Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
Pour retrouver les publications signalées par Nota Bene Cancer (archives indexées à partir du n°127 du 1" mars 2012) :
Sommaire du n° 529 du 20 juin 2022
Qualité de vie, soins de support (5)
Mené dans la ville de New York sur 117 patients atteints d'un cancer, cet essai randomisé à 3 bras évalue l'intérêt, du point de vue de l'achèvement du traitement anticancéreux, d'interventions destinées à réduire l'insécurité alimentaire (garde-manger, coupons alimentaires, livraison alimentaire à domicile)
Food to Overcome Outcomes Disparities: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Food Insecurity Interventions to Improve Cancer Outcomes
Mené dans la ville de New York sur 117 patients atteints d'un cancer, cet essai randomisé à 3 bras évalue l'intérêt, du point de vue de l'achèvement du traitement anticancéreux, d'interventions destinées à réduire l'insécurité alimentaire (garde-manger, coupons alimentaires, livraison alimentaire à domicile)
Food to Overcome Outcomes Disparities: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Food Insecurity Interventions to Improve Cancer Outcomes
Francesca Gany ; Irina Melnic ; Minlun Wu ; Yuelin Li ; Jackie Finik ; Julia Ramirez ; Victoria Blinder ; Margaret Kemeny ; Elizabeth Guevara ; Caroline Hwang ; Jennifer Leng
PURPOSE : Food insecurity is prevalent among low-income immigrant and minority patients with cancer. To our knowledge, this randomized controlled trial is the first to prospectively examine the impact on cancer outcomes of food insecurity interventions, with the goal of informing evidence-based interventions to address food insecurity in patients with cancer. METHOD : SA three-arm randomized controlled trial was conducted among food-insecure (18-item US Department of Agriculture Household Food [...]
Menée au Canada, cette étude analyse les prescriptions de dexaméthasone par des spécialistes en soins palliatifs et des radiothérapeutes pour soulager la douleur liée à la maladie chez des patients atteints d'un cancer
Dexamethasone prescribing for cancer pain between palliative care and radiation oncology
Menée au Canada, cette étude analyse les prescriptions de dexaméthasone par des spécialistes en soins palliatifs et des radiothérapeutes pour soulager la douleur liée à la maladie chez des patients atteints d'un cancer
Dexamethasone prescribing for cancer pain between palliative care and radiation oncology
Jeong, Andrew ; Wade, Kevin
Purpose : Dexamethasone is a commonly prescribed corticosteroid by both palliative care physicians and radiation oncologists for the treatment of metastatic cancer pain. However, clinical evidence for dexamethasone dose and efficacy is lacking, and prescribing between these different specialties may be influenced by other factors. This study investigates the dexamethasone prescriptions of palliative care physicians and radiation oncologists for cancer pain and their prescription rationales. [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 2003 et 2020 (6 essais randomisés, 279 patients), cette méta-analyse évalue l'effet de la musicothérapie sur la sévérité de la fatigue de patients atteints d'un cancer hématologique
The effect of music therapy interventions on fatigue in patients with hematological cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized co...
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 2003 et 2020 (6 essais randomisés, 279 patients), cette méta-analyse évalue l'effet de la musicothérapie sur la sévérité de la fatigue de patients atteints d'un cancer hématologique
The effect of music therapy interventions on fatigue in patients with hematological cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Sezgin, Merve Gozde ; Bektas, Hicran
Purpose : To systematically synthesize the effect of music therapy interventions applied to patients with hematological cancer on fatigue. Methods : The searches were conducted on PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost/CINAHL Complete, Science Direct, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Ovid, ProQuest, and Springer Link databases until August 2021 without any year limitation. The review covered the period between 2003 and 2020. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 3 software was used in the analysis of meta-analysis [...]
Menée en Italie à partir de données portant sur 448 adultes atteints d'un cancer et hospitalisés entre 2009 et 2013, cette étude cas-témoins identifie les facteurs associés au risque de chute
Fall predictors in hospitalized patients living with cancer: a case–control study
Menée en Italie à partir de données portant sur 448 adultes atteints d'un cancer et hospitalisés entre 2009 et 2013, cette étude cas-témoins identifie les facteurs associés au risque de chute
Fall predictors in hospitalized patients living with cancer: a case–control study
Zeneli, Anita ; Montalti, Sandra ; Masciangelo, Itria ; Manieri, Gloria ; Golinucci, Monica ; Nanni, Oriana ; Montella, Maria Teresa ; Martinelli, Giovanni ; Petracci, Elisabetta
Purpose : To identify fall predictors and develop an assessment tool to be used for screening hospitalized cancer patients at risk for fall. Methods : A retrospective case–control study was conducted in 2018 at a cancer center in Northern Italy. The study participants were 448 adult cancer patients admitted to the oncology ward from 2009 to 2013. The case group consisted of 112 patients presenting at least one fall, while controls were randomly chosen by matching each case for age, sex, and [...]
