Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 138 du 31 mai 2012
Qualité de vie, soins de support (3)
A partir des données de la cohorte "Childhood Cancer Survivor Study" incluant 14 358 participants, cette étude analyse la prévalence de cicatrices, d'une défiguration et d'une perte de cheveux persistante chez des survivants d'un cancer pédiatrique, ainsi que l'impact à long terme de ces symptômes sur leur qualité de vie et leur détresse psychologique
Scarring, Disfigurement, and Quality of Life in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
A partir des données de la cohorte "Childhood Cancer Survivor Study" incluant 14 358 participants, cette étude analyse la prévalence de cicatrices, d'une défiguration et d'une perte de cheveux persistante chez des survivants d'un cancer pédiatrique, ainsi que l'impact à long terme de ces symptômes sur leur qualité de vie et leur détresse psychologique
Scarring, Disfigurement, and Quality of Life in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Kinahan, Karen E. ; Sharp, Lisa K. ; Seidel, Kristy ; Leisenring, Wendy ; Didwania, Aarati ; Lacouture, Mario E. ; Stovall, Marilyn ; Haryani, Anand ; Robison, Leslie L. ; Krull, Kevin R.
Purpose Childhood cancer survivors are at increased risk for adverse outcomes and chronic medical conditions. Treatment-related scarring, disfigurement, and persistent hair loss, in addition to their long-term impact on psychological distress or health-related quality of life (HRQOL), have received little attention.Patients and Methods Self-reported scarring/disfigurement and persistent hair loss were examined in 14,358 survivors and 4,023 siblings from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. [...]
Menée auprès de 75 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et de 339 oncologues et infirmières, cette étude américaine analyse leurs besoins en matière de soutien spirituel dans le cadre des soins de fin de vie
Addressing Spirituality Within the Care of Patients at the End of Life: Perspectives of Patients With Advanced Cancer, Oncologists, and Oncology Nu...
Menée auprès de 75 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et de 339 oncologues et infirmières, cette étude américaine analyse leurs besoins en matière de soutien spirituel dans le cadre des soins de fin de vie
Addressing Spirituality Within the Care of Patients at the End of Life: Perspectives of Patients With Advanced Cancer, Oncologists, and Oncology Nurses
Phelps, Andrea C. ; Lauderdale, Katharine E. ; Alcorn, Sara ; Dillinger, Jennifer ; Balboni, Michael T. ; Van Wert, Michael ; VanderWeele, Tyler J. ; Balboni, Tracy A.
Purpose Attention to patients' religious and spiritual needs is included in national guidelines for quality end-of-life care, but little data exist to guide spiritual care.Patients and Methods The Religion and Spirituality in Cancer Care Study is a multi-institution, quantitative-qualitative study of 75 patients with advanced cancer and 339 cancer physicians and nurses. Patients underwent semistructured interviews, and care providers completed a Web-based survey exploring their perspectives on [...]
A partir d'une enquête auprès de 600 survivants d'un cancer colorectal, cette étude en population canadienne évalue l'importance du sport dans leurs pratiques d'activité physique
Sport participation in colorectal cancer survivors: an unexplored approach to promoting physical activity
A partir d'une enquête auprès de 600 survivants d'un cancer colorectal, cette étude en population canadienne évalue l'importance du sport dans leurs pratiques d'activité physique
Sport participation in colorectal cancer survivors: an unexplored approach to promoting physical activity
McGowan, Erin ; Speed-Andrews, Amy ; Rhodes, Ryan ; Blanchard, Chris ; Culos-Reed, S. ; Friedenreich, Christine ; Courneya, Kerry
Purpose Physical activity improves health outcomes in colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors, but participation rates are low. One understudied strategy for increasing physical activity in CRC survivors may be sport participation. Here, we report the sport participation rate, sport preferences, and correlates of sport participation among CRC survivors. Methods A provincial, population-based mailed survey of CRC survivors in Alberta, Canada was performed and included measures of sport participation, [...]
