Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 497 du 10 août 2021
Qualité de vie, soins de support (4)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (36 études, 5 199 participants), cette étude analyse l'intérêt des interventions combinant psychothérapie comportementale et promotion d'un mode de vie sain pour améliorer l'état de santé des patients ayant survécu à un cancer
Effects of tandem cognitive behavioral therapy and healthy lifestyle interventions on health-related outcomes in cancer survivors: a systematic review
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (36 études, 5 199 participants), cette étude analyse l'intérêt des interventions combinant psychothérapie comportementale et promotion d'un mode de vie sain pour améliorer l'état de santé des patients ayant survécu à un cancer
Effects of tandem cognitive behavioral therapy and healthy lifestyle interventions on health-related outcomes in cancer survivors: a systematic review
Addison, Sarah ; Shirima, Damalie ; Aboagye-Mensah, Emmanuela B. ; Dunovan, Shanon G. ; Pascal, Esther Y. ; Lustberg, Maryam B. ; Arthur, Elizabeth K. ; Nolan, Timiya S.
Purpose : Healthy lifestyle (HL) behaviors and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) have been individually shown to improve adverse effects of cancer treatment. Little is known about how such programs in tandem affect health-related outcomes. This review evaluates extant literature on tandem CBT/HL interventions on health-related outcomes in cancer survivors. Methods : A comprehensive search of PubMed, PsychINFO, CINAHL, and Embase databases revealed numerous studies involving CBT and HL tandem [...]
Menée sur 106 patients atteints d'un myélome multiple recevant une greffe autologue de cellules souches, cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'un traitement combinant nétupitant et palonosétron sans dexaméthasone pour prévenir les nausées et vomissements induits par les hautes doses de melphalan
Netupitant/palonosetron without dexamethasone for preventing nausea and vomiting in patients with multiple myeloma receiving high-dose melphalan fo...
Menée sur 106 patients atteints d'un myélome multiple recevant une greffe autologue de cellules souches, cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'un traitement combinant nétupitant et palonosétron sans dexaméthasone pour prévenir les nausées et vomissements induits par les hautes doses de melphalan
Netupitant/palonosetron without dexamethasone for preventing nausea and vomiting in patients with multiple myeloma receiving high-dose melphalan for autologous stem cell transplantation: a single-center experience
Loteta, Barbara ; Paviglianiti, Annalisa ; Naso, Virginia ; Ferreri, Anna ; Moscato, Tiziana ; Console, Giuseppe ; Canale, Filippo Antonio ; Irrera, Giuseppe ; Pugliese, Marta ; Di Costanzo, Antonella ; Provenzano, Pasquale Fabio ; Loddo, Viviana ; Porto, Gaetana ; Cusumano, Giuseppa ; Russo, Letteria ; Meliambro, Nicola ; Romeo, Valentina ; Porcino, Domenico ; Gallo, Salvatore ; Gangemi, Tiziana ; Rossetti, Antonio Maria ; Martino, Massimo
Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is one of the most frequent adverse events compromising quality of life (QoL) in patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). However, CINV prophylaxis is still lacking uniformity for high-dose melphalan (HDM), which is used to condition patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Netupitant/palonosetron (NEPA) is administered with dexamethasone (DEXA) for CINV prevention in several chemotherapy regimens. Our study aims to assess the [...]
Menée au Danemark par enquête auprès de 571 patients ayant survécu à un cancer colorectal et stomisés, cette étude analyse l'association entre le traitement chirurgical (stomie) et la pratique d'une activité physique
Physical activity after colorectal cancer surgery—a cross sectional study of patients with a long-term stoma
Menée au Danemark par enquête auprès de 571 patients ayant survécu à un cancer colorectal et stomisés, cette étude analyse l'association entre le traitement chirurgical (stomie) et la pratique d'une activité physique
Physical activity after colorectal cancer surgery—a cross sectional study of patients with a long-term stoma
Krogsgaard, Marianne ; Andersen, Rune Martens ; Danielsen, Anne K. ; Thomsen, Thordis ; Klausen, Tobias Wirenfeldt ; Christensen, Bo Marcel ; Gögenur, Ismail ; Vinther, Anders
Purpose : Physical activity is recommended to cancer survivors by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is associated with improved survival after colorectal cancer. It remains unclear whether having a stoma is a barrier for an active lifestyle. We examined the level of physical activity and explored factors impacting physical activity in survivors with a stoma. Methods : A total of 1265 (65%) patients in the Danish Stoma Database completed a multidimensional survey. Physical activity of [...]
