Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Pour retrouver les publications signalées par Nota Bene Cancer (archives indexées à partir du n°127 du 1" mars 2012) :
Sommaire du n° 598 du 11 mars 2024
Qualité de vie, soins de support (6)
Cet article fait le point sur la prise en charge des symptômes de la ménopause chez des patientes ayant survécu à un cancer
Managing menopause after cancer
Cet article fait le point sur la prise en charge des symptômes de la ménopause chez des patientes ayant survécu à un cancer
Managing menopause after cancer
Hickey, Martha ; Basu, Partha ; Sassarini, Jenifer ; Stegmann, Mariken E. ; Weiderpass, Elisabete ; Nakawala Chilowa, Karen ; Yip, Cheng-Har ; Partridge, Ann H. ; Brennan, Donal J.
Globally, 9 million women are diagnosed with cancer each year. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, followed by colorectal cancer in high-income countries and cervical cancer in low-income countries. Survival from cancer is improving and more women are experiencing long-term effects of cancer treatment, such as premature ovarian insufficiency or early menopause. Managing menopausal symptoms after cancer can be challenging, and more severe than at natural menopause. [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique des essais randomisés contrôlés (252 essais, 31 067 patients), cette étude évalue l'intérêt des interventions nutritionnelles dédiées aux patients atteints d'un cancer pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et la survie
Dietary interventions in cancer: a systematic review of all randomized controlled trials
A partir d'une revue systématique des essais randomisés contrôlés (252 essais, 31 067 patients), cette étude évalue l'intérêt des interventions nutritionnelles dédiées aux patients atteints d'un cancer pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et la survie
Dietary interventions in cancer: a systematic review of all randomized controlled trials
Ilerhunmwuwa, Nosakhare Paul ; Abdul Khader, Abul Hasan Shadali ; Smith, Calvin ; Cliff, Edward R Scheffer ; Booth, Christopher M ; Rd, Evevanne Hottel ; Aziz, Muhammad ; Lee-Smith, Wade ; Goodman, Aaron ; Chakraborty, Rajshekhar ; Mohyuddin, Ghulam Rehman
Background: Prior systematic reviews addressing the impact of diet on cancer outcomes have focused on specific dietary interventions. In this systematic review, we assessed all RCTs investigating dietary interventions for cancer patients, examining the range of interventions, endpoints, patient populations, and results. Methods: This systematic review identified all RCTs conducted prior to January 2023 testing dietary interventions in patients with cancer. Assessed outcomes included quality of [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée jusqu'en octobre 2022 (20 essais), cette méta-analyse évalue l'intérêt des différentes stratégies pharmacologiques pour prévenir et traiter une constipation induite par les opioïdes chez les patients atteints d'un cancer
Pharmacological prevention and treatment of opioid-induced constipation in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée jusqu'en octobre 2022 (20 essais), cette méta-analyse évalue l'intérêt des différentes stratégies pharmacologiques pour prévenir et traiter une constipation induite par les opioïdes chez les patients atteints d'un cancer
Pharmacological prevention and treatment of opioid-induced constipation in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Kistemaker, K. R. J. ; Sijani, F. ; Brinkman, D. J. ; de Graeff, A. ; Burchell, G. L. ; Steegers, M. A. H. ; van Zuylen, L.