Observation (5)
A partir des données de la cohorte américaine "Nurses’ Health Study II" incluant 85 759 participantes, cette étude analyse les spécificités sociodémographiques et l'orientation sexuelle de participantes à un programme de dépistage du cancer du sein et du cancer colorectal
An examination of sexual orientation group patterns in mammographic and colorectal screening in a cohort of U.S. women
A partir des données de la cohorte américaine "Nurses’ Health Study II" incluant 85 759 participantes, cette étude analyse les spécificités sociodémographiques et l'orientation sexuelle de participantes à un programme de dépistage du cancer du sein et du cancer colorectal
An examination of sexual orientation group patterns in mammographic and colorectal screening in a cohort of U.S. women
Austin, S. ; Pazaris, Mathew ; Nichols, Lauren ; Bowen, Deborah ; Wei, Esther ; Spiegelman, Donna
Purpose Underutilization of cancer screening has been found especially to affect socially marginalized groups. We investigated sexual orientation group patterns in breast and colorectal cancer screening adherence. Methods Data on breast and colorectal cancer screening, sexual orientation, and sociodemographics were gathered prospectively from 1989 through 2005 from 85,759 U.S. women in the Nurses’ Health Study II. Publicly available data on state-level healthcare quality and [...]
A partir des données des registres des cancers de Nouvelle-Zélande, cette étude analyse l'évolution de l'incidence des cancers chez les Maoris et autres ethnies du Pacifique, sur la période 1981 à 2004
Cancer in Pacific people in New Zealand
A partir des données des registres des cancers de Nouvelle-Zélande, cette étude analyse l'évolution de l'incidence des cancers chez les Maoris et autres ethnies du Pacifique, sur la période 1981 à 2004
Cancer in Pacific people in New Zealand
Meredith, Ineke ; Sarfati, Diana ; Ikeda, Takayoshi ; Blakely, Tony
Purpose To describe cancer incidence rates among Pacific people living in New Zealand from 1981 to 2004. Methods Linked census-cancer registration data were used to calculate age-standardized cancer incidence rates for Pacific people. Both trends over time within Pacific people and differences in rates between Pacific and European/Other people in New Zealand were assessed. Results Pacific rates were higher for cancers of the cervix, endometrium, gallbladder, lip, mouth and pharynx, liver, lung, [...]
A partir des données de 39 registres de cancer, cette étude analyse l'évolution de l'incidence du mélanome malin en Europe, en Amérique du Nord, en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande, sur la période 1953-2008
International trends in the incidence of malignant melanoma 1953–2008—are recent generations at higher or lower risk?
A partir des données de 39 registres de cancer, cette étude analyse l'évolution de l'incidence du mélanome malin en Europe, en Amérique du Nord, en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande, sur la période 1953-2008
International trends in the incidence of malignant melanoma 1953–2008—are recent generations at higher or lower risk?
Erdmann, Friederike ; Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie ; Schüz, Joachim ; Zeeb, Hajo ; Greinert, Rüdiger ; Breitbart, Eckhard W. ; Bray, Freddie
The incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma has steadily increased over the past 50 years in predominately fair-skinned populations. This increase is reported to have leveled off recently in several Northern and Western European countries, Australia, New Zealand and in North America. We studied the global patterns and time trends in incidence of melanoma by country and sex, with a focus on and age- and cohort-specific variations. We analyzed the incidence data from 39 population-based cancer [...]
Cette étude de cohorte prospective incluant 29 875 participantes évalue l'impact d'une consommation d'alcool, avant le diagnostic de cancer, sur le risque de récidive du cancer du sein (durée médiane de suivi : 6 ans après le diagnostic)
Pre-diagnostic alcohol consumption and breast cancer recurrence and mortality – results from a prospective cohort with a wide range of variation in...