A partir d'une revue de la littérature (17 études), cette étude analyse la prévalence et la sévérité de douleurs chroniques chez des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein traité par mastectomie avec reconstruction mammaire alloplastique
Chronic pain in breast cancer patients post mastectomy with alloplastic reconstruction: A scoping review
A partir d'une revue de la littérature (17 études), cette étude analyse la prévalence et la sévérité de douleurs chroniques chez des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein traité par mastectomie avec reconstruction mammaire alloplastique
Chronic pain in breast cancer patients post mastectomy with alloplastic reconstruction: A scoping review
Rogowsky, Larissa C. ; Illmann, Caroline F. ; Isaac, Kathryn V.
Introduction : Women diagnosed with breast cancer are receiving mastectomy with implant-based reconstruction at an increasing rate. Chronic post-surgical pain can be a major concern for these patients. This review sought to address the knowledge gap on the prevalence, severity and characteristics of chronic pain in this population. Methods : A scoping review was conducted using the Arksey and O'Malley framework. Five databases were searched using keywords. Two independent reviewers performed [...]
Observation (9)
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Oncology clinical trial disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic: a COVID-19 and cancer outcomes study
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Oncology clinical trial disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic: a COVID-19 and cancer outcomes study
Bakouny, Z. ; Labaki, C. ; Bhalla, S. ; Schmidt, A. L. ; Steinharter, J. A. ; Cocco, J. ; Tremblay, D. A. ; Awad, M. M. ; Kessler, A. ; Haddad, R. I. ; Evans, M. ; Busser, F. ; Wotman, M. ; Curran, C. R. ; Zimmerman, B. S. ; Bouchard, G. ; Jun, T. ; Nuzzo, P. V. ; Qin, Q. ; Hirsch, L. ; Feld, J. ; Kelleher, K. M. ; Seidman, D. ; Huang, H. ; Anderson-Keightly, H. M. ; El Zarif, T. ; Alaiwi, S. Abou ; Champagne, C. ; Rosenbloom, T. D. ; Stewart, P. S. ; Johnson, B. E. ; Trinh, Q. ; Tolaney, S. M. ; Galsky, M. D. ; Choueiri, T. K. ; Doroshow, D. B.
Background: COVID-19 disproportionately impacted patients with cancer as a result of direct infection, and delays in diagnosis and therapy. Oncological clinical trials are resource-intensive endeavors that could be particularly susceptible to disruption by the pandemic, but few studies have evaluated the impact of the pandemic on clinical trial conduct. Patients and methods: This prospective, multicenter study assesses the impact of the pandemic on therapeutic clinical trials at two large [...]
Mortality of patients with cancer and SARS-CoV-2 infection: results from the Argentinean Network of Hospital-Based Cancer Registries
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Mortality of patients with cancer and SARS-CoV-2 infection: results from the Argentinean Network of Hospital-Based Cancer Registries
Fattore, Gisel Lorena ; Olivos, Natalia Silvana Aráoz ; Olalla, Jose Enrique Carrizo ; Gomez, Lara ; Marucco, Agustina Flamenco ; Mena, María Paz Rojas
Background : Cancer is an important risk factors in patients with COVID-19. We aimed to describe the clinical and demographic characteristics associated with mortality in patients with cancer who were infected with SARS-CoV-2. Methods : We conducted a retrospective longitudinal study of 1206 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and cancer diagnoses registered in the Argentinean Network of Hospital-Based Cancer Registries (RITA), from March 31, 2020 to January 31, 2021. Demographic and [...]
Counting the social, psychological, and economic costs of COVID-19 for cancer patients
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Counting the social, psychological, and economic costs of COVID-19 for cancer patients
Kirby, Ann ; Drummond, Frances J. ; Lawlor, Amy ; Murphy, Aileen
Purpose : Cancer patients were particularly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic given their reliance on the healthcare system, and their weakened immune systems. This systematic review examines the social, psychological, and economic impacts of COVID-19 on cancer patients. Methods : The systematic search, conducted in March 2021, captures the experience of COVID-19 Wave I, when the most severe restrictions were in place globally, from a patient perspective. Results : The [...]
