Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 130 du 3 avril 2012
Qualité de vie, soins de support (7)
A partir d'une revue systématique des essais randomisés (15 essais), cette étude fait le point sur lutilisation et l'efficacité de l'acupuncture pour le traitement de la douleur liée au cancer
Acupuncture for the treatment of cancer pain: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials
A partir d'une revue systématique des essais randomisés (15 essais), cette étude fait le point sur lutilisation et l'efficacité de l'acupuncture pour le traitement de la douleur liée au cancer
Acupuncture for the treatment of cancer pain: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials
Choi, Tae-Young ; Lee, Myeong ; Kim, Tae-Hun ; Zaslawski, Christopher ; Ernst, Edzard
Purpose Controlling cancer-related pain is an important component in the palliative care of cancer patients. The objective of this review was to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture for treating cancer pain. Methods Fourteen databases were searched from their inception through April 2011. Randomised clinical trials (RCTs) were included if acupuncture was used as the sole treatment or as a part of a combination therapy for cancer pain. Studies were included if they were controlled with a [...]
Menée en Arabie Saoudite auprès de 124 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et traités dans une unité de soins palliatifs, cette étude analyse la prévalence et la sévérité de la détresse émotionnelle
Prevalence and severity of suffering among patients with advanced cancer
Menée en Arabie Saoudite auprès de 124 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et traités dans une unité de soins palliatifs, cette étude analyse la prévalence et la sévérité de la détresse émotionnelle
Prevalence and severity of suffering among patients with advanced cancer
Al-Shahri, Mohammad ; Eldali, Abdelmoneim ; Al-Zahrani, Omar
Background Suffering is an expression commonly used to describe distressing experience of cancer patients. Suffering experience among patients with advanced cancer has not been studied before in Saudi Arabia. Objective The objective of this study is to determine the pattern of suffering and the feasibility of measuring its severity on a numerical scale for cancer patients attending a palliative care outpatient clinic. Methods This is part of a larger survey studying the pattern of [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 1 041 participantes, cette étude analyse les disparités ethniques, géographiques et socioéconomiques dans l'accès aux techniques de préservation de la fertilité pour les femmes atteintes de cancer et âgées entre 18 et 40 ans
Racial, socioeconomic, and demographic disparities in access to fertility preservation in young women diagnosed with cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 1 041 participantes, cette étude analyse les disparités ethniques, géographiques et socioéconomiques dans l'accès aux techniques de préservation de la fertilité pour les femmes atteintes de cancer et âgées entre 18 et 40 ans
Racial, socioeconomic, and demographic disparities in access to fertility preservation in young women diagnosed with cancer
Letourneau, Joseph M. ; Smith, James F. ; Ebbel, Erin E. ; Craig, Amaranta ; Katz, Patricia P. ; Cedars, Marcelle I. ; Rosen, Mitchell P.
BACKGROUND: This study seeks to examine the relation between sociodemographic characteristics and the utilization of fertility preservation services in reproductive age women diagnosed with cancer. METHODS: A total of 1041 women diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 18 and 40 years responded to a retrospective survey on demographic information and reproductive health history. Five cancer types were included: leukemia, Hodgkin disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, breast cancer, and [...]
Menée en Espagne, cette étude multicentrique prospective analyse l'impact des vomissements et nausées induits par la chimiothérapie sur la qualité de vie de patients atteints de cancer
Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in clinical practice: impact on patients’ quality of life
Menée en Espagne, cette étude multicentrique prospective analyse l'impact des vomissements et nausées induits par la chimiothérapie sur la qualité de vie de patients atteints de cancer
Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in clinical practice: impact on patients’ quality of life
Fernández-Ortega, P. ; Caloto, M. ; Chirveches, E. ; Marquilles, R. ; Francisco, J. ; Quesada, A. ; Suárez, C. ; Zorrilla, I. ; Gómez, J. ; Zabaleta, P. ; Nocea, G. ; Llombart-Cussac, A.
Background Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in cancer patients are common symptoms most feared by patients. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of CINV associated to moderate/highly emetogenous chemotherapy regimens on patients’ quality of life (QoL). Patients and methods Open, multicenter, prospective observational study was performed. Each patient filled out a patient diary for each cycle from the day before chemotherapy and for the next 5 days that included the [...]