Cette étude de cohorte prospective incluant 29 875 participantes évalue l'impact d'une consommation d'alcool, avant le diagnostic de cancer, sur le risque de récidive du cancer du sein (durée médiane de suivi : 6 ans après le diagnostic)
Pre-diagnostic alcohol consumption and breast cancer recurrence and mortality – results from a prospective cohort with a wide range of variation in alcohol intake
Holm, Marianne ; Olsen, Anja ; Christensen, Jane ; Kroman, Niels T. ; Bidstrup, Pernille E. ; Johansen, Christoffer ; Overvad, Kim ; Tjønneland, Anne
The association between pre-diagnostic alcohol consumption and breast cancer recurrence and breast cancer specific mortality was investigated in 1052 women diagnosed with early breast cancer in a prospective cohort of 29,875 women. Known clinical, lifestyle and socioeconomic risk factors were evaluated and adjusted for in multivariate analysis. We found a modest but significant association between pre-diagnostic alcohol consumption and breast cancer recurrence with a median follow-up of 6 years [...]
A partir des données des registres américains du cancer portant sur la période 1995-2008, cette étude évalue la mortalité par suicide et les facteurs de risque associés chez des patients atteints d'un cancer du testicule
Suicide in men with testis cancer
A partir des données des registres américains du cancer portant sur la période 1995-2008, cette étude évalue la mortalité par suicide et les facteurs de risque associés chez des patients atteints d'un cancer du testicule
Suicide in men with testis cancer
Alanee, S. ; Russo, P.
Depression, anxiety and aggression are documented in testis cancer patients and can result in death from suicides; however, their risk of suicide is not defined. We report suicide rates among testis cancer patients in the USA and determine factors associated with higher rates. We used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database maintained by the National Cancer Institute to identify patients diagnosed with testis cancer between 1995 and 2008. Multivariate analysis was used [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (3)
Menée en Angleterre auprès de 38 participants, cette étude qualitative analyse et compare, chez des patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et appartenant à deux groupes ethniques différents, le sens qu'ils accordent au mot "bonheur"
Meanings of happiness among two ethnic groups living with advanced cancer in south London: a qualitative study
Menée en Angleterre auprès de 38 participants, cette étude qualitative analyse et compare, chez des patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et appartenant à deux groupes ethniques différents, le sens qu'ils accordent au mot "bonheur"
Meanings of happiness among two ethnic groups living with advanced cancer in south London: a qualitative study
Koffman, Jonathan ; Morgan, Myfanwy ; Edmonds, Polly ; Speck, Peter ; Siegert, Richard ; Higginson, Irene J.
Objective Happiness is a central component in quality of life but little is known about its meanings among people living with an advanced disease and those from diverse communities. This study explores and compares, for the first time, the centrality and interpretations of happiness across two cultural groups living with advanced cancer. Methods Semi-structured interviews among 26 Black Caribbean and 19 White British cancer patients were conducted in hospital and home settings. Results Thirty [...]
Menée auprès de 302 participants, cette étude taïwanaise passe en revue les expériences d'aidants membres de la famille d'un patient atteint de cancer en phase terminale et les difficultés liées aux décisions relatives aux soins de fin de vie
Family experience with difficult decisions in end-of-life care
Menée auprès de 302 participants, cette étude taïwanaise passe en revue les expériences d'aidants membres de la famille d'un patient atteint de cancer en phase terminale et les difficultés liées aux décisions relatives aux soins de fin de vie
Family experience with difficult decisions in end-of-life care
Huang, Hsien-Liang ; Chiu, Tai-Yuan ; Lee, Long-Teng ; Yao, Chien-An ; Chen, Ching-Yu ; Hu, Wen-Yu
Objective The difficult decisions encountered by family caregivers in the process of care for patients with terminal cancer are seldom studied. Investigating their experiences with difficult decisions may help relieve their psychological distress. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and difficulty of decisions experienced in end-of-life care and to identify related factors. Methods A cross-sectional study using questionnaires was conducted with family caregivers of patients [...]