Background: Cancer-related pain often requires opioid treatment with opioid-induced constipation (OIC) as its most frequent gastrointestinal side-effect. Both for prevention and treatment of OIC osmotic (e.g. polyethylene glycol) and stimulant (e.g. bisacodyl) laxatives are widely used. Newer drugs such as the peripherally acting µ-opioid receptor antagonists (PAMORAs) and naloxone in a fixed combination with oxycodone have become available for the management of OIC. This systematic review and [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir d'échantillons sanguins prélevés sur 2 206 adultes ayant survécu à un cancer pédiatrique (âge médian : 34,5 ans), cette étude analyse l'association entre des biomarqueurs du vieillissement basés sur la méthylation de l'ADN et plusieurs mesures de la qualité de vie
Health-Related quality of life and DNA Methylation-Based aging biomarkers among survivors of childhood cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir d'échantillons sanguins prélevés sur 2 206 adultes ayant survécu à un cancer pédiatrique (âge médian : 34,5 ans), cette étude analyse l'association entre des biomarqueurs du vieillissement basés sur la méthylation de l'ADN et plusieurs mesures de la qualité de vie
Health-Related quality of life and DNA Methylation-Based aging biomarkers among survivors of childhood cancer
Plonski, Noel-Marie ; Pan, Yue ; Chen, Cheng ; Dong, Qian ; Zhang, Xijun ; Song, Nan ; Shelton, Kyla ; Easton, John ; Mulder, Heather ; Zhang, Jinghui ; Neale, Geoffrey ; Walker, Emily ; Wang, Hui ; Webster, Rachel ; Brinkman, Tara ; Krull, Kevin R ; Armstrong, Gregory T ; Ness, Kirsten K ; Hudson, Melissa M ; Li, Qian ; Huang, I-Chan ; Wang, Zhaoming
Background: Childhood cancer survivors are at high risk for morbidity and mortality and poor patient-reported outcomes, typically health-related-quality-of-life (HRQOL). However, associations between DNA methylation (DNAm)-based aging biomarkers and HRQOL have not been evaluated. Methods: DNAm was generated with Infinium EPIC BeadChip on blood-derived DNA (median[range] for age at blood draw = 34.5[18.5-66.6] years) and HRQOL was assessed with age at survey (32.3[18.4-64.5] years) from 2,206 [...]
Menée au Royaume-Uni à partir de données portant sur 2 870 patients ayant survécu à un cancer de la tête et du cou, cette étude évalue la prévalence de la douleur liée à la maladie puis identifie des groupes de patients à haut risque
Cancer-related pain in head and neck cancer survivors: longitudinal findings from the Head and Neck 5000 clinical cohort
Menée au Royaume-Uni à partir de données portant sur 2 870 patients ayant survécu à un cancer de la tête et du cou, cette étude évalue la prévalence de la douleur liée à la maladie puis identifie des groupes de patients à haut risque
Cancer-related pain in head and neck cancer survivors: longitudinal findings from the Head and Neck 5000 clinical cohort
Bolnykh, Iakov ; Patterson, Joanne M. ; Harding, Sam ; Watson, Laura-Jayne ; Lu, Liya ; Hurley, Katrina ; Thomas, Steve J. ; Sharp, Linda
Purpose : Reports suggest pain is common in head and neck cancer (HNC). However, past studies are limited by small sample sizes and design and measurement heterogeneity. Using data from the Head and Neck 5000 longitudinal cohort, we investigated pain over a year post-diagnosis. We assessed: temporal trends; compared pain across HNC treatments, stages, sites and by HPV status; and identified subgroups of patients at increased risk of pain. Methods: Sociodemographic and clinical data and [...]
Menée auprès de 134 patients atteints d'un cancer de la tête et et du cou traité par radiothérapie, cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'une intervention destinée à améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur sentiment d'auto-efficacité
Effectiveness of Comprehensive Intervention Programme on Quality of life, fatigue, self-efficacy, and psychosocial distress among head and neck can...
Menée auprès de 134 patients atteints d'un cancer de la tête et et du cou traité par radiothérapie, cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'une intervention destinée à améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur sentiment d'auto-efficacité
Effectiveness of Comprehensive Intervention Programme on Quality of life, fatigue, self-efficacy, and psychosocial distress among head and neck cancer patients receiving radiotherapy
Nayak, Shalini Ganesh ; George, Anice ; Sharan, Krishna ; Nayak, Baby S. ; Ravishankar, N.
Purpose: The study aimed at evaluating the Effectiveness of Comprehensive Intervention Programme (CIP) on Quality of life (QOL), fatigue, self-efficacy, and psychosocial distress among Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) patients receiving radiotherapy treatment. Methods: Single-centre non-RCT time series study was conducted among 134 HNC patients (67 observed, followed by 67 subjected to CIP). FACT- H&N, FACT-F, Cancer Behavior Inventory and psychosocial distress scales were used to assess QOL, [...]
