Valorisation internationale du programme AcSé

Depuis son lancement en 2013, le programme AcSé a donné lieu à plusieurs publications, communications et posters.








Communications orales


Blay J-Y, Penel et al.“High clinical activity of pembrolizumab in chordoma, alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) and other rare sarcoma histotypes: the French AcSé Pembrolizumab study from Unicancer”. ASCO 2021 (AcSé-Pembrolizumab) – Poster Discussion


ESMO 2020

JDP 2020


WCLC 2019

Ortiz-Cuaran S et al. Circulating tumor DNA analysis depicts potential mechanisms of resistance to BRAF-targeted therapies in BRAF-mutant non-small cell lung cancer (AcSé Vemurafenib)

SIOP 2019


ITCC 2018

European Pediatric Precision Medicine Program in Recurrent Tumors: From Molecular Profiling Trial Towards AcSé-eSMART Multiarm Proof-of-concept Study (AcSé eSMART)

WCLC 2018

ASCO 2018

Vassal G et al. Biomarker-Driven Access to Crizotinib in ALK, MET or ROS1 Positive (+) Malignancies in Adults and Children: the French National AcSé Program (AcSé Crizotinib)  


AACR 2017

Geoerger B et al. European Pediatric Precision Medicine Program in Recurrent Tumors: First Results From MAPPYACTS Moleculer Profiling Trial Towards AcSe-ESMART Proof-of-concept Study (AcSé eSMART)

ITCC 2017

  • B. Geoerger. “Clinical Sequencing Programs – What’s After Profiling? AcSé ESMART and Other Targeting Trials”. (AcSé eSMART)
  • S. Ducassou. “Cell Cycle, Apoptosis and Metabolics – Enasidenib (AG-221) ITCC-057 – ESMART Arm I”.  (AcSé eSMART)
  • L. Marshall. "Cancer Immunotherapy for Pediatric Malignancies: Where to go? Checkpoint Inhibitors Alone and Combinations: Nivolumab + Cyclophosphamide ITCC-057 – ESMART Arm G" (AcSé ESMART)
  • P. Berlanga. "Signal Transduction: AZD2017 + Selumetinib ITCC-057 - ESMART Arm H (AcSé eSMART)

ASH 2017


ASCO 2016

ESMO 2016

SIOP 2016

“Efficacy of Crizotinib in ALK+, MET+ or ROS1+ Advanced Pediatric Malignancies: Results of the AcSé Phase II Trial” (AcSé Crizotinib)

Communications écrites


ASCO 2016

Blay J.Y et al. Biomarker‑driven Access to Vemurafenib in BRAF-positive Cancers: Second Study of the French National AcSé Programme (Acsé Vemurafenib)

WCLC 2016

Mazières J et al. Vemurafenib in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Harboring BRAF Mutation. Preliminary Results of The AcSé Trial (Acsé Vemurafenib)



ASCO 2021 :

ESMO 2021 :

Pouessel D et al. Nivolumab in Pretreated Metastatic Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Results of the Penile Cohort From the French Acsé Prospective Program (AcSé Nivolumab)


ASH 2020

Hoang-Xuan K et al. First Results of the AcSé Pembrolizumab Phase II in the Primary CNS Lymphoma (PCNSL) Cohort (AcSé Pembrolizumab)

ASCO GU 2020

Albiges L et al. Nivolumab in Metastatic Non-clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: First Results of the AcSe Prospective Study (AcSé Nivolumab)

ESMO 2020

Blay J.Y et al. High Clinical Benefit Rates of Pembrolizumab in Very Rare Sarcoma Histotypes: First Results of the AcSé Pembrolizumab Study (AcSé Pembrolizumab)


ESMO 2019

ASCO 2019

Gatz SA et al. European Proof of Concept Therapeutic Stratification Trial of Molecular Anomalies in Relapsed or Refractory Tumors in Children and Adolescents (AcSé eSMART - “ARM D : Olaparib and Irinotecan”)


ESMO IO 2018

Marabelle A et al. AcSé Immunotherapy Trials: Anti-PD-1 Therapy for Adult Patients With Selected Rare Cancer Types (AcSé Nivolumab / AcSé Pembrolizumab)

ESMO 2018

ASCO 2018

Aparicio T et al. The activity of crizotinib in chemo-refractory MET-amplified esogastric adenocarcinomas: results from the AcSé-crizotinib program (AcSé Crizotinib)


ASH 2017

Brugieres L et al. Crizotinib in Advanced ALK+Anplastic Large Cell Lymphoma in Children and Adults : Results of The AcSé Phase II Trial (AcSé Crizotinib)

Ateliers pédagogiques


AACR 2018

From the Statistical Bench to Bedside: implementing Proper Designs in the eSMART Paediatric Combination Phase I/II Trials (AcSé-eSMART)

Liste des abréviations utilisées