Hospitalization characteristics and outcomes of patients with cancer and COVID-19 at a comprehensive cancer center
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Hospitalization characteristics and outcomes of patients with cancer and COVID-19 at a comprehensive cancer center
Manzano, Joanna-Grace M. ; Muthu, Mayoora ; Kheder, Ed ; Mohammed, Alyssa ; Halm, Josiah ; Dickson, Kodwo ; Ali, Noman ; Leung, Cerena ; Koom-Dadzie, Kwame ; Rubio, David ; Odaro, Orhue ; Sibille, Michelle ; Etchegaray, Mikel ; Wilson, Kaycee ; Lin, Heather ; George, Marina
Purpose : Several studies have confirmed increased mortality among patients with both COVID-19 and cancer. It remains important to continue to report observations of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 in this vulnerable population. The purpose of this study is to describe the hospitalization characteristics and outcomes of patients with both cancer and COVID-19 admitted to our comprehensive cancer center. Methods : This was a descriptive study of the first COVID-19-related hospitalization [...]
Covid-19 outbreak in Lombardy: impact on reducing solid cancer diagnoses in 2020
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Covid-19 outbreak in Lombardy: impact on reducing solid cancer diagnoses in 2020
Trama, Annalisa ; Bernasconi, Alice ; Botta, Laura ; Di Cosimo, Serena ; Miceli, Rosalba ; Claps, Melanie ; Badenchini, Fabio ; Lillini, Roberto ; Rubino, Massimiliano ; Lasalvia, Paolo
Our aim was to analyse, on a population level, the year-long decline in cancer diagnoses in the region of Lombardy (Italy), and to characterise the tumours with the greatest reduction in diagnosis by patient age, sex, and tumour stage at diagnosis. We used the health care utilization databases of the Lombardy region to identify cancer patients’ characteristics (e.g. sex, age) and cancer-related information (e.g. cancer site, stage at diagnosis). The frequency of new cancer diagnoses in 2019 and [...]
Menée dans 5 pays (Brésil, Chine, France, Russie, Etats-Unis) à partir de données portant sur 11 100 patients atteints d'un cancer, cette étude analyse l'utilisation de la radiothérapie et de la chimiothérapie ainsi que l'accès aux soins de support
Prevalence of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and access to supportive care in cancer in Brazil, China, France, Russia and the USA
Menée dans 5 pays (Brésil, Chine, France, Russie, Etats-Unis) à partir de données portant sur 11 100 patients atteints d'un cancer, cette étude analyse l'utilisation de la radiothérapie et de la chimiothérapie ainsi que l'accès aux soins de support
Prevalence of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and access to supportive care in cancer in Brazil, China, France, Russia and the USA
Buiret, Guillaume ; Delvigne, Véronique ; le Dantec, Guénaëlle ; Guyonnet-Debersac, Pascale ; Taïeb, Charles
Objectives : The objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of treatment with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy in the general adult population of five countries (Brazil, China, France, Russia and the USA) and to evaluate the use of different Supportive Care in Cancer (SCC) services. Methods : A total of 11,100 individuals representing the general population over 18 years of age were recruited from the five countries via a rigorous quota sampling method. Results : There are between 4.1% [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude de cohorte analyse les morbidités maternelles sévères et la mortalité chez les patientes enceintes atteintes d'un cancer
Assessment of Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in Pregnancies Complicated by Cancer in the US
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude de cohorte analyse les morbidités maternelles sévères et la mortalité chez les patientes enceintes atteintes d'un cancer
Assessment of Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in Pregnancies Complicated by Cancer in the US
Matsuo, Koji ; Klar, Maximilian ; Youssefzadeh, Ariane C. ; Mandelbaum, Rachel S. ; Roman, Lynda D. ; Ouzounian, Joseph G. ; Wright, Jason D.