Observation (10)
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 8 068 patientes ménopausées atteintes d'un cancer (durée médiane de suivi : 7,7 ans), cette étude de cohorte prospective évalue l'association entre le déclin des fonctions physiques après le diagnostic de la maladie et la mortalité spécifique ou toutes causes confondues
Low physical function Post-Cancer diagnosis is associated with higher mortality risk in postmenopausal women
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 8 068 patientes ménopausées atteintes d'un cancer (durée médiane de suivi : 7,7 ans), cette étude de cohorte prospective évalue l'association entre le déclin des fonctions physiques après le diagnostic de la maladie et la mortalité spécifique ou toutes causes confondues
Low physical function Post-Cancer diagnosis is associated with higher mortality risk in postmenopausal women
Gonzalo-Encabo, Paola ; Vasbinder, Alexi ; Bea, Jennifer W ; Reding, Kerryn W ; Laddu, Deepika ; LaMonte, Michael J ; Stefanick, Marcia L ; Kroenke, Candyce H ; Jung, Su Yon ; Shadyab, Aladdin H ; Naughton, Michelle J ; Patel, Manali I ; Luo, Juhua ; Banack, Hailey R ; Sun, Yangbo ; Simon, Michael S ; Dieli-Conwright, Christina M
Background: Postmenopausal women with cancer experience an accelerated physical dysfunction beyond that expected through aging alone due to cancer and its treatments. The aim of this study is to determine whether declines in physical function after cancer diagnosis are associated with all-cause mortality and cancer-specific mortality. Methods: This prospective cohort study included 8,068 postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) who were diagnosed with cancer and had [...]
Menée à partir de données américaines 2004-2005 et 2014-2015, cette étude estime l'incidence du cancer de l'oropharynx, du col de l'utérus et de l'anus lié à une infection par le papillomavirus humain en fonction du statut tabagique
Population-level incidence of HPV-positive oropharyngeal, cervical, and anal cancers by smoking status
Menée à partir de données américaines 2004-2005 et 2014-2015, cette étude estime l'incidence du cancer de l'oropharynx, du col de l'utérus et de l'anus lié à une infection par le papillomavirus humain en fonction du statut tabagique
Population-level incidence of HPV-positive oropharyngeal, cervical, and anal cancers by smoking status
Gopalani, Sameer V ; Saraiya, Mona ; Huang, Bin ; Tucker, Thomas C ; Mix, Jacqueline M ; Chaturvedi, Anil K
We estimated the population-level incidence of human papillomavirus (HPV) positive oropharyngeal, cervical, and anal cancers by smoking status. We combined HPV DNA genotyping data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Cancer Registry Sentinel Surveillance System with data from the Kentucky Cancer Registry and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System across smoking status. During 2004–2005 and 2014–2015 in Kentucky, most cases of oropharyngeal (63.3%), anal (59.7%), and [...]
Menée à partir de données internationales portant sur 781 892 patients atteints d'un cancer (oesophage, estomac, côlon, rectum, foie, pancréas, poumon, ovaire), cette étude analyse les disparités dans l'utilisation de la chimiothérapie
Use of chemotherapy in patients with oesophageal, stomach, colon, rectal, liver, pancreatic, lung, and ovarian cancer: an International Cancer Benc...
Menée à partir de données internationales portant sur 781 892 patients atteints d'un cancer (oesophage, estomac, côlon, rectum, foie, pancréas, poumon, ovaire), cette étude analyse les disparités dans l'utilisation de la chimiothérapie
Use of chemotherapy in patients with oesophageal, stomach, colon, rectal, liver, pancreatic, lung, and ovarian cancer: an International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP) population-based study
McPhail, Sean ; Barclay, Matthew E. ; Johnson, Shane A. ; Swann, Ruth ; Alvi, Riaz ; Barisic, Andriana ; Bucher, Oliver ; Creighton, Nicola ; Denny, Cheryl A. ; Dewar, Ron A. ; Donnelly, David W. ; Dowden, Jeff J. ; Downie, Laura ; Finn, Norah ; Gavin, Anna T. ; Habbous, Steven ; Huws, Dyfed W. ; May, Leon ; McClure, Carol A. ; Møller, Bjørn ; Musto, Grace ; Nilssen, Yngvar ; Saint-Jacques, Nathalie ; Sarker, Sabuj ; Shack, Lorraine ; Tian, Xiaoyi ; Thomas, Robert J. S. ; Thomson, Catherine S. ; Wang, Haiyan ; Woods, Ryan R. ; You, Hui ; Lyratzopoulos, Georgios ; Altman, Alon D. ; Bennett, Damien ; Butler, John ; Cameron, David A. ; Crosby, Tom ; Davies, Llion ; Dixon, Elijah ; Filsinger, Brooke ; Forster, Katharina ; Fung, Sharon ; Gomez Navas, Elba ; Guren, Marianne G. ; Han, Jihee ; Hanna, Louise ; Harrison, Samantha ; Lawler, Mark ; Little, Alana L. ; Mala, Tom ; Merrett, Neil ; Morrison, David S. ; Nelson, Gregg ; Peacock, Stuart J. ; Ransom, David T. ; Ray-Coquard, Isabelle ; Warlow, Janet L. ; Whitfield, Emma ; Zalcberg, John R.