A partir des données des registres américains du cancer, cette étude analyse l'impact du cancer sur l'activité professionnelle ou scolaire d'adolescents et de jeunes survivants d'un lymphome, d'un sarcome ou d'une leucémie
Impact of Cancer on Work and Education Among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors
A partir des données des registres américains du cancer, cette étude analyse l'impact du cancer sur l'activité professionnelle ou scolaire d'adolescents et de jeunes survivants d'un lymphome, d'un sarcome ou d'une leucémie
Impact of Cancer on Work and Education Among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors
Parsons, Helen M. ; Harlan, Linda C. ; Lynch, Charles F. ; Hamilton, Ann S. ; Wu, Xiao-Cheng ; Kato, Ikuko ; Schwartz, Stephen M. ; Smith, Ashley W. ; Keel, Gretchen ; Keegan, Theresa H.M.
Purpose To examine the impact of cancer on work and education in a sample of adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with cancer.Patients and Methods By using the Adolescent and Young Adult Health Outcomes and Patient Experience Study (AYA HOPE)—a cohort of 463 recently diagnosed patients age 15 to 39 years with germ cell cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, sarcoma, and acute lymphocytic leukemia from participating Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) cancer [...]
Sensibilisation et communication (1)
Mené aux Etats-Unis auprès de 472 patients adultes atteints de cancer, cet essai randomisé analyse l'efficacité d'une intervention courte de nature psycho-éducative pour améliorer leurs connaissances relatives à la participation à des essais cliniques
Effects of a Brief Multimedia Psychoeducational Intervention on the Attitudes and Interest of Patients With Cancer Regarding Clinical Trial Partici...
Mené aux Etats-Unis auprès de 472 patients adultes atteints de cancer, cet essai randomisé analyse l'efficacité d'une intervention courte de nature psycho-éducative pour améliorer leurs connaissances relatives à la participation à des essais cliniques
Effects of a Brief Multimedia Psychoeducational Intervention on the Attitudes and Interest of Patients With Cancer Regarding Clinical Trial Participation: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Jacobsen, Paul B. ; Wells, Kristen J. ; Meade, Cathy D. ; Quinn, Gwendolyn P. ; Lee, Ji-Hyun ; Fulp, William J. ; Gray, Jhanelle E. ; Baz, Rachid C. ; Springett, Gregory M. ; Levine, Richard M. ; Markham, Merry-Jennifer ; Schreiber, Fred J. ; Cartwright, Thomas H. ; Burke, James M. ; Siegel, Robert D. ; Malafa, Mokenge P. ; Sullivan, Daniel
Purpose The negative attitudes of patients with cancer regarding clinical trials are an important contributor to low participation rates. This study evaluated whether a brief psychoeducational intervention was effective in improving patients' attitudes as well as their knowledge, self-efficacy for decision making, receptivity to receiving more information, and general willingness to participate in clinical trials.Patients and Methods A total of 472 adults with cancer who had not been asked [...]
Soins palliatifs (1)
Menée au Japon auprès de 15 soignants, cette étude analyse l'intérêt de développer et de mettre en oeuvre des recommandations cliniques relatives aux entretiens et à la communication avec les familles de patients dans le cadre des soins palliatifs
Effectiveness of using clinical guidelines for conducting palliative care family meetings in Japan
Menée au Japon auprès de 15 soignants, cette étude analyse l'intérêt de développer et de mettre en oeuvre des recommandations cliniques relatives aux entretiens et à la communication avec les familles de patients dans le cadre des soins palliatifs
Effectiveness of using clinical guidelines for conducting palliative care family meetings in Japan
Fukui, Mieko ; Iwase, Satoru ; Sakata, Naoko ; Kuroda, Yujiro ; Yoshiuchi, Kazuhiro ; Nakagawa, Keiichi ; Quinn, Karen ; Hudson, Peter
Purpose The purpose of this study is to pilot test the effectiveness of using recently developed clinical guidelines from Australia for conducting palliative care family meetings in Japan. Methods Palliative care family meetings were conducted using clinical guidelines with 15 primary family carers of cancer patients who were admitted to an acute care hospital in Japan. Using the pre-family meeting questionnaire, the primary carers were asked to write key concerns to discuss during the family [...]