Menée entre 1997 et 2007 auprès de 2 442 patients atteints de cancer du poumon non à petites cellules, cette étude de cohorte évalue l'intérêt de mesurer la qualité de vie globale au moment du diagnostic pour estimer la survie
Relationship Between Deficits in Overall Quality of Life and Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer Survival
Menée entre 1997 et 2007 auprès de 2 442 patients atteints de cancer du poumon non à petites cellules, cette étude de cohorte évalue l'intérêt de mesurer la qualité de vie globale au moment du diagnostic pour estimer la survie
Relationship Between Deficits in Overall Quality of Life and Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer Survival
Sloan, Jeff A. ; Zhao, Xinghua ; Novotny, Paul J. ; Wampfler, Jason ; Garces, Yolanda ; Clark, Matthew M. ; Yang, Ping
Purpose Evidence has suggested a clinically meaningful relationship between self-reported quality of life (QOL) of a patient with cancer at the time of receiving a cancer diagnosis and overall survival (OS). This study evaluated the prognostic value of QOL assessments with regard to OS in a large cohort of patients with lung cancer.Patients and Methods A total of 2,442 patients with non–small-cell lung cancer were observed between 1997 and 2007 and completed a single-item measure of overall QOL [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis sur la période 1997 à 2007 auprès de 1 299 participants, cette étude de cohorte évalue l'association entre des polymorphismes à simple nucléotide du gène MGMT et la qualité de vie des patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon
Genetic Variations and Patient-Reported Quality of Life Among Patients With Lung Cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis sur la période 1997 à 2007 auprès de 1 299 participants, cette étude de cohorte évalue l'association entre des polymorphismes à simple nucléotide du gène MGMT et la qualité de vie des patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon
Genetic Variations and Patient-Reported Quality of Life Among Patients With Lung Cancer
Sloan, Jeff A. ; de Andrade, Mariza ; Decker, Paul ; Wampfler, Jason ; Oswold, Curtis ; Clark, Matthew ; Yang, Ping
Purpose Recent evidence has suggested a relationship between the baseline quality of life (QOL) self-reported by patients with cancer and genetic disposition. We report an analysis exploring relationships among baseline QOL assessments and candidate genetic variations in a large cohort of patients with lung cancer.Patients and Methods QOL data were provided by 1,299 patients with non–small-cell lung cancer observed at the Mayo Clinic between 1997 and 2007. Overall QOL and subdomains were [...]
Cet essai randomisé contrôlé évalue l'efficacité d'exercices de musculation sur l'état clinique et musculaire de patients atteints d'un cancer de la prostate et recevant une hormonothérapie antiandrogénique
A randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of strength training on clinical and muscle cellular outcomes in patients with prostate cancer d...
Cet essai randomisé contrôlé évalue l'efficacité d'exercices de musculation sur l'état clinique et musculaire de patients atteints d'un cancer de la prostate et recevant une hormonothérapie antiandrogénique
A randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of strength training on clinical and muscle cellular outcomes in patients with prostate cancer during androgen deprivation therapy: rationale and design
Thorsen, Lene ; Nilsen, Tormod ; Raastad, Truls ; Courneya, Kerry ; Skovlund, Eva ; Fosså, Sophie
BACKGROUND:Studies indicate that strength training has beneficial effects on clinical health outcomes in prostate cancer patients during androgen deprivation therapy. However, randomized controlled trials are needed to scientifically determine the effectiveness of strength training on the muscle cell level. Furthermore, close examination of the feasibility of a high-load strength training program is warranted. The Physical Exercise and Prostate Cancer (PEPC) trial is designed to determine the [...]
Observation (7)
Ce rapport annuel de l'"American Cancer Society", des "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention", du "National Cancer Institute" et du "North American Association of Central Cancer Registries" présente les données actualisées sur le cancer pour la période 1975-2008, en mettant en exergue l'association entre l'excès de poids, l'absence d'activité physique et le risque de cancers
Annual Report to the Nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2008, featuring cancers associated with excess weight and lack of sufficient physical act...
