Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 161 du 27 novembre 2012
Qualité de vie, soins de support (1)
Menée auprès de 33 patients atteints d'un cancer gynécologique ou gastro-intestinal, cette étude britannique analyse leurs besoins en termes de services de réadaptation après leur traitement
Finding a new normal: a grounded theory study of rehabilitation after treatment for upper gastrointestinal or gynaecological cancers – the patient'...
Menée auprès de 33 patients atteints d'un cancer gynécologique ou gastro-intestinal, cette étude britannique analyse leurs besoins en termes de services de réadaptation après leur traitement
Finding a new normal: a grounded theory study of rehabilitation after treatment for upper gastrointestinal or gynaecological cancers – the patient's perspective
Sandsund, C. ; Pattison, N. ; Doyle, N. ; Shaw, C.
This paper reports on a study of perspectives of rehabilitation needs by 33 people treated for upper gastrointestinal and gynaecological cancers. This study used focus groups informed by grounded theory and involved adult participants who had completed radical treatment at a UK cancer centre. Patients were involved in the design. Findings indicate that these patients are likely to have ongoing rehabilitation needs and that there was poor awareness of possible treatment of symptoms and of [...]
Observation (7)
Menée en Angleterre à partir des données du registre national des cancers, cette étude évalue l'évolution de l'incidence du cancer primitif du foie ainsi que les disparités de survie parmi différents groupes ethniques, sur la période 2001-2007
Primary liver cancer incidence and survival in ethnic groups in England, 2001–2007
Menée en Angleterre à partir des données du registre national des cancers, cette étude évalue l'évolution de l'incidence du cancer primitif du foie ainsi que les disparités de survie parmi différents groupes ethniques, sur la période 2001-2007
Primary liver cancer incidence and survival in ethnic groups in England, 2001–2007
Jack, Ruth H. ; Konfortion, Julie ; Coupland, Victoria H. ; Kocher, Hemant M. ; Berry, David P. ; Allum, William ; Linklater, Karen M. ; Møller, Henrik
Background: The patterns of primary liver cancer incidence and survival are not known for detailed ethnic groups within the UK. Methods: Data on patients resident in England diagnosed with primary liver cancer (ICD-10 C22) between 2001 and 2007 were extracted from the National Cancer Data Repository. Age-standardised incidence rate ratios (IRRs) were calculated for different ethnic groups separately for males and females, using the White ethnic groups as baselines. Overall survival was analysed [...]
A partir des données portant sur des patients ayant subi une greffe allogénique de cellules souches avec conditionnement myéloablatif (257 patients) ou conditionnement à intensité réduite (449) ou conditionnement à toxicité réduite à base de fludarabine, cette étude évalue l'incidence des seconds cancers (durée de suivi : 13 ans)
Secondary malignancies after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation in the era of reduced-intensity conditioning; the incidence is not reduced
A partir des données portant sur des patients ayant subi une greffe allogénique de cellules souches avec conditionnement myéloablatif (257 patients) ou conditionnement à intensité réduite (449) ou conditionnement à toxicité réduite à base de fludarabine, cette étude évalue l'incidence des seconds cancers (durée de suivi : 13 ans)
Secondary malignancies after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation in the era of reduced-intensity conditioning; the incidence is not reduced
Shimoni, A. ; Shem-Tov, N. ; Chetrit, A. ; Volchek, Y. ; Tallis, E. ; Avigdor, A. ; Sadetzki, S. ; Yerushalmi, R. ; Nagler, A.
Secondary malignancies are well established complication in long-term survivors after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation (SCT) with myeloablative conditioning (MAC). Fludarabine-based reduced-intensity (RIC) and reduced-toxicity conditioning (RTC) regimens are increasingly used in the last decade; however, due to limited long-term follow-up, there is no data on secondary malignancies in this setting. The records of 931 consecutive patients given allogeneic SCT with MAC (n=257), RIC (n=449) or [...]