Mené en Corée sur 109 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein de stade I à III diagnostiqué entre 2014 et 2015, cet essai randomisé évalue l'effet, sur l'amélioration de leur image corporelle et de la qualité de leur vie sexuelle, d'un programme combinant prise en charge de l'apparence physique et contrôle psychique
Effect of mind and body education on quality of life among young breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial
Mené en Corée sur 109 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein de stade I à III diagnostiqué entre 2014 et 2015, cet essai randomisé évalue l'effet, sur l'amélioration de leur image corporelle et de la qualité de leur vie sexuelle, d'un programme combinant prise en charge de l'apparence physique et contrôle psychique
Effect of mind and body education on quality of life among young breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial
Kang, Danbee ; Lee, Jae Kyung ; Kim, Nayeon ; Kim, Sooyeon ; Lee, Se Kyung ; Lee, Jeong Eon ; Nam, Seok Jin ; Cho, Juhee
Purpose : This study aim was to evaluate efficacy of the combination with cosmetic and psychosocial education program on body image, sexual function, and emotional function among young-onset breast cancer (YBC). Methods : An unblended, randomized, controlled trial design was conducted in patients newly diagnosed with stage I–III breast cancer from 2014 to 2015. The intervention group received a structured education program including appearance management and mind control for 4 weeks. The [...]
Observation (5)
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and cancer therapy: a successful but mindful mix
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and cancer therapy: a successful but mindful mix
Anna Maria Di Giacomo, M.D. ; Gianluca Giacobini, Ph.D. ; Claudia Gandolfo, Ph.D. ; et al.
Cancer patients are commonly considered at higher risk to develop a worse course coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and to have increased mortality rates due to severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection . Thus, screening programs for COVID-19 and preventive vaccination programs against SARS-CoV-2 in frail subjects, have identified cancer patients amongst the earliest populations to be included , with the necessity of high adherence rates . However, the immunogenicity of [...]
Risk perception, treatment adherence, and personality during COVID-19 pandemic: An international study on cancer patients
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Risk perception, treatment adherence, and personality during COVID-19 pandemic: An international study on cancer patients
Cheli, Simone ; Lam, Wendy W. T. ; Estapé, Tania ; Winterling, Jeanette ; Bahcivan, Ozan ; Andritsch, Elisabeth ; Weis, Joachim ; Centeno, Isabel ; Serpentini, Samantha ; Farkas, Clemens ; Wengström, Yvonne ; Fioretto, Luisa ; Baider, Lea ; Lam, Cherry C. L. ; Goldzweig, Gil
Objective : To explore the role of personality traits in moderating the relation between COVID-19 risk perception and treatment adherence, and between risk perception and psychosocial distress in patients diagnosed with cancer. Methods : An online survey (n = 1281) was conducted worldwide in seven countries (Austria, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey). Inclusion criteria were to be 18 years of age or older, have received a cancer diagnosis, and be in treatment or follow-up. A [...]
Routine cancer screening rates rebound after deep drop from pandemic fear
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Routine cancer screening rates rebound after deep drop from pandemic fear
Fillon, Mike
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the goals of minimizing viral spread in health care settings and focusing health care resources on the care of infected patients led to nonurgent medical services, such as cancer screening tests, being temporarily suspended. As a result, the sheer number of cancer screening tests, such as colonoscopies and mammograms, dropped precipitously. Little was known about the size and duration of the decline, however, and whether it would affect postpandemic [...]
Cancer as a Global Health Priority
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Cancer as a Global Health Priority
Gopal, Satish ; Sharpless, Norman E.
Cancer imposes a profound burden on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where 65% of approximately 10 million global cancer deaths in 2020 occurred. Moreover, global cancer morbidity and mortality are increasing due to demographic and epidemiological transitions, with 16 million global cancer deaths projected in 2040, an estimated 69% of which will occur in LMICs. The lowest-income countries will experience the greatest proportional increases, with a projected near doubling of cancer [...]
Bamlivimab + etesevimab therapy induces SARS-COV-2 immune escape mutations and secondary clinical deterioration in Covid-19 patients with B cell ma...