Severe maternal morbidity is increasing in the US. The rising rate of maternal morbidity is likely driven by a multitude of factors, including increasing maternal age, higher rates of obesity, increased medical comorbidity among patients, and a rising cesarean delivery rate.To date, little data have examined the association between cancer and maternal morbidity and mortality. Not only is the incidence of cancer in women of reproductive age increasing, but as treatment improves, women with [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données de séquençage du génome entier portant sur 1 870 patients d'ascendance européenne ayant survécu à un cancer pédiatrique et inclus dans "the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort", puis validée sur 301 patients d'ascendance africaine inclus dans la même cohorte et sur 4 020 patients d'ascendance européenne inclus dans "the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study", cette étude identifie un nouveau locus de susceptibilité au risque de dysfonctionnement cardiaque lié aux traitements anticancéreux
A novel locus on 6p21.2 for cancer treatment-induced cardiac dysfunction among childhood cancer survivors
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données de séquençage du génome entier portant sur 1 870 patients d'ascendance européenne ayant survécu à un cancer pédiatrique et inclus dans "the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort", puis validée sur 301 patients d'ascendance africaine inclus dans la même cohorte et sur 4 020 patients d'ascendance européenne inclus dans "the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study", cette étude identifie un nouveau locus de susceptibilité au risque de dysfonctionnement cardiaque lié aux traitements anticancéreux
A novel locus on 6p21.2 for cancer treatment-induced cardiac dysfunction among childhood cancer survivors
Sapkota, Yadav ; Ehrhardt, Matthew J ; Qin, Na ; Wang, Zhaoming ; Liu, Qi ; Qiu, Weiyu ; Shelton, Kyla ; Shao, Ying ; Plyler, Emily ; Mulder, Heather L ; Easton, John ; Michael, J Robert ; Burridge, Paul W ; Wang, Xuexia ; Wilson, Carmen L ; Jefferies, John L ; Chow, Eric J ; Oeffinger, Kevin C ; Morton, Lindsay M ; Li, Chunliang ; Yang, Jun J ; Zhang, Jinghui ; Bhatia, Smita ; Mulrooney, Daniel A ; Hudson, Melissa M ; Robison, Leslie L ; Armstrong, Gregory T ; Yasui, Yutaka
Background : Adult survivors of childhood cancer are at increased risk of cardiac late effects. Methods : Using whole-genome sequencing data from 1,870 survivors of European ancestry in the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort (SJLIFE) study, genetic variants were examined for association with ejection fraction (EF) and clinically assessed cancer therapy-induced cardiac dysfunction (CCD). Significant findings were validated in 301 SJLIFE survivors of African ancestry and 4,020 survivors of European [...]
Menée à partir des données GLOBOCAN, cette étude présente, au niveau mondial et pour l'année 2020, une estimation de l'incidence du lymphome non hodgkinien et de la mortalité associée
Global patterns of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2020
Menée à partir des données GLOBOCAN, cette étude présente, au niveau mondial et pour l'année 2020, une estimation de l'incidence du lymphome non hodgkinien et de la mortalité associée
Global patterns of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2020
Mafra, Allini ; Laversanne, Mathieu ; Gospodarowicz, Mary ; Klinger, Paulo ; De Paula Silva, Neimar ; Piñeros, Marion ; Steliarova-Foucher, Eva ; Bray, Freddie ; Znaor, Ariana
We evaluated the global patterns of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in 2020 using the estimates of NHL incidence and mortality in 185 countries that are part of the GLOBOCAN 2020 database, developed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). As well as new cases and deaths of NHL, corresponding age-standardized (world) rates (ASR) of incidence and mortality per 100,000 person-years were derived by country and world region. In 2020, an estimated 544,000 new cases of NHL were diagnosed [...]
Menée en Louisiane, cette étude analyse l'évolution, sur la période 2000-2010, de l'incidence du lymphome cutané à cellules T
Demographic Patterns and Increasing Incidence of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma in Louisiana
Menée en Louisiane, cette étude analyse l'évolution, sur la période 2000-2010, de l'incidence du lymphome cutané à cellules T
Demographic Patterns and Increasing Incidence of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma in Louisiana
Maghfour, Jalal ; Gill, Frances ; Olson, Justin ; Guido, Nicholas ; Echuri, Harika ; Murina, Andrea
Incidence of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) was estimated as 6.4 cases per million individuals per year.1 Previous reports have documented a worldwide increase in CTCL incidence.2 We assessed the incidence and demographic patterns of CTCL in Louisiana. Tulane Institutional Review Board approved this study and waived informed consent because deidentified data were used. Data sources were a Louisiana tumor registry and electronic health records from 2 New Orleans clinics. Sex; age; race and [...]