A partir des données de la cohorte européenne EPIC incluant 441 211 participants, cette étude évalue, pour l'année 2008, le nombre de nouveaux cas de cancer attribuables au tagagisme dans 8 pays européens
Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Cancer Risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study
A partir des données de la cohorte européenne EPIC incluant 441 211 participants, cette étude évalue, pour l'année 2008, le nombre de nouveaux cas de cancer attribuables au tagagisme dans 8 pays européens
Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Cancer Risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study
Agudo, Antonio ; Bonet, Catalina ; Travier, Noemie ; González, Carlos A. ; Vineis, Paolo ; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. Bas ; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios ; Boffetta, Paolo ; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise ; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine ; Kaaks, Rudolf ; Lukanova, Annekatrin ; Schütze, Madlen ; Boeing, Heiner ; Tjonneland, Anne ; Halkjaer, Jytte ; Overvad, Kim ; Dahm, Christina C. ; Quirós, J. Ramón ; Sánchez, María-José ; Larranaga, Nerea ; Navarro, Carmen ; Ardanaz, Eva ; Khaw, Kay-Tee ; Wareham, Nicholas J. ; Key, Timothy J. ; Allen, Naomi E. ; Trichopoulou, Antonia ; Lagiou, Pagona ; Palli, Domenico ; Sieri, Sabina ; Tumino, Rosario ; Panico, Salvatore ; Boshuizen, Hendriek ; Büchner, Frederike L. ; Peeters, Petra H.M. ; Borgquist, Signe ; Almquist, Martin ; Hallmans, Göran ; Johansson, Ingegerd ; Gram, Inger T. ; Lund, Eiliv ; Weiderpass, Elisabete ; Romieu, Isabelle ; Riboli, Elio
Purpose Our aim was to assess the impact of cigarette smoking on the risk of the tumors classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as causally associated with smoking, referred to as tobacco-related cancers (TRC). Methods The study population included 441,211 participants (133,018 men and 308,193 women) from the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition. We investigated 14,563 participants who developed a TRC during an average follow-up of 11 years. The [...]
A partir des données de la cohorte européenne EPIC incluant 145 112 participants masculins, cette étude évalue l'association entre le tabagisme et la mortalité par cancer de la prostate
Smoking and the risk of prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
A partir des données de la cohorte européenne EPIC incluant 145 112 participants masculins, cette étude évalue l'association entre le tabagisme et la mortalité par cancer de la prostate
Smoking and the risk of prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Rohrmann, S. ; Linseisen, J. ; Allen, N. ; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B. ; Johnsen, N. F. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Overvad, K. ; Kaaks, R. ; Teucher, B. ; Boeing, H. ; Pischon, T. ; Lagiou, P. ; Trichopoulou, A. ; Trichopoulos, D. ; Palli, D. ; Krogh, Vittorio ; Tumino, R. ; Ricceri, F. ; Arguelles Suarez, M. V. ; Agudo, A. ; Sanchez, M. J. ; Chirlaque, M. D. ; Barricarte, A. ; Larranaga, N. ; Boshuizen, H. ; van Kranen, H. J. ; Stattin, P. ; Johansson, M. ; Bjartell, A. ; Ulmert, D. ; Khaw, K. T. ; Wareham, N. J. ; Ferrari, Pietro ; Romieux, I. ; Gunter, M. J. R. ; Riboli, Elio ; Key, T. J.
Background: Smoking is not associated with prostate cancer incidence in most studies, but associations between smoking and fatal prostate cancer have been reported. Methods: During 1992 and 2000, lifestyle information was assessed via questionnaires and personal interview in a cohort of 145 112 European men. Until 2009, 4623 incident cases of prostate cancer were identified, including 1517 cases of low-grade, 396 cases of high grade, 1516 cases of localised, 808 cases of advanced disease, and [...]
