Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 267 du 19 mars 2015
Comportements individuels (2)
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 1 217 étudiants fumeurs de cigarettes et inclus dans un essai randomisé évaluant différents programmes de sevrage tabagique, cette étude identifie les facteurs socio-démographiques ou comportementaux associés à l'utilisation du narguilé, puis évalue l'effet de cette utilisation sur les taux d'abstinence tabagique à 1, 4 et 6 mois
Abstinence rates among college cigarette smokers enrolled in a randomized clinical trial evaluating Quit and Win contests: The impact of concurrent...
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 1 217 étudiants fumeurs de cigarettes et inclus dans un essai randomisé évaluant différents programmes de sevrage tabagique, cette étude identifie les facteurs socio-démographiques ou comportementaux associés à l'utilisation du narguilé, puis évalue l'effet de cette utilisation sur les taux d'abstinence tabagique à 1, 4 et 6 mois
Abstinence rates among college cigarette smokers enrolled in a randomized clinical trial evaluating Quit and Win contests: The impact of concurrent hookah use
Thomas, J. L. ; Bengtson, J. E. ; Wang, Q. ; Luo, X. ; Marigi, Erick ; Ghidei, Winta ; Ahluwalia, J. S.
Objective : To examine baseline characteristics and biochemically verified 1-, 4-, and 6-month tobacco quit rates among college students enrolled in a Quit and Win cessation trial, comparing those who concurrently smoke both hookah and cigarettes with those who deny hookah use. Methods : Analyses were conducted on data from 1217 college students enrolled in a Quit and Win tobacco cessation randomized clinical trial from 2010–2012. Multivariable logistic regression (MLR) analyses examined group [...]
Menée en Allemagne à partir de questionnaires auprès de 2 693 adolescents (âge moyen : 12,5 ans), cette étude identifie les facteurs de risque associés à l'utilisation de la cigarette électronique et/ou de la cigarette conventionnelle
Risk factors for e-cigarette, conventional cigarette, and dual use in German adolescents: A cohort study
Menée en Allemagne à partir de questionnaires auprès de 2 693 adolescents (âge moyen : 12,5 ans), cette étude identifie les facteurs de risque associés à l'utilisation de la cigarette électronique et/ou de la cigarette conventionnelle
Risk factors for e-cigarette, conventional cigarette, and dual use in German adolescents: A cohort study
Hanewinkel, Reiner ; Isensee, Barbara
Objective : Little is known about risk factors that are associated with e-cigarette use in adolescents. Methods : Multilevel mixed-effects regressions were performed to assess the relationship between factors that might be associated with e-cigarette, conventional cigarette and dual use in a cohort of 2,693 German adolescents (mean age=12.5 years; SD=0.6). Risk factors were assessed in October 2010 and life time e-cigarette and conventional cigarette use were assessed 26 months later. Results : [...]
Nutrition et prévention (3)
Menée au Japon auprès de 90 914 participants âgés de 40 à 69 ans (durée moyenne de suivie : 18,7 ans), cette étude évalue l'association entre la consommation de café et la mortalité toutes causes confondues ou le risque de décès par cancer, maladie cérébrovasculaire, respiratoire ou cardiaque
Association of coffee intake with total and cause-specific mortality in a Japanese population: the Japan Public Health Center–based Prospective Study
Menée au Japon auprès de 90 914 participants âgés de 40 à 69 ans (durée moyenne de suivie : 18,7 ans), cette étude évalue l'association entre la consommation de café et la mortalité toutes causes confondues ou le risque de décès par cancer, maladie cérébrovasculaire, respiratoire ou cardiaque
Association of coffee intake with total and cause-specific mortality in a Japanese population: the Japan Public Health Center–based Prospective Study
Saito, Eiko ; Inoue, Manami ; Sawada, Norie ; Shimazu, Taichi ; Yamaji, Taiki ; Iwasaki, Motoki ; Sasazuki, Shizuka ; Noda, Mitsuhiko ; Iso, Hiroyasu ; Tsugane, Shoichiro
Background : Despite the rising consumption of coffee worldwide, few prospective cohort studies assessed the association of coffee intake with mortality including total and major causes of death. Objective : We aimed to investigate the association between habitual coffee drinking and mortality from all causes, cancer, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, injuries, and other causes of death in a large-scale, population-based cohort study in Japan. Design : We studied [...]