Background: There are few data on international variation in chemotherapy use, despite it being a key treatment type for some patients with cancer. Here, we aimed to examine the presence and size of such variation. Methods: This population-based study used data from Norway, the four UK nations (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales), eight Canadian provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan), [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données 2006-2018, cette étude analyse la mortalité par cancer en fonction de l'origine ethnique et du lieu de naissance
Assessing racial/ethnic and nativity disparities in US cancer mortality using a new integrated platform
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données 2006-2018, cette étude analyse la mortalité par cancer en fonction de l'origine ethnique et du lieu de naissance
Assessing racial/ethnic and nativity disparities in US cancer mortality using a new integrated platform
Yu, Mandi ; Liu, Lihua ; Gibson, James ; Campbell, Dave ; Liu, Qinran ; Scoppa, Steve ; Feuer, Eric J ; Pinheiro, Paulo S
Background: Foreign-born (FB) populations in the US have significantly increased, yet cancer trends remain unexplored. Survey-based Population-Adjusted Rate Calculator (SPARC) is a new tool for evaluating nativity differences in cancer mortality. Methods: Using SPARC, we calculated 3-year (2016-2018) age-adjusted mortality rates (AAMRs) and rate ratios (RRs) for common cancers by sex, age group, race/ethnicity, and nativity. Trends by nativity were examined for the first time for 2006-2018. [...]
Menée par enquête auprès de 500 enfants atteints d'une leucémie, cette étude identifie 4 sous-groupes de symptômes liés aux traitements et correspondant à des profils de patients différents
Chemotherapy-related symptoms in children with leukemia: application of latent profile analysis and network analysis
Menée par enquête auprès de 500 enfants atteints d'une leucémie, cette étude identifie 4 sous-groupes de symptômes liés aux traitements et correspondant à des profils de patients différents
Chemotherapy-related symptoms in children with leukemia: application of latent profile analysis and network analysis
Wang, Meixiang ; Fang, Jia ; Hu, Xiaoyan ; Cai, Tingting ; Wu, Fulei ; Lin, Yan
Purpose: Children with leukemia may experience a range of chemotherapy-related symptoms. Identifying subgroups and their distinct characteristics of symptoms may improve symptom management. We aimed to identify subgroups and their distinct characteristics of chemotherapy-related symptoms in children with leukemia. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 500 children with leukemia, who completed questionnaires that assessed their demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as [...]
Menée en Australie dans un contexte de vie réelle à partir de données portant sur 1 683 patients atteints d'un cancer du pancréas diagnostiqué entre 2016 et 2022, cette étude prospective compare les traitements reçus et la survie en fonction de l'âge au diagnostic (avant ou après 50 ans)
Shifting the paradigm in the management of early prostate cancer
Menée en Australie dans un contexte de vie réelle à partir de données portant sur 1 683 patients atteints d'un cancer du pancréas diagnostiqué entre 2016 et 2022, cette étude prospective compare les traitements reçus et la survie en fonction de l'âge au diagnostic (avant ou après 50 ans)
Shifting the paradigm in the management of early prostate cancer
Gnanapragasam, Vincent
Outcomes from active surveillance have clearly shown that it is the optimal method of managing many early prostate cancers. Yet, clinician training and healthcare systems are still primarily focused on the “need to treat”. This comment explores the challenges and resource issues in future implementation of high-quality surveillance programmes.