Menée en Allemagne auprès de 2 522 survivantes d'un cancer du sein diagnostiqué entre 2001 et 2005, cette étude prospective évalue l'association entre divers régimes alimentaires et la survie de patientes ménopausées
Dietary patterns and survival in German postmenopausal breast cancer survivors
Menée en Allemagne auprès de 2 522 survivantes d'un cancer du sein diagnostiqué entre 2001 et 2005, cette étude prospective évalue l'association entre divers régimes alimentaires et la survie de patientes ménopausées
Dietary patterns and survival in German postmenopausal breast cancer survivors
Vrieling, A. ; Buck, K. ; Seibold, P. ; Heinz, J. ; Obi, N. ; Flesch-Janys, D. ; Chang-Claude, J.
Background: Research on the association between dietary patterns and breast cancer survival is very limited. Methods: A prospective follow-up study was conducted in Germany, including 2522 postmenopausal breast cancer patients diagnosed in 2001–2005 with available food frequency questionnaire data. Vital status, causes of death, and recurrences were verified through the end of 2009. Principle component factor analysis was used to identify pre-diagnostic dietary patterns. Hazard ratios (HRs) and [...]
Menée sur 333 patientes enceintes et 874 témoins, cette étude rétrospective multicentrique analyse l'impact d'une grossesse sur la survie sans maladie chez des femmes ayant eu un cancer du sein, en fonction du statut des récepteurs des œstrogènes
Prognostic Impact of Pregnancy After Breast Cancer According to Estrogen Receptor Status: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Menée sur 333 patientes enceintes et 874 témoins, cette étude rétrospective multicentrique analyse l'impact d'une grossesse sur la survie sans maladie chez des femmes ayant eu un cancer du sein, en fonction du statut des récepteurs des œstrogènes
Prognostic Impact of Pregnancy After Breast Cancer According to Estrogen Receptor Status: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Azim, Hatem A. ; Kroman, Niels ; Paesmans, Marianne ; Gelber, Shari ; Rotmensz, Nicole ; Ameye, Lieveke ; De Mattos-Arruda, Leticia ; Pistilli, Barbara ; Pinto, Alvaro ; Jensen, Maj-Britt ; Cordoba, Octavi ; de Azambuja, Evandro ; Goldhirsch, Aron ; Piccart, Martine J. ; Peccatori, Fedro A.
Purpose We questioned the impact of pregnancy on disease-free survival (DFS) in women with history of breast cancer (BC) according to estrogen receptor (ER) status. Patients and Methods A multicenter, retrospective cohort study in which patients who became pregnant any time after BC were matched (1:3) to patients with BC with similar ER, nodal status, adjuvant therapy, age, and year of diagnosis. To adjust for guaranteed time bias, each nonpregnant patient had to have a disease-free interval at [...]
Menée au Danemark, cette étude prospective incluant 1 350 participants analyse l'évolution de l'incidence du carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde sur la période 1996-2008
Papillary thyroid carcinoma in Denmark 1996–2008: An investigation of changes in incidence
Menée au Danemark, cette étude prospective incluant 1 350 participants analyse l'évolution de l'incidence du carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde sur la période 1996-2008
Papillary thyroid carcinoma in Denmark 1996–2008: An investigation of changes in incidence
Londero, Stefano Christian ; Krogdahl, Annelise ; Bastholt, Lars ; Overgaard, Jens ; Pedersen, Henrik Baymler ; Frisch, Thomas ; Bentzen, Jens ; Pedersen, Peter Ulrik ; Christiansen, Peer ; Godballe, Christian
Background: A rise in the incidence of thyroid cancer has been reported in several countries, and the increase is only seen in the papillary type. Increased detection due to higher resolution ultrasound and fine needle aspiration has been proposed as the explanation, recent registry studies however question this assumption. Methods: National, unselected, prospective cohort study of 1350 papillary thyroid cancer patients in Denmark from 1996 to 2008. Objective: To analyze changes in incidence by [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (2)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (66 études), cette étude analyse la prévalence de symptômes dépressifs chez les patients adultes atteints de cancer
Prevalence of depression in adults with cancer: a systematic review
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (66 études), cette étude analyse la prévalence de symptômes dépressifs chez les patients adultes atteints de cancer
Prevalence of depression in adults with cancer: a systematic review
Walker, J. ; Holm Hansen, C. ; Martin, P. ; Sawhney, A. ; Thekkumpurath, P. ; Beale, C. ; Symeonides, S. ; Wall, L. ; Murray, G. ; Sharpe, M.