Menée à l'aide de questionnaires et à partir d'échantillons sériques prélevés sur 251 patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal et sur 247 témoins, cette étude identifie des métabolites liés à la consommation de café, puis évalue l'association entre leurs niveaux sériques et le risque de cancer colorectal
Serum biomarkers of habitual coffee consumption may provide insight into the mechanism underlying the association between coffee consumption and co...
Menée à l'aide de questionnaires et à partir d'échantillons sériques prélevés sur 251 patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal et sur 247 témoins, cette étude identifie des métabolites liés à la consommation de café, puis évalue l'association entre leurs niveaux sériques et le risque de cancer colorectal
Serum biomarkers of habitual coffee consumption may provide insight into the mechanism underlying the association between coffee consumption and colorectal cancer
Guertin, Kristin A ; Loftfield, Erikka ; Boca, Simina M ; Sampson, Joshua N ; Moore, Steven C ; Xiao, Qian ; Huang, Wen-Yi ; Xiong, Xiaoqin ; Freedman, Neal D ; Cross, Amanda J ; Sinha, Rashmi
Background : Coffee intake may be inversely associated with colorectal cancer; however, previous studies have been inconsistent. Serum coffee metabolites are integrated exposure measures that may clarify associations with cancer and elucidate underlying mechanisms. Objectives : Our aims were 2-fold as follows: 1) to identify serum metabolites associated with coffee intake and 2) to examine these metabolites in relation to colorectal cancer. Design : In a nested case-control study of 251 [...]
Menée à partir de questionnaires auprès de 44 296 femmes âgées de 29 à 49 ans en 1991 ou 1992 (durée médiane de suivi : 20 ans), cette étude évalue l'association entre le niveau d'adhésion à un régime alimentaire de type nordique, mesuré par un système de score, et le risque de cancer du sein (1 464 cas)
Adherence to a healthy Nordic food index and breast cancer risk: results from a Swedish cohort study
Menée à partir de questionnaires auprès de 44 296 femmes âgées de 29 à 49 ans en 1991 ou 1992 (durée médiane de suivi : 20 ans), cette étude évalue l'association entre le niveau d'adhésion à un régime alimentaire de type nordique, mesuré par un système de score, et le risque de cancer du sein (1 464 cas)
Adherence to a healthy Nordic food index and breast cancer risk: results from a Swedish cohort study
Li, Yingjun ; Roswall, Nina ; Sandin, Sven ; Ström, Peter ; Adami, Hans-Olov ; Weiderpass, Elisabete
Background : A healthy Nordic dietary pattern has shown beneficial effects in relation to several chronic diseases. However, no study has evaluated the association between a healthy Nordic food index (HNFI) and risk of breast cancer. Methods : We conducted a prospective cohort study including 44,296 women, aged 29–49 at baseline in 1991–1992, who completed a food frequency questionnaire at baseline, and have been followed up ever since, through the Swedish Cancer Registry and Cause of Death [...]
Chimioprévention (1)
Menée à partir des données de 5 études cas-témoins et de 5 études de cohorte ayant débuté entre 1976 et 2003 aux Etats-Unis, au Canada, en Australie ou en Allemagne et incluant au total 8 634 patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal et 8 553 témoins, cette étude évalue, en fonction de la présence ou non de variants génétiques, l'association entre l'utilisation régulière d'aspirine ou d'autres anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens et le risque de développer la maladie
Aspirin and NSAID chemoprevention, gene-environment interactions, and risk of colorectal cancer
Menée à partir des données de 5 études cas-témoins et de 5 études de cohorte ayant débuté entre 1976 et 2003 aux Etats-Unis, au Canada, en Australie ou en Allemagne et incluant au total 8 634 patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal et 8 553 témoins, cette étude évalue, en fonction de la présence ou non de variants génétiques, l'association entre l'utilisation régulière d'aspirine ou d'autres anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens et le risque de développer la maladie
Aspirin and NSAID chemoprevention, gene-environment interactions, and risk of colorectal cancer
Wender, R. C.