Early onset pancreatic cancer—exploring contemporary treatment and outcomes using real-world data
Menée en Australie dans un contexte de vie réelle à partir de données portant sur 1 683 patients atteints d'un cancer du pancréas diagnostiqué entre 2016 et 2022, cette étude prospective compare les traitements reçus et la survie en fonction de l'âge au diagnostic (avant ou après 50 ans)
Early onset pancreatic cancer—exploring contemporary treatment and outcomes using real-world data
Mendis, Shehara ; Lipton, Lara ; To, Yat Hang ; Ananda, Sumitra ; Michael, Michael ; McLachlan, Sue-Anne ; Thomson, Benjamin ; Loveday, Benjamin ; Knowles, Brett ; Fox, Adrian ; Nikfarjam, Mehrdad ; Usatoff, Val ; Shapiro, Julia ; Clarke, Kate ; Pattison, Sharon ; Chee, Cheng Ean ; Zielinski, Rob ; Wong, Rachel ; Gibbs, Peter ; Lee, Belinda
Background: Pancreatic cancer incidence is increasing in younger populations. Differences between early onset pancreatic cancer (EOPC) and later onset pancreatic cancer (LOPC), and how these should inform management warrant exploration in the contemporary setting. Methods: A prospectively collected multi-site dataset on consecutive pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients was interrogated. Patient, tumour, treatment, and outcome data were extracted for EOPC (≤50 years old) vs LOPC (>50 years old). [...]
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
COVID-19 Pandemic–Related Outcomes in High-Risk Gastrointestinal Cancers—Beyond the Numbers
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
COVID-19 Pandemic–Related Outcomes in High-Risk Gastrointestinal Cancers—Beyond the Numbers
Freeman, Hadley D. ; Saunders, Aaron C. ; Lum, Sharon S.
Janczewski and colleagues contribute to the literature with a comprehensive comparison of pandemic-related differences, including incidence, stage at diagnosis, 1-year survival, and 30-day and 90-day operative mortality, in patients with high-risk gastrointestinal (HRGI) cancers. This retrospective cohort analysis was performed using the National Cancer Database (NCDB) with data comparison extending from the prepandemic years (including 2018 and 2019) to the height of the COVID-19 pandemic [...]
Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on primary and metastatic lung cancer treatments in Japan: A nationwide study using an interrupted...
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on primary and metastatic lung cancer treatments in Japan: A nationwide study using an interrupted time series analysis
Fujita, Misuzu ; Fujisawa, Takehiko ; Suzuki, Kiminori ; Nagashima, Kengo ; Kasai, Tokuzo ; Hashimoto, Hideyuki ; Yamaguchi, Kazuya ; Onouchi, Yoshihiro ; Sato, Daisuke ; Hata, Akira
Background : The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic prompted healthcare providers to use different approaches from the current standards of care. We aimed to identify the changes in the number of treatments for primary non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and metastatic lung cancer during the pandemic. Methods: We used nationwide insurance claims data from January 2015 to January 2021, and estimated changes in the number of treatments using an interrupted time series analysis. Results: The number [...]
Survival Among Patients With High-Risk Gastrointestinal Cancers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Survival Among Patients With High-Risk Gastrointestinal Cancers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Janczewski, Lauren M. ; Browner, Amanda E. ; Cotler, Joseph H. ; Palis, Bryan E. ; Chan, Kelley ; Joung, Rachel H. ; Bentrem, David J. ; Merkow, Ryan P. ; Boffa, Daniel J. ; Nelson, Heidi
Prior reports demonstrated that patients with cancer experienced worse outcomes from pandemic-related stressors and COVID-19 infection. Patients with certain malignant neoplasms, such as high-risk gastrointestinal (HRGI) cancers, may have been particularly affected.To evaluate disruptions in care and outcomes among patients with HRGI cancers during the COVID-19 pandemic, assessing for signs of long-term changes in populations and survival.This retrospective cohort study used data from the [...]