Background Depression has substantial effects on cancer patients' quality of life. Estimates of its prevalence vary widely. We aimed to systematically review published studies to obtain the best estimate of the prevalence of depression in clinically meaningful subgroups of cancer patients.Design Systematic review that addressed the limitations of previous reviews by (i) including only studies that used diagnostic interviews; (ii) including only studies that met basic quality criteria (random or [...]
Menée en Allemagne auprès de 477 participants, cette étude analyse l'association entre une exposition à un stress professionnel pour les survivants de cancer et leur départ anticipé à la retraite
Occupational stress and its association with early retirement and subjective need for occupational rehabilitation in cancer patients
Menée en Allemagne auprès de 477 participants, cette étude analyse l'association entre une exposition à un stress professionnel pour les survivants de cancer et leur départ anticipé à la retraite
Occupational stress and its association with early retirement and subjective need for occupational rehabilitation in cancer patients
Böttcher, Hilke M. ; Steimann, Monika ; Rotsch, Martin ; Zurborn, Karl-Heinz ; Koch, Uwe ; Bergelt, Corinna
Objective Returning to work often plays an important role for cancer survivors. Occupational stress may hamper a successful return to work, so cancer survivors should be given the opportunity to address occupational stress issues before returning to work. We investigated the amount of occupational stress among cancer patients and whether it is associated with their well-being, their subjective need for occupational rehabilitation and elevations in their risk of early retirement. Methods At the [...]
Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins (4)
A partir des données des registres américains des cancers, cette étude de cohorte incluant 202 299 patients atteints de cancer évalue l'utilisation et les coûts associés à une radiothérapie pour les patients dans leur dernier mois de vie
Use of Radiation Therapy in the Last 30 Days of Life Among a Large Population-Based Cohort of Elderly Patients in the United States
A partir des données des registres américains des cancers, cette étude de cohorte incluant 202 299 patients atteints de cancer évalue l'utilisation et les coûts associés à une radiothérapie pour les patients dans leur dernier mois de vie
Use of Radiation Therapy in the Last 30 Days of Life Among a Large Population-Based Cohort of Elderly Patients in the United States
Guadagnolo, B. Ashleigh ; Liao, Kai-Ping ; Elting, Linda ; Giordano, Sharon ; Buchholz, Thomas A. ; Shih, Ya-Chen Tina
Purpose: Our goal was to evaluate use and associated costs of radiation therapy (RT) in the last month of life among those dying of cancer.Methods: We used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) -Medicare linked databases to analyze claims data for 202,299 patients dying as a result of lung, breast, prostate, colorectal, and pancreas cancers from 2000 to 2007. Logistic regression modeling was used to conduct adjusted analyses of potential impacts of demographic, health services, [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre un accès aux dossiers médicaux personnels en ligne et l'utilisation des services de santé par les patients
Association of online patient access to clinicians and medical records with use of clinical services
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre un accès aux dossiers médicaux personnels en ligne et l'utilisation des services de santé par les patients
Association of online patient access to clinicians and medical records with use of clinical services
Palen Te, Ross C. Powers J. Xu S.
Context Prior studies suggest that providing patients with online access to health records and e-mail communication with physicians may substitute for traditional health care services.Objective To assess health care utilization by both users and nonusers of online access to health records before and after initiation of MyHealthManager (MHM), a patient online access system.Design, Setting, and Participants Retrospective cohort study of the use of health care services by members (≥18 years [...]