Ce rapport annuel de l'"American Cancer Society", des "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention", du "National Cancer Institute" et du "North American Association of Central Cancer Registries" présente les données actualisées sur le cancer pour la période 1975-2008, en mettant en exergue l'association entre l'excès de poids, l'absence d'activité physique et le risque de cancers
Annual Report to the Nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2008, featuring cancers associated with excess weight and lack of sufficient physical activity
Eheman, Christie ; Henley, S. Jane ; Ballard-Barbash, Rachel ; Jacobs, Eric J. ; Schymura, Maria J. ; Noone, Anne-Michelle ; Pan, Liping ; Anderson, Robert N. ; Fulton, Janet E. ; Kohler, Betsy A. ; Jemal, Ahmedin ; Ward, Elizabeth ; Plescia, Marcus ; Ries, Lynn A. G. ; Edwards, Brenda K.
BACKGROUND: Annual updates on cancer occurrence and trends in the United States are provided through collaboration between the American Cancer Society (ACS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). This year's report highlights the increased cancer risk associated with excess weight (overweight or obesity) and lack of sufficient physical activity (<150 minutes of physical [...]
Menée à l'échelle nationale, cette étude analyse la mortalité par cancer en Inde sur la période 2001-2003
Verbal-autopsy-based projection of cancer deaths in India
Menée à l'échelle nationale, cette étude analyse la mortalité par cancer en Inde sur la période 2001-2003
Verbal-autopsy-based projection of cancer deaths in India
Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy ; Swaminathan, Rajaraman
Cancer mortality in India: a nationally representative survey
Menée à l'échelle nationale, cette étude analyse la mortalité par cancer en Inde sur la période 2001-2003
Cancer mortality in India: a nationally representative survey
Dikshit, Rajesh ; Gupta, Prakash C. ; Ramasundarahettige, Chinthanie ; Gajalakshmi, Vendhan ; Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz ; Badwe, Rajendra ; Kumar, Rajesh ; Roy, Sandip ; Suraweera, Wilson ; Bray, Freddie ; Mallath, Mohandas ; Singh, Poonam K. ; Sinha, Dhirendra N. ; Shet, Arun S. ; Gelband, Hellen ; Jha, Prabhat
Background The age-specific mortality rates and total deaths from specific cancers have not been documented for the various regions and subpopulations of India. We therefore assessed the cause of death in 2001—03 in homes in small areas that were chosen to be representative of all the parts of India. Methods At least 130 trained physicians independently assigned causes to 122 429 deaths, which occurred in 1·1 million homes in 6671 small areas that were randomly selected to be representative of [...]
A partir des données des registres américains des cancers portant sur la période 1998-2008, cette étude analyse les dispartités ethniques dans la survie des patients pédiatriques atteints de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë
Racial and ethnic disparities in survival of US children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: evidence from the SEER database 1988–2008
A partir des données des registres américains des cancers portant sur la période 1998-2008, cette étude analyse les dispartités ethniques dans la survie des patients pédiatriques atteints de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë
Racial and ethnic disparities in survival of US children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: evidence from the SEER database 1988–2008
Goggins, William ; Lo, Fiona
Purpose Prior studies have shown poorer survival from childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) among some minorities compared to non-Hispanic whites (NHW). Here, we examine whether these survival disparities have persisted and to see whether they also exist for Asian and Hispanic subgroups. Methods Using data from the US National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program from 1988 to 2008, we compared all natural-cause survival for children aged 19 years or under [...]
Menée sur la période 1982 à 2003, cette étude de cohorte en population danoise analyse l'évolution de la mortalité des patients ayant eu une histoire de carcinome épidermoïde de la peau
Mortality in cancer patients with a history of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma - a nationwide population-based cohort study
Menée sur la période 1982 à 2003, cette étude de cohorte en population danoise analyse l'évolution de la mortalité des patients ayant eu une histoire de carcinome épidermoïde de la peau
Mortality in cancer patients with a history of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma - a nationwide population-based cohort study
Johannesdottir, Sigrun ; Lash, Timothy ; Jensen, Annette ; Farkas, Dora ; Olesen, Anne
BACKGROUND:Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is associated with underlying immunosuppression, so it may be a prognostic marker in patients with subsequent cancer. We therefore conducted a nationwide population-based Danish cohort study to evaluate whether a history of cutaneuos SCC has prognostic impact in patients with one of the following index cancers: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), or cancer of the lung, colon, rectum, breast, or prostate.METHODS:We used Danish medical databases, which [...]