In this issue of JAMA, Nan and colleagues1 report the results of a gene-environment interaction study examining an interaction between a genetic polymorphism and the regular use of aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) and the association with risk of colorectal cancer. This case-control study is scientifically noteworthy for 4 distinct reasons. First, the study advances understanding of how to conduct research designed to detect gene-environment interactions. Second, [...]
Association of aspirin and NSAID use with risk of colorectal cancer according to genetic variants
Menée à partir des données de 5 études cas-témoins et de 5 études de cohorte ayant débuté entre 1976 et 2003 aux Etats-Unis, au Canada, en Australie ou en Allemagne et incluant au total 8 634 patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal et 8 553 témoins, cette étude évalue, en fonction de la présence ou non de variants génétiques, l'association entre l'utilisation régulière d'aspirine ou d'autres anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens et le risque de développer la maladie
Association of aspirin and NSAID use with risk of colorectal cancer according to genetic variants
Nan, H. ; Hutter, C. M. ; Lin, Y. ; et al.,
Importance : Use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer. Objective : To identify common genetic markers that may confer differential benefit from aspirin or NSAID chemoprevention, we tested gene × environment interactions between regular use of aspirin and/or NSAIDs and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in relation to risk of colorectal cancer. Design, Setting, and Participants : Case-control study using data [...]
Vaccins (1)
Menée à partir de questionnaires auprès de 1 372 femmes ayant au moins 1 enfant âgé de 9 à 17 ans, cette étude américaine évalue l'association entre la communication mère-enfant en matière de sexualité et la vaccination contre le papillomavirus humain chez l'enfant
Association between mother-child sexual communication and HPV vaccine uptake
Menée à partir de questionnaires auprès de 1 372 femmes ayant au moins 1 enfant âgé de 9 à 17 ans, cette étude américaine évalue l'association entre la communication mère-enfant en matière de sexualité et la vaccination contre le papillomavirus humain chez l'enfant
Association between mother-child sexual communication and HPV vaccine uptake
Gross, Tyra T. ; Laz, Tabassum H. ; Rahman, Mahbubur ; Berenson, Abbey B.
Objective : To examine the association between mother-child communication about sex, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and contraception/condoms and HPV vaccine uptake by gender. Methods : Women (n=1372) with ≥ 1 child aged 9–17 years receiving care in reproductive health clinics in Southeast Texas were asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire between September 2011 and October 2013. Results : The majority of mothers with ≥ 1 eligible daughter (n = 886) reported having talked [...]
Politiques et programmes de prévention (2)
Cet article passe en revue les avantages et les inconvénients des principaux cadres réglementaires existants (réglementation des produits de consommation générale, des dispositifs médicaux ou des produits du tabac) pour la vente des cigarettes électroniques
What to consider when regulating electronic cigarettes : pros, cons and unintended consequences
Cet article passe en revue les avantages et les inconvénients des principaux cadres réglementaires existants (réglementation des produits de consommation générale, des dispositifs médicaux ou des produits du tabac) pour la vente des cigarettes électroniques
What to consider when regulating electronic cigarettes : pros, cons and unintended consequences
Caponnetto, Pasquale ; Saitta, Daniela ; Sweanor, David ; Polosa, Riccardo
Many public health experts, medical research societies, large health organizations and policy makers have expressed concerns about the increased popularity of electronic cigarettes and have pushed for more restrictive measures ranging from complete bans to tight regulations of these products either as medicines or as tobacco products. But these concerns have never been adequately qualified nor quantified. Without judicious assessment and thorough evaluation, regulations may have unintended [...]