The impact of COVID-19 and vaccination status on outcomes in veterans with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 and vaccination status on outcomes in veterans with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Johns, James D. ; Choe, Erica J. ; Chisolm, Paul F. ; Pothast, Morgan J. ; Randolph, Jackson R. ; Chou, Jiling ; Maxwell, Jessica H.
Background: The impact of both COVID-19 infection and vaccination status on patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) remains unknown. Objective: To determine the impact of COVID-19 infection and vaccination status on 60-day mortality, cardiovascular, and respiratory complications in patients with a prior diagnosis of HNSCC. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study through the Veterans Affairs (VA) Corporate Data Warehouse of Veterans with HNSCC who were tested for [...]
The Long Behavioral Tail of the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Cancer Control Perspective
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
The Long Behavioral Tail of the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Cancer Control Perspective
Klein, William M. P. ; Dwyer, Laura A. ; Goddard, Katrina A. B.
Under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act, the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) in the US expired on May 11, 2023. This milestone is an opportune moment to reflect on the long-term implications of the PHE for cancer morbidity and mortality. Cancer rates have decreased over several decades at approximately 2.3% per year, including at high-prevalence cancer sites such as breast, colon, and lung, and such reductions are attributable to sustained advances in prevention and treatment. [...]
Delayed diagnosis and increased mortality risk: Assessing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer recurrence
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Delayed diagnosis and increased mortality risk: Assessing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer recurrence
Mühlmann, Lindson ; Pimentel, Franklin Fernandes ; Tiezzi, Daniel Guimarães ; Carrara, Hélio Humberto Angotti ; de Andrade, Jurandyr Moreira ; Candido dos Reis, Francisco Jose
Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant global impact since its declaration in March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted cancer patients, particularly those with breast cancer. This study aims to analyze the effects of the pandemic on women diagnosed with breast cancer recurrence. Methods: A cohort study was conducted at a tertiary public hospital in São Paulo State, Brazil. Data were collected from electronic records. Patients diagnosed with breast [...]
Efficacy and safety of tixagevimab/cilgavimab as passive immunisation against COVID-19 infections in patients with hematological malignancies
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
Efficacy and safety of tixagevimab/cilgavimab as passive immunisation against COVID-19 infections in patients with hematological malignancies
Reimann, Patrick ; Petzer, Verena ; Mündlein, Axel ; Hartmann, Bernd ; Severgnini, Luciano ; Winkler, Alex ; Lang, Theresia ; Huynh, Minh ; Gasser, Klaus ; Rüger, Julia ; Atzl, Michele ; Mink, Sylvia ; Fraunberger, Peter ; Schmidt, Stefan ; Steiner, Normann ; Griesmacher, Andrea ; Gunsilius, Eberhard ; Nachbaur, David ; Willenbacher, Wolfgang ; Wolf, Dominik ; Winder, Thomas ; Benda, Magdalena Anna
Monoclonal antibodies, as tixagevimab/cilgavimab, have been introduced as prophylaxis against COVID-19 infections in high-risk populations. However, data on efficacy are limited. This study investigates efficacy and tolerability of tixagevimab/cilgavimab in hematological patients under real-life conditions. Tixagevimab/cilgavimab was administered to 155 hematological patients (March-August 2022) at two Austrian centres. S/RBD-antibody assessments were performed before (T0), four weeks (T1), and [...]
The impact of SARS-Cov-2 Omicron infection on short-term outcomes after elective surgery in patients with gastrointestinal cancer
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19
The impact of SARS-Cov-2 Omicron infection on short-term outcomes after elective surgery in patients with gastrointestinal cancer
Zhang, Di ; Yang, Yao ; Hu, Ren-hao ; Cui, Xi-mao ; Ma, Chi-ye ; Yuan, Biao ; Yan, Dong-yi ; Du, Tao ; Song, Chun ; Jiang, Xiao-hua ; Zhang, Shun
With the emergence of novel variants, Omicron variant caused a different clinical picture than the previous variants and little evidence was reported regarding perioperative outcomes after Omicron variants. The aim of the study was to evaluate the postoperative outcomes of gastrointestinal cancer patients following Omicron variants infection and also to determine the timing of surgery after infection recovery. A total of 124 patients who underwent gastrointestinal cancer surgery with prior [...]