Cette étude internationale analyse les disparités mondiales dans le dépistage et l'incidence du cancer du sein ainsi que dans la survie et la mortalité pour l'année 2008
The descriptive epidemiology of female breast cancer: An international comparison of screening, incidence, survival and mortality
Cette étude internationale analyse les disparités mondiales dans le dépistage et l'incidence du cancer du sein ainsi que dans la survie et la mortalité pour l'année 2008
The descriptive epidemiology of female breast cancer: An international comparison of screening, incidence, survival and mortality
Youlden, Danny R. ; Cramb, Susanna M. ; Dunn, Nathan A. M. ; Muller, Jennifer M. ; Pyke, Christopher M. ; Baade, Peter D.
Background This paper presents the latest international descriptive epidemiological data for invasive breast cancer amongst women, including incidence, survival and mortality, as well as information on mammographic screening programmes. Results Almost 1.4 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide in 2008 and approximately 459,000 deaths were recorded. Incidence rates were much higher in more developed countries compared to less developed countries (71.7/100,000 and 29.3/100,000 [...]
Menée en Chine de 1999 à 2008 auprès de 4 211 participantes, cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre le statut socio-économique et le stade au diagnostic du cancer du sein
Breast cancer stage at diagnosis and area-based socioeconomic status: A multicenter 10-year retrospective clinical epidemiological study in China
Menée en Chine de 1999 à 2008 auprès de 4 211 participantes, cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre le statut socio-économique et le stade au diagnostic du cancer du sein
Breast cancer stage at diagnosis and area-based socioeconomic status: A multicenter 10-year retrospective clinical epidemiological study in China
Wang, Qiong ; Li, Jing ; Zheng, Shan ; Li, Jia-Yuan ; Pang, Yi ; Huang, Rong ; Zhang, Bao-Ning ; Zhang, Bin ; Yang, Hong-Jian ; Xie, Xiao-Ming ; Tang, Zhong-Hua ; Li, Hui ; He, Jian-Jun ; Fan, Jin-Hu ; Qiao, You-Lin
BACKGROUND:Although socioeconomic status (SES) has been focused on as a key determinant of cancer stage at diagosis in western countries, there has been no systemic study on the relationship of SES and breast cancer stage at diagnosis in China.METHODS:The medical charts of 4,211 eligible breast cancer patients from 7 areas across China who were diagnosed between 1999 and 2008 were reviewed. Four area-based socioeconomic indicators were used to calculate area-based SES by cluster analysis. The [...]
A partir des données des registres allemands du cancer, cette étude analyse, sur la période 2002 à 2006, l'évolution de la survie des patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'endomètre
Survival of endometrial cancer patients in Germany in the early 21st century: a period analysis by age, histology, and stage
A partir des données des registres allemands du cancer, cette étude analyse, sur la période 2002 à 2006, l'évolution de la survie des patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'endomètre
Survival of endometrial cancer patients in Germany in the early 21st century: a period analysis by age, histology, and stage
Chen, Tianhui ; Jansen, Lina ; Gondos, Adam ; Ressing, Meike ; Holleczek, Bernd ; Katalinic, Alexander ; Brenner, Hermann
BACKGROUND:Population-based studies on endometrial cancer providing survival estimates by age, histology, and stage have been sparse. We aimed to derive most up-to-date and detailed survival estimates for endometrial cancer patients in Germany.METHODS:We used a pooled German national dataset including data from 11 cancer registries covering a population of 33 million people. 30,906 patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 1997-2006 were included. Period analysis was performed to calculate [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (6)
Mené aux Etats-Unis auprès de 120 participants, cet essai randomisé évalue l'efficacité d'une psychothérapie individuelle pour améliorer le bien-être émotionnel et spirituel de patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé
Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Individual Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy for Patients With Advanced Cancer
Mené aux Etats-Unis auprès de 120 participants, cet essai randomisé évalue l'efficacité d'une psychothérapie individuelle pour améliorer le bien-être émotionnel et spirituel de patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé
Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Individual Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy for Patients With Advanced Cancer
Breitbart, William ; Poppito, Shannon ; Rosenfeld, Barry ; Vickers, Andrew J. ; Li, Yuelin ; Abbey, Jennifer ; Olden, Megan ; Pessin, Hayley ; Lichtenthal, Wendy ; Sjoberg, Daniel ; Cassileth, Barrie R.