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Bamlivimab + etesevimab therapy induces SARS-COV-2 immune escape mutations and secondary clinical deterioration in Covid-19 patients with B cell malignancies
Pommeret, F. ; Colomba, J. ; Bigenwald, C. ; Laparra, A. ; Bockel, S. ; Bayle, A. ; Michot, J. M. ; Hueso, T. ; Albiges, L. ; Tiberghien, P. ; Marot, S. ; Jary, A. ; Lacombe, K. ; F.Barlesi, ; Griscelli, F. ; Colomba, E.
Bamlivimab and etesevimab are IgG1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), that bind to SARS-Cov2 Spike receptor-binding domain. Treatment with bamlivimab 2800mg and etesevimab 2800mg has been shown to significantly reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral load at day 11 in mild to moderate COVID-19 patients (1). In the phase 3 part of the BLAZE-1 trial, the risk of Covid-related hospitalization or death was reduced by 70% in patients treated with this combination versus placebo (2). Subsequently, a temporary use [...]
Excess Mortality in a Nationwide Cohort of Cancer Patients during the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Belgium
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Excess Mortality in a Nationwide Cohort of Cancer Patients during the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Belgium
Silversmit, Geert ; Verdoodt, Freija ; Van Damme, Nancy ; De Schutter, Harlinde ; van Eycken, Liesbet
Background: Most studies investigating the impact of coronavirus infectious disease-19 (COVID-19) on mortality among patients with cancer were performed in a hospital setting, and the evidence is thus based on a selected and frail subset of patients. This study evaluates the excess mortality during the first wave of COVID-19 in a nationwide, prevalent cancer cohort in Belgium. Methods: Mortality was studied among almost 240,000 patients with cancer diagnosed between 2013 and 2018 and alive on [...]
Economic distress, financial toxicity, and medical cost-coping in young adult cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from an onlin...
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Economic distress, financial toxicity, and medical cost-coping in young adult cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from an online sample
Thom, Bridgette ; Benedict, Catherine ; Friedman, Danielle N. ; Watson, Samantha E. ; Zeitler, Michelle S. ; Chino, Fumiko
Background : Young adult (YA) cancer survivors are at risk for financial toxicity during and after cancer treatment. Financial toxicity has been associated with medical-related cost-coping behaviors such as skipping or delaying treatment. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in dire economic consequences that may worsen financial hardship among young survivors. Methods : This was a cross-sectional survey; data collection occurred online. A convenience sample was [...]
Menée à partir de données portant sur 5 217 patients atteints d'un cancer et recevant du paclitaxel ou du docétaxel, cette étude rétrospective analyse l'association entre la prescription de stéroïdes pour la prémédication et l'incidence des réactions d'hypersensibilité ainsi que leur sévérité
Do Steroids Matter? A Retrospective Review of Premedication for Taxane Chemotherapy and Hypersensitivity Reactions
Menée à partir de données portant sur 5 217 patients atteints d'un cancer et recevant du paclitaxel ou du docétaxel, cette étude rétrospective analyse l'association entre la prescription de stéroïdes pour la prémédication et l'incidence des réactions d'hypersensibilité ainsi que leur sévérité
Do Steroids Matter? A Retrospective Review of Premedication for Taxane Chemotherapy and Hypersensitivity Reactions
Olivia M. Lansinger ; Savanna Biedermann ; Zihuai He ; A. Dimitrios Colevas
PURPOSE : Despite the widespread use of the taxanes paclitaxel and docetaxel for a variety of cancers and their well-known association with hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs), there is still significant variation in the prescribing practices of steroids for premedication. Premedication almost always includes dexamethasone, which can be associated with multiple adverse effects if taken for extended periods of time. This study reviews the pattern of steroid premedication in patients who received [...]