Menée à partir de données danoises portant sur 5 677 patients atteints d'un cancer hématologique diagnostiqué entre 2005 et 2020 (âge médian : 58 ans ; 1 826 cas de myélome multiple, 1 236 cas de leucémie myéloïde aiguë, 2 509 cas de lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B), cette étude analyse l'association entre le statut socioéconomique et la survie globale
Socioeconomic Status and Overall Survival Among Patients With Hematological Malignant Neoplasms
Menée à partir de données danoises portant sur 5 677 patients atteints d'un cancer hématologique diagnostiqué entre 2005 et 2020 (âge médian : 58 ans ; 1 826 cas de myélome multiple, 1 236 cas de leucémie myéloïde aiguë, 2 509 cas de lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B), cette étude analyse l'association entre le statut socioéconomique et la survie globale
Socioeconomic Status and Overall Survival Among Patients With Hematological Malignant Neoplasms
Nielsen, Lars Hernández ; Kristensen, Daniel Tuyet ; Jakobsen, Lasse Hjort ; Bøgsted, Martin ; Gregersen, Henrik ; Madsen, Jakob ; Severinsen, Marianne Tang ; Brøndum, Rasmus Froberg
Importance : In recent years, there has been a focus on reducing the socioeconomic gap in survival for hematological malignant neoplasms. Understanding recent developments is important to develop further intervention to improve care. Objective : To investigate the temporal trend in associations of socioeconomic status (SES) with survival among 3 aggressive hematological malignant neoplasms: multiple myeloma (MM), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Design, [...]
Menée en République Tchèque à partir de données portant sur 256 hommes atteints d'un cancer du sein diagnostiqué entre 2007 et 2017 (âge médian : 66 ans), cette étude rétrospective analyse les facteurs associés à la survie globale, à la survie sans récidive et à la mortalité spécifique
Treatment and Prognosis of Male Breast Cancer: A Multicentric, Retrospective Study Over 11 Years in the Czech Republic
Menée en République Tchèque à partir de données portant sur 256 hommes atteints d'un cancer du sein diagnostiqué entre 2007 et 2017 (âge médian : 66 ans), cette étude rétrospective analyse les facteurs associés à la survie globale, à la survie sans récidive et à la mortalité spécifique
Treatment and Prognosis of Male Breast Cancer: A Multicentric, Retrospective Study Over 11 Years in the Czech Republic
Bielcikova, Zuzana ; Holanek, Milos ; Selingerova, Iveta ; Sorejs, Ondrej ; Kolarova, Iveta ; Soumarova, Renata ; Proks, Jan ; Reifova, Lucie ; Cmejlova, Vlastimila ; Linkova, Lenka ; Zabojnikova, Michaela ; Chodacka, Martina ; Janovska, Lucie ; Lisnerova, Lenka ; Kasparova, Karolina ; Pohankova, Denisa ; Petruzelka, Lubos
Purpose: Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare, but increasingly common disease, and lacks prospective studies. Collaborative efforts are needed to understand and address MBC, including its prognosis, in different countries. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical, histopathological, and molecular-genetic characteristics, treatments, and survival outcomes of MBC diagnosed between 2007 and 2017 in the Czech Republic. Prognostic factors of overall survival (OS), recurrence-free interval [...]
Menée à partir des données 1990-2008 des registres américains des cancers portant sur 2 836 hommes atteints d'un cancer du sein HR+ de stade I à III (âge médian au diagnostic : 67 ans ; durée médiane de suivi : 15,41 ans), cette étude de cohorte identifie les facteurs associés au risque de décès spécifique
Mortality Risks Over 20 Years in Men With Stage I to III Hormone Receptor–Positive Breast Cancer
Menée à partir des données 1990-2008 des registres américains des cancers portant sur 2 836 hommes atteints d'un cancer du sein HR+ de stade I à III (âge médian au diagnostic : 67 ans ; durée médiane de suivi : 15,41 ans), cette étude de cohorte identifie les facteurs associés au risque de décès spécifique
Mortality Risks Over 20 Years in Men With Stage I to III Hormone Receptor–Positive Breast Cancer
Leone, Julieta ; Hassett, Michael J. ; Freedman, Rachel A. ; Tolaney, Sara M. ; Graham, Noah ; Tayob, Nabihah ; Vallejo, Carlos T. ; Winer, Eric P. ; Lin, Nancy U. ; Leone, Jose P.