Purpose Spiritual well-being and sense of meaning are important concerns for clinicians who care for patients with cancer. We developed Individual Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy (IMCP) to address the need for brief interventions targeting spiritual well-being and meaning for patients with advanced cancer.Patients and Methods Patients with stage III or IV cancer (N = 120) were randomly assigned to seven sessions of either IMCP or therapeutic massage (TM). Patients were assessed before and after [...]
Menée en Allemagne, cette étude analyse la détresse psychologique de 164 survivants d'un cancer pédiatrique et leurs ressources pour y faire face
Coping in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: relations to psychological distress
Menée en Allemagne, cette étude analyse la détresse psychologique de 164 survivants d'un cancer pédiatrique et leurs ressources pour y faire face
Coping in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: relations to psychological distress
Wenninger, Kerstin ; Helmes, Almut ; Bengel, Jürgen ; Lauten, Melchior ; Völkel, Susanne ; Niemeyer, Charlotte M.
Objective The goal of this study was to describe coping strategies and their associations with psychological distress in young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Methods One hundred and sixty-four childhood cancer survivors, at least 7 years after diagnosis, completed questionnaires assessing demographics, health information, psychological distress, and different ways of coping (return rate: 61%). The Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18) and the Post-traumatic Diagnostic Scale's (PDS) [...]
Menée en Allemagne auprès de 320 participants (235 cas et 85 témoins), cette étude analyse et compare la détresse psychologique de patients, hommes et femmes, atteints de cancer et parents d'enfants âgés de moins de 18 ans
Psychological distress in cancer patients with underage children: gender-specific differences
Menée en Allemagne auprès de 320 participants (235 cas et 85 témoins), cette étude analyse et compare la détresse psychologique de patients, hommes et femmes, atteints de cancer et parents d'enfants âgés de moins de 18 ans
Psychological distress in cancer patients with underage children: gender-specific differences
Ernst, Jochen ; Götze, Heide ; Krauel, Kerstin ; Romer, Georg ; Bergelt, Corinna ; Flechtner, Hans-Henning ; Herzog, Wolfgang ; Lehmkuhl, Ulrike ; Keller, Monika ; Brähler, Elmar ; von Klitzing, Kai
Background Findings on gender differences in the psychological distress of cancer patients have been inconsistent. The objectives of the current study were to examine whether being a parent differentially modulates anxiety and depression in men and women and to compare whether psychological distress differs in male and female patients with and without children. Methods There were 235 patients (77% female, 23% male) with different cancer types included in the group with underage children (age [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 1 527 survivantes à long terme d'un cancer du sein, cette étude analyse l'efficacité d'un modèle basé sur la théorie de la cognition sociale pour prédire leurs comportements en matière d'activité physique
Social cognitive influences on physical activity participation in long-term breast cancer survivors
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 1 527 survivantes à long terme d'un cancer du sein, cette étude analyse l'efficacité d'un modèle basé sur la théorie de la cognition sociale pour prédire leurs comportements en matière d'activité physique
Social cognitive influences on physical activity participation in long-term breast cancer survivors
Phillips, Siobhan M. ; McAuley, Edward
Background Although physical activity is beneficial for breast cancer survivors, the majority do not meet public health physical activity recommendations. The purpose of this study was to test a social cognitive theory model of physical activity behavior in a sample of long-term breast cancer survivors using both self-report and objective measures of physical activity. Methods Participants (N = 1527) completed measures of physical activity, self-efficacy, goals, outcome expectations, fatigue, [...]