Menée à partir de données portant sur 1 222 694 participantes, cette étude analyse l'évolution, sur la période 2000-2013, de l'incidence du cancer du poumon chez les femmes américaines d'origine asiatique, natives d'Hawaï et des îles du Pacifique (244 147 femmes, 3 297 cas de cancer)
Incidence of Lung Cancer Among Never-Smoking Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Females
Menée à partir de données portant sur 1 222 694 participantes, cette étude analyse l'évolution, sur la période 2000-2013, de l'incidence du cancer du poumon chez les femmes américaines d'origine asiatique, natives d'Hawaï et des îles du Pacifique (244 147 femmes, 3 297 cas de cancer)
Incidence of Lung Cancer Among Never-Smoking Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Females
DeRouen, Mindy C ; Canchola, Alison J ; Thompson, Caroline A ; Jin, Anqi ; Nie, Sixiang ; Wong, Carmen ; Lichtensztajn, Daphne ; Allen, Laura ; Patel, Manali I ; Daida, Yihe G ; Luft, Harold S ; Shariff-Marco, Salma ; Reynolds, Peggy ; Wakelee, Heather A ; Liang, Su-Ying ; Waitzfelder, Beth E ; Cheng, Iona ; Gomez, Scarlett L
Background : Although lung cancer incidence rates according to smoking status, sex, and detailed race/ethnicity have not been available, it is estimated that over half of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) females with lung cancer have never smoked. Methods : We calculated age-adjusted incidence rates for lung cancer according to smoking status and detailed race/ethnicity among females, focusing on AANHPI ethnic groups, and assessed relative incidence across [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis sur la période 2000-2015, cette étude analyse l'évolution de l'incidence du sarcome de Kaposi chez des personnes infectées par le VIH
Kaposi Sarcoma Incidence, Burden, and Prevalence in United States People with HIV, 2000–2015
Menée aux Etats-Unis sur la période 2000-2015, cette étude analyse l'évolution de l'incidence du sarcome de Kaposi chez des personnes infectées par le VIH
Kaposi Sarcoma Incidence, Burden, and Prevalence in United States People with HIV, 2000–2015
Peprah, Sally ; Engels, Eric A. ; Horner, Marie-Josephe ; Monterosso, Analise ; Hall, H. Irene ; Johnson, Anna Satcher ; Pfeiffer, Ruth M. ; Shiels, Meredith S.
Background: The introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has led to a significant reduction in Kaposi sarcoma (KS) incidence among people with HIV (PWH). However, it is unclear if incidence has declined similarly across key demographic and HIV transmission groups and the annual number of incident and prevalent KS cases remains unquantified. Methods: Using population-based registry linkage data, we evaluated temporal trends in KS incidence using adjusted Poisson regression. [...]
Menée à partir des données GLOBOCAN 2018, cette étude présente une estimation, pour les 15 prochaines années, de l'incidence mondiale du cancer du col de l'utérus et de la mortalité associée
Worldwide trends in cervical cancer incidence and mortality, with predictions for the next 15 years
Menée à partir des données GLOBOCAN 2018, cette étude présente une estimation, pour les 15 prochaines années, de l'incidence mondiale du cancer du col de l'utérus et de la mortalité associée
Worldwide trends in cervical cancer incidence and mortality, with predictions for the next 15 years
Lin, Shujuan ; Gao, Kai ; Gu, Simeng ; You, Liuqing ; Qian, Sangni ; Tang, Mengling ; Wang, Jianbing ; Chen, Kun ; Jin, Mingjuan
Background : Cervical cancer is 1 of the most common cancers in females worldwide. Understanding the most recent global patterns and temporal trends of cervical cancer burden might be helpful for its prevention and control. Methods : Data on cervical cancer (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, code C53) incidence and mortality in 2018 were extracted from the GLOBOCAN 2018 database and further analyzed for their correlations with the Human Development Index. Temporal trends [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (1)
Menée aux Pays-Bas par entretiens auprès de 10 patients atteints d'un mésothéliome et de 5 aidants, cette étude qualitative analyse leurs besoins en soins psychosociaux
The psychosocial impact of living with mesothelioma: Experiences and needs of patients and their carers regarding supportive care
Menée aux Pays-Bas par entretiens auprès de 10 patients atteints d'un mésothéliome et de 5 aidants, cette étude qualitative analyse leurs besoins en soins psychosociaux
The psychosocial impact of living with mesothelioma: Experiences and needs of patients and their carers regarding supportive care
Prusak, Agata ; Van der Zwan, Jan Maarten ; Aarts, Mieke J. ; Arber, Anne ; Cornelissen, Robin ; Burgers, Sjaak ; Duijts, Saskia F. A.
Objective : Mesothelioma is a rare cancer with a poor prognosis caused by exposure to asbestos. Psychosocial support and care for mesothelioma patients and their carers is limited and not tailored to their specific needs. The aim of this study was to explore patients' and carers' needs and experiences regarding psychosocial support and their coping mechanisms dealing with psychosocial problems. Methods : A qualitative study was performed using semi-structured interviews with both mesothelioma [...]
Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins (1)
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude transversale rétrospective analyse les disparités, selon le type d'hôpital, dans les dépenses liées aux soins de santé et dans l'utilisation des traitements chirugicaux chez les patients atteints d'un cancer et bénéficiant d'une assurance médicale privée
Differences in Cancer Care Expenditures and Utilization for Surgery by Hospital Type Among Patients With Private Insurance
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude transversale rétrospective analyse les disparités, selon le type d'hôpital, dans les dépenses liées aux soins de santé et dans l'utilisation des traitements chirugicaux chez les patients atteints d'un cancer et bénéficiant d'une assurance médicale privée
Differences in Cancer Care Expenditures and Utilization for Surgery by Hospital Type Among Patients With Private Insurance
Takvorian, Samuel U. ; Yasaitis, Laura ; Liu, Manqing ; Lee, Daniel J. ; Werner, Rachel M. ; Bekelman, Justin E.
With rising expenditures on cancer care outpacing other sectors of the US health system, national attention has focused on insurer spending, particularly for patients with private insurance, for whom price transparency has historically been lacking. The type of hospital at which cancer care is delivered may be an important factor associated with insurer spending for patients with private insurance.To examine differences in spending and utilization for patients with private insurance undergoing [...]
Sensibilisation et communication (2)
Cette étude analyse la pertinence de l'information sur YouTube concernant la réadaptation des patients ayant survécu à un cancer (200 vidéos)
Is YouTube a high-quality source of information on cancer rehabilitation ?
Cette étude analyse la pertinence de l'information sur YouTube concernant la réadaptation des patients ayant survécu à un cancer (200 vidéos)
Is YouTube a high-quality source of information on cancer rehabilitation ?
Bahar-Ozdemir, Yeliz ; Ozsoy-Unubol, Tugba ; Akyuz, Gulseren
Background : Searching for information on the Internet, especially YouTubeTM, is gaining popularity for cancer survivors. Based on the topic of online health information, the importance of studies using YouTube data for various cancer types and treatment methods has increased. This study aims to investigate the quality, reliability, and accuracy of YouTube videos on cancer rehabilitation (CR). Methods : YouTube search was performed on February 26th, 2021, with two keyword sets: “cancer [...]
Cet article présente différentes approches pour améliorer la communication sur le cancer dans les prochaines décennies
Multiple approaches to enhancing cancer communication in the next decade: translating research into practice and policy
Cet article présente différentes approches pour améliorer la communication sur le cancer dans les prochaines décennies
Multiple approaches to enhancing cancer communication in the next decade: translating research into practice and policy
Conley, Claire C ; Otto, Amy K ; McDonnell, Glynnis A ; Tercyak, Kenneth P
Communicating risk and other health information in a clear, understandable, and actionable manner is critical for the prevention and control of cancer, as well as the care of affected individuals and their family members. However, the swift pace of development in communication technologies has dramatically changed the health communication landscape. This digital era presents new opportunities and challenges for cancer communication research and its impact on practice and policy. In this [...]
Soins palliatifs (1)
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de l'analyse des enregistrements des conversations entre l'oncologue, l'enfant atteint d'un cancer de stade avancé et les familles (17 dyades enfant-parents), cette étude analyse la communication relative aux soins palliatifs
Communication around palliative care principles and advance care planning between oncologists, children with advancing cancer and families
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de l'analyse des enregistrements des conversations entre l'oncologue, l'enfant atteint d'un cancer de stade avancé et les familles (17 dyades enfant-parents), cette étude analyse la communication relative aux soins palliatifs
Communication around palliative care principles and advance care planning between oncologists, children with advancing cancer and families
Kaye, Erica C. ; Woods, Cameka ; Kennedy, Kendall ; Velrajan, Srilakshmi ; Gattas, Melanie ; Bilbeisi, Tharwa ; Huber, Rachel ; Lemmon, Monica E. ; Baker, Justin N. ; Mack, Jennifer W.
Background : In medical oncology, palliative care principles and advance care planning are often discussed later in illness, limiting time for conversations to guide goal-concordant care. In pediatric oncology, the frequency, timing and content of communication about palliative care principles and advance care planning remains understudied. Methods : We audio-recorded serial disease re-evaluation conversations between oncologists, children with advancing cancer and their families across the [...]