Personal health records and health care utilization
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre un accès aux dossiers médicaux personnels en ligne et l'utilisation des services de santé par les patients
Personal health records and health care utilization
Bates Dw, Wells S.
There are 2 main electronic architectures: one linked directly to the physician's practice-based electronic health record, the other free-standing in cyberspace, without a linkage. The first architecture appears to be dominating the scene and offers many advantages because it can include specific information from the medical record that is difficult and time-consuming for patients to access otherwise. Functions typically include a problem list, medication list, list of allergies, test results, [...]
A partir des données d'un registre américain des cancers et de la base Medicaid de Caroline du nord, cette étude de cohorte incluant 1 786 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein et à faibles revenus analyse l'impact, sur leur survie, de longs intervalles de temps entre la confirmation du diagnostic et le début des traitements
Effect on Survival of Longer Intervals Between Confirmed Diagnosis and Treatment Initiation Among Low-Income Women With Breast Cancer
A partir des données d'un registre américain des cancers et de la base Medicaid de Caroline du nord, cette étude de cohorte incluant 1 786 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein et à faibles revenus analyse l'impact, sur leur survie, de longs intervalles de temps entre la confirmation du diagnostic et le début des traitements
Effect on Survival of Longer Intervals Between Confirmed Diagnosis and Treatment Initiation Among Low-Income Women With Breast Cancer
McLaughlin, John M. ; Anderson, Roger T. ; Ferketich, Amy K. ; Seiber, Eric E. ; Balkrishnan, Rajesh ; Paskett, Electra D.
Purpose To determine the impact of longer periods between biopsy-confirmed breast cancer diagnosis and the initiation of treatment (Dx2Tx) on survival.Patients and Methods This study was a noninterventional, retrospective analysis of adult female North Carolina Medicaid enrollees diagnosed with breast cancer from January 1, 2000, through December, 31, 2002, in the linked North Carolina Central Cancer Registry–Medicaid Claims database. Follow-up data were available through July 31, 2006. Cox [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès d'une population bénéficiant du régime Medicare entre 1992 et 2005, cette étude analyse l'évolution des délais entre un diagnostic de cancer du sein invasif et le traitement chirurgical
Preoperative Delays in the US Medicare Population With Breast Cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès d'une population bénéficiant du régime Medicare entre 1992 et 2005, cette étude analyse l'évolution des délais entre un diagnostic de cancer du sein invasif et le traitement chirurgical
Preoperative Delays in the US Medicare Population With Breast Cancer
Bleicher, Richard J. ; Ruth, Karen ; Sigurdson, Elin R. ; Ross, Eric ; Wong, Yu-Ning ; Patel, Sameer A. ; Boraas, Marcia ; Topham, Neal S. ; Egleston, Brian L.
Purpose Although no specific delay threshold after diagnosis of breast cancer has been demonstrated to affect outcome, delays can cause anxiety, and surgical waiting time has been suggested as a quality measure. This study was performed to determine the interval from presentation to surgery in Medicare patients with nonmetastatic invasive breast cancer who did not receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy and factors associated with a longer time to surgery.Methods Medicare claims linked to [...]
Sensibilisation et communication (1)
Menée par entretiens auprès de 1 964 participants âgés de 50 à 80 ans, cette étude britannique analyse l'information disponible et les choix du public relatifs au dépistage du cancer colorectal
Communication about colorectal cancer screening in Britain: public preferences for an expert recommendation
Menée par entretiens auprès de 1 964 participants âgés de 50 à 80 ans, cette étude britannique analyse l'information disponible et les choix du public relatifs au dépistage du cancer colorectal
Communication about colorectal cancer screening in Britain: public preferences for an expert recommendation
Waller, J. ; Macedo, A. ; von Wagner, C. ; Simon, A. E. ; Jones, C. ; Hammersley, V. ; Weller, D. ; Wardle, J. ; Campbell, C.