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement tabagique des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Personal pack display and active smoking at outdoor café strips: assessing the impact of plain packaging 1 year postimplementation
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement tabagique des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Personal pack display and active smoking at outdoor café strips: assessing the impact of plain packaging 1 year postimplementation
Zacher, Meghan ; Bayly, Megan ; Brennan, Emily ; Dono, Joanne ; Miller, Caroline ; Durkin, Sarah ; Scollo, Michelle ; Wakefield, Melanie
Aims We observed tobacco pack display and smoking at outdoor venues over three summers to assess changes in their prevalence following Australia's introduction of plain tobacco packaging with larger pictorial health warnings.Methods Between January and April 2012 (preplain packaging (PP)), 2013 (early post-PP) and 2014 (1 year post-PP), we counted patrons, smokers and tobacco packs at cafés, restaurants and bars with outdoor seating. Pack type (branded, plain or unknown) and orientation were [...]
Has the introduction of plain packaging with larger graphic health warnings changed adolescents’ perceptions of cigarette packs and brands?
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Has the introduction of plain packaging with larger graphic health warnings changed adolescents’ perceptions of cigarette packs and brands?
White, Victoria ; Williams, Tahlia ; Wakefield, Melanie
Objective To examine the impact of plain packaging of cigarettes with enhanced graphic health warnings on adolescents’ perceptions of pack image and perceived brand differences.Methods Cross-sectional school-based surveys conducted in 2011 (prior to introduction of new cigarette packaging) and in 2013 (7–12 months afterwards). Students aged 12–17 years (2011 n=6338; 2013 n=5915) indicated whether they had seen a cigarette pack in previous 6 months. Students rated the character of four popular [...]
Do larger graphic health warnings on standardised cigarette packs increase adolescents’ cognitive processing of consumer health information and bel...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Do larger graphic health warnings on standardised cigarette packs increase adolescents’ cognitive processing of consumer health information and beliefs about smoking-related harms?
White, Victoria ; Williams, Tahlia ; Faulkner, Agatha ; Wakefield, Melanie
Objective To examine the impact of plain packaging of cigarettes with enhanced graphic health warnings on Australian adolescents’ cognitive processing of warnings and awareness of different health consequences of smoking.Methods Cross-sectional school-based surveys conducted in 2011 (prior to introduction of standardised packaging, n=6338) and 2013 (7–12 months afterwards, n=5915). Students indicated frequency of attending to, reading, thinking or talking about warnings. Students viewed a list [...]
Australian adult smokers’ responses to plain packaging with larger graphic health warnings 1 year after implementation: results from a national cro...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Australian adult smokers’ responses to plain packaging with larger graphic health warnings 1 year after implementation: results from a national cross-sectional tracking survey
Wakefield, Melanie ; Coomber, Kerri ; Zacher, Meghan ; Durkin, Sarah ; Brennan, Emily ; Scollo, Michelle
Background We assessed whether the Australian plain packs with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) achieved three specific objectives of reducing the appeal of tobacco, increasing health warning effectiveness and reducing the ability of packaging to mislead about smoking harms.Methods We compared responses from continuous cross-sectional telephone surveys of n=2176 cigarette smokers during pre-plain packaging (April–September 2012, pre-PP) with n=759 surveyed in the transition period [...]
Use of illicit tobacco following introduction of standardised packaging of tobacco products in Australia: results from a national cross-sectional s...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Use of illicit tobacco following introduction of standardised packaging of tobacco products in Australia: results from a national cross-sectional survey
Scollo, Michelle ; Zacher, Meghan ; Coomber, Kerri ; Wakefield, Melanie
Objectives To assess whether following standardisation of tobacco packaging in Australia, smokers were, as predicted by the tobacco industry, more likely to use illicit tobacco.Methods National cross-sectional telephone surveys conducted continuously from April 2012 (6 months before implementation of plain packaging (PP)) to March 2014 (15 months after) using responses from current cigarette smokers (n=8679). Changes between pre-PP, the transition to PP and PP phase were examined using logistic [...]
