Integrating cancer into crisis: a global vision for action from WHO and partners

Cet article met en évidence les défis liés à l'administration de soins anticancéreux dans les environnements vulnérables et touchés par des conflits puis propose une feuille de route pour répondre aux besoins immédiats et à long terme des patients qui vivent dans ces environnements

The Lancet Oncology, sous presse, 2024, résumé

Résumé en anglais

More than a billion people live in fragile, conflict-affected, and vulnerable settings requiring humanitarian support, where cancer is a substantial health issue. Despite its substantial effect on populations, cancer care remains underprioritised in emergency preparedness and response frameworks and humanitarian operational planning. This Policy Review summarises the perspectives and actionable recommendations from the First Global High-Level Technical Meeting on Non-communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings, with a focus on cancer. The paper highlights the challenges of providing cancer care in fragile, conflict-affected, and vulnerable settings and proposes a comprehensive roadmap to address both immediate and long-term needs of patients with cancer living in these settings. Key solutions include: integrating the cancer care continuum into national preparedness and response plans to enhance health-care system resilience; integrating cancer into humanitarian responses efforts; addressing the specific needs of paediatric patients with cancer; improving cancer intelligence and surveillance systems; and developing strategies to navigate the logistical and financial challenges of providing cancer care during crises. Additionally, the paper outlines practical actions and next steps for international cooperation needed to drive a shift in global health priorities and elevate cancer in the global health security agenda. We hope the presented notions will help prevent millions of avoidable deaths among people with cancer.