Background: Informed decision-making approaches to cancer screening emphasise the importance of decisions being determined by individuals’ own values and preferences. However, advice from a trusted source may also contribute to autonomous decision-making. This study examined preferences regarding a recommendation from the NHS and information provision in the context of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. Methods: In face-to-face interviews, a population-based sample of adults across Britain [...]
Soins palliatifs (1)
Mené auprès de 129 participants soignés dans 6 hôpitaux américains, cet essai randomisé évalue l'utilisation d'une hydratation parentérale chez les patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé
Parenteral Hydration in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trial
Mené auprès de 129 participants soignés dans 6 hôpitaux américains, cet essai randomisé évalue l'utilisation d'une hydratation parentérale chez les patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé
Parenteral Hydration in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trial
Bruera, Eduardo ; Hui, David ; Dalal, Shalini ; Torres-Vigil, Isabel ; Trumble, Joseph ; Roosth, Joseph ; Krauter, Susan ; Strickland, Carol ; Unger, Kenneth ; Palmer, J. Lynn ; Allo, Julio ; Frisbee-Hume, Susan ; Tarleton, Kenneth
Purpose The vast majority of patients with cancer at the end of life receive parenteral hydration in hospitals and no hydration in hospice, with limited evidence supporting either practice. In this randomized controlled trial, we determined the effect of hydration on symptoms associated with dehydration, quality of life, and survival in patients with advanced cancer.Patients and methods We randomly assigned 129 patients with cancer from six hospices to receive parenteral hydration (normal [...]
Médecines parallèles (1)
A partir d'une revue de la littérature, cette étude fait le point sur l'hypnose et son rôle dans la prévention et le traitement des cancers ainsi que dans l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients
Hypnosis for cancer care: Over 200 years young
A partir d'une revue de la littérature, cette étude fait le point sur l'hypnose et son rôle dans la prévention et le traitement des cancers ainsi que dans l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients
Hypnosis for cancer care: Over 200 years young
Montgomery, Guy H. ; Schnur, Julie B. ; Kravits, Kate
Answer questions and earn CME/CNE Hypnosis has been used to provide psychological and physical comfort to individuals diagnosed with cancer for nearly 200 years. The goals of this review are: 1) to describe hypnosis and its components and to dispel misconceptions; 2) to provide an overview of hypnosis as a cancer prevention and control technique (covering its use in weight management, smoking cessation, as an adjunct to diagnostic and treatment procedures, survivorship, and metastatic disease); [...]
Ressources et infrastructures (Lutte contre les cancers) (1)
Mené par enquête sur internet auprès de 119 spécialistes en gynéco-oncologie dans 31 pays européens, ce rapport fait le point sur leur expérience en matière de formation
The need for accredited training in gynaecological oncology: a report from the European Network of Young Gynaecological Oncologists (ENYGO)
Mené par enquête sur internet auprès de 119 spécialistes en gynéco-oncologie dans 31 pays européens, ce rapport fait le point sur leur expérience en matière de formation
The need for accredited training in gynaecological oncology: a report from the European Network of Young Gynaecological Oncologists (ENYGO)
Manchanda, R. ; Godfrey, M. ; Wong-Taylor, L. A. ; Halaska, M. J. ; Burnell, M. ; Grabowski, J. P. ; Gultekin, M. ; Haidopoulos, D. ; Zapardiel, I. ; Vranes, B. ; Kesic, V. ; Zola, P. ; Colombo, N. ; Verheijen, R. ; Bossart, M. ; Piek, J.
Background Primary data on training experiences of European gynaecological oncology trainees are lacking. This study aims to evaluate trainee profile, satisfaction and factors affecting the training experience in gynaecological oncology in Europe. Patients and methods A web-based anonymous survey sent to ENYGO members/trainees in July 2011. It included sociodemographic information and a 22-item (1–5 Likert scale) questionnaire evaluating training experience in gynaecological oncology. [...]