Changes in use of types of tobacco products by pack sizes and price segments, prices paid and consumption following the introduction of plain packa...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Changes in use of types of tobacco products by pack sizes and price segments, prices paid and consumption following the introduction of plain packaging in Australia
Scollo, Michelle ; Zacher, Meghan ; Coomber, Kerri ; Bayly, Megan ; Wakefield, Melanie
Objectives To describe changes among smokers in use of various types of tobacco products, reported prices paid and cigarette consumption following the standardisation of tobacco packaging in Australia.Methods National cross-sectional telephone surveys of adult smokers were conducted from April 2012 (6 months before transition to plain packaging (PP)) to March 2014 (15 months afterwards). Multivariable logistic regression assessed changes in products, brands and pack types/sizes; multivariable [...]
Did the recommended retail price of tobacco products fall in Australia following the implementation of plain packaging?
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement tabagique des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Did the recommended retail price of tobacco products fall in Australia following the implementation of plain packaging?
Scollo, Michelle ; Bayly, Megan ; Wakefield, Melanie
Objectives This study aimed to assess the extent of any fall in recommended retail prices (RRPs) of tobacco products sold in Australia following the 2012 implementation of plain packaging.Methods RRPs published in price lists by the New South Wales Retail Tobacco Traders Association covering the months of November 2011, November 2012 and November 2013 were recorded for all listed brands and pack sizes. Average prices per stick were computed in 2013 dollars for cigarette brands in each of 10 [...]
The advertised price of cigarette packs in retail outlets across Australia before and after the implementation of plain packaging: a repeated measu...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
The advertised price of cigarette packs in retail outlets across Australia before and after the implementation of plain packaging: a repeated measures observational study
Scollo, Michelle ; Bayly, Megan ; Wakefield, Melanie
Objective This study monitored the advertised price of the most prominently promoted and the cheapest single packs of cigarettes in Australian retail outlets before and after the implementation of plain packaging.Methods A panel of 421 outlets in four large Australian cities was visited monthly from May 2012 to August 2013 and the brand, pack size and price of the most-prominently listed and lowest-priced single cigarette pack were recorded from each store's tobacco price board. Changes in the [...]
“You're made to feel like a dirty filthy smoker when you're not, cigar smoking is another thing all together.” Responses of Australian cigar and ci...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
“You're made to feel like a dirty filthy smoker when you're not, cigar smoking is another thing all together.” Responses of Australian cigar and cigarillo smokers to plain packaging
Miller, Caroline L ; Ettridge, Kerry A ; Wakefield, Melanie A
Objective To explore experiences of cigar and cigarillo smokers under Australian laws requiring plain packaging (PP) and strengthened graphic health warnings (GHWs).Methods In February/March 2014, we conducted: in-depth interviews with 10 regular premium cigar smokers; two focus groups with occasional premium cigar and premium cigarillo smokers (n=14); four focus groups with non-premium cigarillo smokers (n=28); and a national online survey of cigar and/or cigarillo smokers (n=268).Results [...]
Short-term changes in quitting-related cognitions and behaviours after the implementation of plain packaging with larger health warnings: findings...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Short-term changes in quitting-related cognitions and behaviours after the implementation of plain packaging with larger health warnings: findings from a national cohort study with Australian adult smokers
Durkin, Sarah ; Brennan, Emily ; Coomber, Kerri ; Zacher, Meghan ; Scollo, Michelle ; Wakefield, Melanie
Background Plain packaging (PP) with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) was implemented in Australia in late 2012. This study examined effects of these packaging changes on short-term changes in quitting-related cognitions and behaviours.Methods We used a series of cohorts of Australian adult cigarette smokers originally sourced from a nationally representative cross-sectional tracking survey, followed up approximately 1 month after their baseline interview (n(weighted)=5441). Logistic [...]
