from B cells of patients that recovered from SARS-CoV-2. The combination of these mAbs (AZD7442) has been demonstrated to be a safe and efficient option for COVID-19 immunoprophylaxis in adults who are at higher risk of an inadequate vaccine [...]
Cross-sectional survey evaluating the psychological impact of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in patients with cancer: The VACCINATE study
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Cross-sectional survey evaluating the psychological impact of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in patients with cancer: The VACCINATE study
Tregnago, Daniela ; Avancini, Alice ; Belluomini, Lorenzo ; Trestini, Ilaria ; Sposito, Marco ; Insolda, Jessica ; Bianchi, Federica ; Sava, Teodoro ; Gaiani, Chiara ; Del Piccolo, Lidia ; Guarnieri, Valentina ; Verlato, Giuseppe ; Tfaily, Ahmad ; Vesentini, Roberta ; Zuliani, Serena ; Pilotto, Sara ; Milella, Michele
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted on cancer patients’ psychological well-being and clinical status. We assessed the levels of anxiety, depression, and distress and the attitude towards COVID-19 vaccination in cancer patients, accepting vaccination at the Verona University Hospital and Camposampiero Hospital in the Veneto region. Self-reported questionnaires were administered to patients undergoing COVID-19 vaccination between March and May 2021 (first and second dose). Twenty-seven [...]
Menée à partir des données 2000-2019 des registres américains des cancers portant sur 217 815 femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein (âge : 20-49 ans), cette étude transversale analyse l'évolution de l'incidence de la maladie en fonction de l'origine ethnique, du statut des récepteurs hormonaux et du stade au diagnostic
Breast Cancer Incidence Among US Women Aged 20 to 49 Years by Race, Stage, and Hormone Receptor Status
Menée à partir des données 2000-2019 des registres américains des cancers portant sur 217 815 femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein (âge : 20-49 ans), cette étude transversale analyse l'évolution de l'incidence de la maladie en fonction de l'origine ethnique, du statut des récepteurs hormonaux et du stade au diagnostic
Breast Cancer Incidence Among US Women Aged 20 to 49 Years by Race, Stage, and Hormone Receptor Status
Xu, Shuai ; Murtagh, Sara ; Han, Yunan ; Wan, Fei ; Toriola, Adetunji T.
Importance : Breast cancer in young women has a less favorable prognosis compared with older women. Yet, comprehensive data on recent trends and how period and cohort effects may affect these trends among young women are not well-known. Objective : To evaluate breast cancer incidence among young women in the US over a 20-year period by race and ethnicity, hormone receptor status (estrogen receptor [ER] and progesterone receptor [PR]), tumor stage, and age at diagnosis, as well as how period and [...]
Menée en Angleterre à partir de données 1990-2018 portant sur 27 543 patientes atteintes d'un carcinome canalaire in situ détecté hors du programme de dépistage organisé, cette étude évalue le risque à long terme de développer un cancer du sein invasif et la mortalité spécifique
Invasive breast cancer and breast cancer death after non-screen detected ductal carcinoma in situ from 1990 to 2018 in England: population based co...
Menée en Angleterre à partir de données 1990-2018 portant sur 27 543 patientes atteintes d'un carcinome canalaire in situ détecté hors du programme de dépistage organisé, cette étude évalue le risque à long terme de développer un cancer du sein invasif et la mortalité spécifique
Invasive breast cancer and breast cancer death after non-screen detected ductal carcinoma in situ from 1990 to 2018 in England: population based cohort study
Gurdeep S Mannu ; Zhe Wang ; David Dodwell ; John Broggio ; Jackie Charman ; Sarah C Darby
Objectives : To evaluate the long term risks of invasive breast cancer and death related to breast cancer after non-screen detected ductal carcinoma in situ. Risks for women in the general population and for women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ via the screening programme were compared. Design :Population based cohort study. Setting :Data from the National Disease Registration Service. Participants: All 27 543 women in England who were diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ, outside [...]
Invasive breast cancer and breast cancer death after non-screen detected ductal carcinoma in situ
Menée en Angleterre à partir de données 1990-2018 portant sur 27 543 patientes atteintes d'un carcinome canalaire in situ détecté hors du programme de dépistage organisé, cette étude évalue le risque à long terme de développer un cancer du sein invasif et la mortalité spécifique
Invasive breast cancer and breast cancer death after non-screen detected ductal carcinoma in situ
Marjanka K Schmidt ; Esther H Lips ; Renée SJM Schmitz ; Ellen Verschuur ; Jelle Wesseling
Is it time for risk based screening and follow-up after a ductal carcinoma in situ diagnosis? Breast cancer screening began in the 1990s, with the aim of detecting invasive breast cancer early and reducing breast cancer deaths.1 Rates of breast cancer deaths have declined over recent decades due to a combination of better systemic treatments, increased awareness, and screening.234 However, since the introduction of screening, incidence of ductal carcinoma in situ (known as DCIS) has increased [...]
Menée en Chine, cette étude présente les données d'incidence des tumeurs pédiatriques du système nerveux central et de la mortalité spécifique
A system review of central nervous system tumors on children in China: epidemiology and clinical characteristics
Menée en Chine, cette étude présente les données d'incidence des tumeurs pédiatriques du système nerveux central et de la mortalité spécifique
A system review of central nervous system tumors on children in China: epidemiology and clinical characteristics
Yao, Bing ; Wang, Hongying ; Wu, Xiaomei ; Wang, Chenyu ; Tang, Tao ; An, Wenxiu ; Zhu, Bo
Background: Central nervous system (CNS) tumors are the most common solid tumors in children and the leading cause of cancer-related death in the latter. Currently, the incidence rate exceeds that of leukemia and ranks first in the incidence of malignant tumors in children. Methods: The epidemiological data on childhood CNS tumors were collected from the Chinese Cancer Registry Annual Report. The annual percent change (APC) of incidence and mortality-rate changes were estimated via Joinpoint [...]