Médecines parallèles (2)
Cet article passe en revue les traitements complémentaires ou alternatifs du cancer de la prostate, qu'il s'agisse de préparations à base de vitamines ou de plantes, et évalue leur efficacité
Complementary and Alternative Medicines in Prostate Cancer: From Bench to Bedside?
Cet article passe en revue les traitements complémentaires ou alternatifs du cancer de la prostate, qu'il s'agisse de préparations à base de vitamines ou de plantes, et évalue leur efficacité
Complementary and Alternative Medicines in Prostate Cancer: From Bench to Bedside?
Klempner, Samuel J. ; Bubley, Glenn
Abstract Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use is common among adults, and recent reports suggest that 25%–50% of prostate cancer (PCa) patients use at least one CAM modality. The most common CAM modalities used by PCa patients are vitamin and herbal preparations with purported antitumor effects despite only modest underlying preclinical or clinical evidence of efficacy. In this review we provide a brief overview of the basic scientific and clinical studies underlying the most common [...]
Menée en Allemagne, cette étude transversale évalue le recours aux médecines complémentaires et alternatives chez des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in breast cancer patients and their experiences: A cross-sectional study
Menée en Allemagne, cette étude transversale évalue le recours aux médecines complémentaires et alternatives chez des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in breast cancer patients and their experiences: A cross-sectional study
Tautz, E. ; Momm, F. ; Hasenburg, A. ; Guethlin, C.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) refers to various treatments not considered as part of conventional care. CAM is used by a high number of breast cancer patients. This is a cross-sectional study employing a validated questionnaire with the aim of studying CAM use and of exploring the needs of information and communication in female breast cancer patients. Experiences associated with discussing CAM within a conventional oncology setting were examined. Answers of patients not using [...]
Ressources et infrastructures (Lutte contre les cancers) (2)
En utilisant les données des registres des cancers de 6 pays économiquement développés (Australie, Canada, Danemark, Norvège, Suède, Royaume-Uni), cette étude présente une méthode pour homogénéiser les données relatives au stade au diagnostic et à la survie
Comparability of stage data in cancer registries in six countries: lessons from the international cancer benchmarking partnership
En utilisant les données des registres des cancers de 6 pays économiquement développés (Australie, Canada, Danemark, Norvège, Suède, Royaume-Uni), cette étude présente une méthode pour homogénéiser les données relatives au stade au diagnostic et à la survie
Comparability of stage data in cancer registries in six countries: lessons from the international cancer benchmarking partnership
Walters, Sarah ; Maringe, Camille ; Butler, John ; Brierley, James D. ; Rachet, Bernard ; Coleman, Michel P.
The International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership is investigating cancer survival differences between six high-income nations using population-based cancer registry data. Differences in overall survival are often explained by differences in the stage at diagnosis and stage-specific survival. Comparing stage at diagnosis using cancer registry data is challenging because of different regional practices in defining stage, despite the existence of international staging classifications such as TNM. [...]
Cette étude analyse la qualité et la fiabilité du registre national des cancers d'un pays d'Afrique sub-saharienne, la Gambie
Evaluation of data quality at the Gambia national cancer registry
Cette étude analyse la qualité et la fiabilité du registre national des cancers d'un pays d'Afrique sub-saharienne, la Gambie
Evaluation of data quality at the Gambia national cancer registry
Shimakawa, Yusuke ; Bah, Ebrima ; Wild, Christopher P. ; Hall, Andrew J.
The Gambia National Cancer Registry (GNCR) is one of the few nationwide population-based cancer registries in sub-Saharan Africa. Most registries in sub-Saharan Africa are limited to cities so the GNCR is important in providing estimates of cancer incidence in rural Africa. This study assesses the quality of its data. The methods proposed by Parkin and Bray were applied to the registry data from 1990 to 2009 to assess comparability, validity and completeness. The system used for classification [...]