A partir des données des registres norvégiens du cancer portant sur 1 5748 survivantes diagnostiquées avec un cancer du sein entre 1992 et 1996 et âgées de 45 à 54 ans, cette étude de cohorte (1 548 cas et 1 548 témoins sains) analyse les conditions d'emploi et les pensions d'invalidité accordées en raison d'une incapacité permanente causée par le cancer
A cohort study of permanently reduced work ability in breast cancer patients
A partir des données des registres norvégiens du cancer portant sur 1 5748 survivantes diagnostiquées avec un cancer du sein entre 1992 et 1996 et âgées de 45 à 54 ans, cette étude de cohorte (1 548 cas et 1 548 témoins sains) analyse les conditions d'emploi et les pensions d'invalidité accordées en raison d'une incapacité permanente causée par le cancer
A cohort study of permanently reduced work ability in breast cancer patients
Hauglann, Beate ; Benth, Jūratė ; Fosså, Sophie ; Dahl, Alv
Purpose The aims of this cohort study were to explore various longitudinal aspects of employment and disability pension due to permanently reduced work ability among women with breast cancer and to investigate the impact of breast cancer on income. Patients and methods In a national register-based controlled cohort study from Norway, 1,548 women diagnosed with breast cancer (all stages) between 1992 and 1996 at the age 45–54 years and 1,548 cancer-free women matched for age, municipality and [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 189 participants, cette étude longitudinale analyse la peur de la récidive chez des survivants ayant été opérés d'un cancer de la tête et du cou
Fear of recurrence among head and neck cancer survivors: longitudinal trends
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 189 participants, cette étude longitudinale analyse la peur de la récidive chez des survivants ayant été opérés d'un cancer de la tête et du cou
Fear of recurrence among head and neck cancer survivors: longitudinal trends
Ghazali, Naseem ; Cadwallader, Ella ; Lowe, Derek ; Humphris, Gerry ; Ozakinci, Gozde ; Rogers, Simon N.
Background Fear of recurrence (FoR) following head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment is a major patient concern but is infrequently discussed in outpatient settings and may cause significant detrimental effect on patient psychological well-being. Aim The aim of this paper is to determine longitudinal trends and predictors of significant FoR. Method Prospective data collection was obtained in 189 post-treatment HNC patients with 456 clinic attendances from October 2008 to January 2011. All [...]
Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins (2)
Menée aux Pays-Bas sur la période 1989-2009, cette étude analyse l'impact du volume hospitalier d'interventions chirurgicales sur la mortalité et la survie des patients atteints et opérés d'un cancer de l'œsophage et de l'estomac
Effect of hospital volume on postoperative mortality and survival after oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery in the Netherlands between 1989 and...
Menée aux Pays-Bas sur la période 1989-2009, cette étude analyse l'impact du volume hospitalier d'interventions chirurgicales sur la mortalité et la survie des patients atteints et opérés d'un cancer de l'œsophage et de l'estomac
Effect of hospital volume on postoperative mortality and survival after oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery in the Netherlands between 1989 and 2009
Dikken, Johan L. ; Dassen, Anneriet E. ; Lemmens, Valery E. P. ; Putter, Hein ; Krijnen, Pieta ; van der Geest, Lydia ; Bosscha, Koop ; Verheij, Marcel ; van de Velde, Cornelis J. H. ; Wouters, Michel W. J. M.
High hospital volume is associated with better outcomes after oesophagectomy and gastrectomy. In the Netherlands, a minimal volume standard of 10 oesophagectomies per year was introduced in 2006. For gastrectomy, no minimal volume standard was set. Aims of this study were to describe changes in hospital volumes, mortality and survival and to explore if high hospital volume is associated with better outcomes after oesophagectomy and gastrectomy in the Netherlands. From 1989 to 2009, 24,246 [...]