Are quitting-related cognitions and behaviours predicted by proximal responses to plain packaging with larger health warnings? Findings from a nati...
Menées en Australie, ces études évaluent les effets, sur le comportement des fumeurs et sur la vente des produits du tabac, de l'introduction des paquets neutres comportant des avertissements sanitaires graphiques
Are quitting-related cognitions and behaviours predicted by proximal responses to plain packaging with larger health warnings? Findings from a national cohort study with Australian adult smokers
Brennan, Emily ; Durkin, Sarah ; Coomber, Kerri ; Zacher, Meghan ; Scollo, Michelle ; Wakefield, Melanie
Background Implementation of tobacco plain packaging (PP) with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) in Australia had positive effects on responses reflecting the specific objectives of the PP policy and on follow-up quitting-related cognitions and behaviours. The aim of this study was to examine predictive relationships between these proximal and distal outcomes.Methods A nationally representative sample of Australian adult cigarette smokers completed a baseline survey and a 1-month follow-up [...]
Ressources et infrastructures (Prévention) (2)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (39 essais, 10 761 participants), cette méta-analyse évalue les événements neuropsychiatriques indésirables associés à l'utilisation de la varénicline
Risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with varenicline: systematic review and meta-analysis
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (39 essais, 10 761 participants), cette méta-analyse évalue les événements neuropsychiatriques indésirables associés à l'utilisation de la varénicline
Risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with varenicline: systematic review and meta-analysis
Thomas, Kyla H ; Martin, Richard M ; Knipe, Duleeka W ; Higgins, Julian P T ; Gunnell, David
Objective : To determine the risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with use of varenicline compared with placebo in randomised controlled trials. Design : Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing study effects using two summary estimates in fixed effects models, risk differences, and Peto odds ratios. Data : sources Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Eligibility criteria for selecting studies : [...]
Menée à partir des données de quatre études précédemment réalisées et à partir des données portant sur 822 femmes porteuses d'une mutation du gène BRCA1ou BRCA2 (durée médiane de suivi : 3,2 ans), cette étude réévalue, en limitant les biais méthodologiques, le risque de cancer du sein après une salpingo-ovariectomie prophylactique
Breast Cancer Risk After Salpingo-Oophorectomy in Healthy BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers: Revisiting the Evidence for Risk Reduction
Menée à partir des données de quatre études précédemment réalisées et à partir des données portant sur 822 femmes porteuses d'une mutation du gène BRCA1ou BRCA2 (durée médiane de suivi : 3,2 ans), cette étude réévalue, en limitant les biais méthodologiques, le risque de cancer du sein après une salpingo-ovariectomie prophylactique
Breast Cancer Risk After Salpingo-Oophorectomy in Healthy BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers: Revisiting the Evidence for Risk Reduction
Heemskerk-Gerritsen, B. A. M. ; Seynaeve, C. ; van Asperen, C. J. ; Ausems, M. G. E. M. ; Collée, J. M. ; van Doorn, H. C. ; Gomez Garcia, E. B. ; Kets, C. M. ; van Leeuwen, F. E. ; Meijers-Heijboer, H. E. J. ; Mourits, M. J. E. ; van Os, T. A. M. ; Vasen, H. F. A. ; Verhoef, S. ; Rookus, M. A. ; Hooning, M. J. ; for the Hereditary Breast ; Ovarian Cancer Research Group Netherlands
Background : Previous studies have reported a breast cancer (BC) risk reduction of approximately 50% after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, but may have been subject to several types of bias. The purpose of this nationwide cohort study was to assess potential bias in the estimated BC risk reduction after RRSO. Methods : We selected BRCA1/2 mutation carriers from an ongoing nationwide cohort study on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer in the Netherlands [...]