Importance: In women with hormone receptor–positive (HR+) breast cancer, the risk of distant recurrence and death persists for at least 20 years from diagnosis. The risk of late mortality in men with HR+ breast cancer has not been reported. Objective : To report 20-year risks of breast cancer–specific mortality (BCSM) and non-BCSM in men with stage I to III HR+ breast cancer and identify factors associated with late BCSM. Design, Setting, and Participants: An observational cohort study was [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (1)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (64 articles), cette méta-analyse identifie les facteurs psychosociaux associés à la pratique d'une activité physique chez les patients ayant survécu à un cancer
Psychosocial correlates of physical activity in cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (64 articles), cette méta-analyse identifie les facteurs psychosociaux associés à la pratique d'une activité physique chez les patients ayant survécu à un cancer
Psychosocial correlates of physical activity in cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Rodrigues, Bruno ; Encantado, Jorge ; Franco, Sofia ; Silva, Marlene N. ; Carraça, Eliana V.
Background: Physical activity (PA) is a non-pharmacological approach to optimize health benefits in cancer survivors and is recommended as part of care. However, most cancer survivors fail to meet PA recommendations. The current systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to identify psychosocial correlates of free-living PA in cancer survivors. Methods: Three electronic databases were searched (PubMed, PsycINFO, and SportDiscus). Meta-analyses were conducted for psychosocial correlates tested [...]
Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins (1)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée jusqu'en juin 2023 (15 articles), cette étude analye le rapport coût-efficacité des immunothérapies pour traiter les patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon épidermoïde non à petites cellules de stade avancé
Cost-effectiveness of immunotherapies for advanced squamous non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée jusqu'en juin 2023 (15 articles), cette étude analye le rapport coût-efficacité des immunothérapies pour traiter les patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon épidermoïde non à petites cellules de stade avancé
Cost-effectiveness of immunotherapies for advanced squamous non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review
Cheng, Minyu ; Shao, Yanfei ; Li, Li ; Jiang, Menglao ; Song, Zhouye
Background: There are differences in the pharmacoeconomics of Immune checkpoint blocking (ICB) therapies for the treatment of lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). However, no corresponding review studies have fully discussed the cost-effectiveness of ICBs in treating LSCC. The aim of this paper is to systematically review and evaluate all available pharmacoeconomic studies of ICBs for LSCC. Method: The inclusion criteria were based on the population, intervention, comparator, outcomes, and [...]
Sensibilisation et communication (1)
Menée aux Pays-Bas auprès de 160 proches de patients décédés d'un cancer de stade avancé, cette étude multicentrique prospective analyse leur facilité à communiquer sur la maladie et la mort dans les 3 derniers mois de vie
Open communication between patients and relatives about illness & death in advanced cancer—results of the eQuiPe Study
Menée aux Pays-Bas auprès de 160 proches de patients décédés d'un cancer de stade avancé, cette étude multicentrique prospective analyse leur facilité à communiquer sur la maladie et la mort dans les 3 derniers mois de vie
Open communication between patients and relatives about illness & death in advanced cancer—results of the eQuiPe Study
Haaksman, Michelle ; Ham, Laurien ; Brom, Linda ; Baars, Arnold ; van Basten, Jean-Paul ; van den Borne, Ben E. E. M. ; Hendriks, Mathijs P. ; de Jong, Wouter K. ; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W. M. ; van Lindert, Anne S. R. ; Mandigers, Caroline M. P. W. ; van der Padt-Pruijsten, Annemieke ; Smilde, Tineke J. ; van Zuylen, Lia C. ; van Vliet, Liesbeth M. ; Raijmakers, Natasja J. H.
Objective: To assess the degree of openness of communication about illness and death between patients with advanced cancer and their relatives during the last three months of the patient’s life, and its association with relatives’ characteristics and bereavement distress. Methods: We used data from bereaved relatives of patients with advanced cancer from the prospective, longitudinal, multicenter, observational eQuipe study. Univariate and multivariable linear regression analyses were used to [...]