Preservation of Neurocognition after Proton Beam Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Tumors: First Results from REGI-MA-002015

Menée sur la période 2017-2021 auprès de 23 patients adultes présentant une tumeur intracrânienne, cette étude évalue, un an après une protonthérapie, le niveau de préservation des fonctions cognitives

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, sous presse, 2022, article en libre accès

Résumé en anglais

Purpose: Proton beam radiation therapy reduces dose to healthy brain tissue and thereby decreases the risk of treatment-related decline in neurocognition. Considering the paucity of prospective data, this study aimed to evaluate neurocognitive performance in an adult patient population with intracranial tumors.

Methods and Materials: Between 2017 and 2021, patients enrolled in the MedAustron registry study and irradiated for intracranial tumors were eligible for neurocognitive assessment. Patients with available 1-year follow-up data were included in the analysis. The test battery consisted of a variety of standardized tests commonly used in European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer trials. Scores were transformed into z scores to account for demographic effects, and clinically relevant change was defined as a change of ≥1.5 standard deviations. Binary logistic regression analysis and the