A partir de données portant sur 40 patients en Italie entre 2010 et 2011, cette étude analyse et compare les coûts des chimiothérapies Xelox et Folfox-4 dans le traitement adjuvant du cancer colorectal
Economic comparison of capecitabine + oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil + oxaliplatin in the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer
A partir de données portant sur 40 patients en Italie entre 2010 et 2011, cette étude analyse et compare les coûts des chimiothérapies Xelox et Folfox-4 dans le traitement adjuvant du cancer colorectal
Economic comparison of capecitabine + oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil + oxaliplatin in the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer
Enrico Aitini ; Anna Rossi ; Patrizia Morselli ; Beatrice Vivorio ; Alessandra Bruschi ; Chiara Bottura ; Giorgio L Colombo
Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent and lethal cancers. The aim of this study was to analyze the costs relating to treatment of colorectal cancer between Xelox and Folfox-4 at a regional level according to the clinical experience at an Italian hospital in Lombardy. Methods: A cost analysis was carried out regarding resource consumption by patients suffering from colorectal cancer based on data collected over a 12-month period between 2010 and 2011. The analysis involved 40 [...]
Sensibilisation et communication (2)
A partir des données de l'étude américaine "Health Information National Trends Survey" de 2007, cette étude analyse les différentes croyances sur le cancer et perceptions de la maladie chez des populations ayant eu une histoire personnelle ou familiale de cancer
Cancer perceptions: implications from the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey
A partir des données de l'étude américaine "Health Information National Trends Survey" de 2007, cette étude analyse les différentes croyances sur le cancer et perceptions de la maladie chez des populations ayant eu une histoire personnelle ou familiale de cancer
Cancer perceptions: implications from the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey
Kowalkowski, Marc ; Hart, Stacey ; Du, Xianglin ; Baraniuk, Sarah ; Latini, David
Introduction Research has demonstrated associations between sociodemographic characteristics and illness perceptions; however, the impact of cancer exposure through personal or family diagnoses is not well-studied. The purposes of this study were to examine different cancer beliefs and disparities in cancer beliefs across groups of individuals with distinct cancer histories and to identify whether cancer history predicts a set of cancer beliefs. Methods Using Leventhal’s Common Sense Model and [...]
A partir d'une enquête réalisée en 2010 auprès de membres d'une communauté en ligne de personnes cherchant à perdre du poids (2 386 participants ; 92 % de femmes ; moyenne d'âge : 58 ans), cette étude évalue l'acceptabilité d'un concept reposant sur l'échange d'expériences pour promouvoir le dépistage du cancer colorectal
Acceptability of narratives to promote colorectal cancer screening in an online community
A partir d'une enquête réalisée en 2010 auprès de membres d'une communauté en ligne de personnes cherchant à perdre du poids (2 386 participants ; 92 % de femmes ; moyenne d'âge : 58 ans), cette étude évalue l'acceptabilité d'un concept reposant sur l'échange d'expériences pour promouvoir le dépistage du cancer colorectal
Acceptability of narratives to promote colorectal cancer screening in an online community
Hwang, Kevin O. ; Trickey, Amber W. ; Graham, Amanda L. ; Thomas, Eric J. ; Street Jr, Richard L. ; Kraschnewski, Jennifer L. ; Vernon, Sally W.
Objective : To assess the acceptability of narratives to promote colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among members of an online weight loss community. Method : Members of online weight loss community completed an Internet survey in 2010. Multiple logistic regression models examined demographic and attitudinal correlates of interest in sharing and receiving CRC screening narratives. Results : Participants (n = 2,386) were 92% female with mean (SD) age 58 (6) years; 68% were up-to-date with CRC [...]
Ressources et infrastructures (Lutte contre les cancers) (1)
Menée dans 63 pays à partir d'une enquête en ligne, cette étude internationale analyse les expériences et les besoins en formation de 786 psycho-oncologues pédiatriques
A worldview of the professional experiences and training needs of pediatric psycho-oncologists
Menée dans 63 pays à partir d'une enquête en ligne, cette étude internationale analyse les expériences et les besoins en formation de 786 psycho-oncologues pédiatriques
A worldview of the professional experiences and training needs of pediatric psycho-oncologists
Wiener, Lori ; Oppenheim, Daniel ; Breyer, Joanna ; Battles, Haven ; Zadeh, Sima ; Patenaude, Andrea Farkas
Background Thirty years after the origin of the field of psycho-oncology, limited data exist about the work practices of professionals providing psychosocial care to children with cancer and their families. Method A survey was designed to assess training, work environment, theoretical orientation, services provided, subspecialty areas or areas of special interest, satisfactions, challenges, and continuing education needs of pediatric psycho-oncologists. Members of national and international [...]