Menée au Canada à partir de données portant sur 1 422 patientes atteintes d'un cancer épithélial de l'ovaire, cette étude analyse l'effet, sur la survie à 20 ans, de mutations constitutionnelles de 12 gènes prédisposant à la maladie
Impact of germline mutations in cancer-predisposing genes on long-term survival in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer
Menée au Canada à partir de données portant sur 1 422 patientes atteintes d'un cancer épithélial de l'ovaire, cette étude analyse l'effet, sur la survie à 20 ans, de mutations constitutionnelles de 12 gènes prédisposant à la maladie
Impact of germline mutations in cancer-predisposing genes on long-term survival in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer
Kotsopoulos, Joanne ; Zamani, Neda ; Rosen, Barry ; McLaughlin, John R. ; Risch, Harvey A. ; Kim, Shana J. ; Sun, Ping ; Akbari, Mohammad Reza ; Narod, Steven A.
Background : Several clinical and tumour factors impact on ovarian cancer survival. It is important to evaluate if germline mutations impact long-term outcomes among patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. Methods : We followed 1422 Ontario women with ovarian cancer. Clinical information was obtained from medical records and vital status was determined by registry linkage. Germline genetic testing was performed for 12 susceptibility genes. We estimated 20-year cancer-specific survival [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 2014 et 2020 (17 études), cette méta-analyse évalue le risque de pneumonite sévère (grade 3 à 5) induite par une chimioradiothérapie chez des patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon non à petites cellules de stade III et non résécable
Chemoradiation-Induced Pneumonitis in Patients with Unresectable Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-anal...
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 2014 et 2020 (17 études), cette méta-analyse évalue le risque de pneumonite sévère (grade 3 à 5) induite par une chimioradiothérapie chez des patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon non à petites cellules de stade III et non résécable
Chemoradiation-Induced Pneumonitis in Patients with Unresectable Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis
Kuang, Yuting ; Pierce, Christine M. ; Chang, Hsiu-Ching ; Sosinsky, Alexandra Z. ; Deitz, Anne C. ; Keller, Steven M. ; Samkari, Ayman ; Uyei, Jennifer
Introduction : High-grade pneumonitis is a severe and potentially life-threatening adverse eventassociated with concurrent chemoradiation (cCRT) in patients with non-small cell lungcancer (NSCLC). The aim of this study was to summarize and quantify the incidenceof severe (grade 3-5) cCRT-induced pneumonitis in unresectable stage III NSCLC patients. Methods : A systematic literature review and meta-analysis were performed in accordance withPRISMA guidelines. Published literature was searched for [...]
Menée en Italie à partir de données portant sur 693 patientes atteintes d'un cancer invasif du sein, cette étude analyse l'association entre la densité mammaire et la survie (102 décès dont 49 par cancer du sein)
Mammographic breast density and survival in women with invasive breast cancer
Menée en Italie à partir de données portant sur 693 patientes atteintes d'un cancer invasif du sein, cette étude analyse l'association entre la densité mammaire et la survie (102 décès dont 49 par cancer du sein)
Mammographic breast density and survival in women with invasive breast cancer
Pizzato, Margherita ; Carioli, Greta ; Rosso, Stefano ; Zanetti, Roberto ; La Vecchia, Carlo
Purpose : We explored the under-debate association between mammographic breast density (MBD) and survival. Methods : From the Piedmont Cancer Registry, we identified 693 invasive breast cancer (BC) cases. We analyzed the overall survival in strata of MBD through the Kaplan–Meier method. Using the Cox proportional hazards model, we estimated the hazard ratios (HRs) of death; using the cause-specific hazards regression model, we estimated the HRs of BC-related and other causes of death. Models [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (3)
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 856 patients ayant survécu à un cancer, cette étude analyse l'association entre des comportements de santé (consommation de fruits et légumes, pratique d'une activité physique, durée du sommeil) et la santé psychologique
Eat, sleep, play: health behaviors and their association with psychological health among cancer survivors in a nationally representative sample
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 856 patients ayant survécu à un cancer, cette étude analyse l'association entre des comportements de santé (consommation de fruits et légumes, pratique d'une activité physique, durée du sommeil) et la santé psychologique
Eat, sleep, play: health behaviors and their association with psychological health among cancer survivors in a nationally representative sample
Glasgow, Trevin E. ; McGuire, Kandace P. ; Fuemmeler, Bernard F.
Background : Cancer survivors are able to live much longer today than in the past due to advances in treatment. The promotion of health behaviors is important to address among cancer survivors. Not only can health behaviors reduce the risk of comorbidities, but they may also be key to improving psychological health among cancer survivors, such as psychological distress, perceptions of one’s general health, and distress of cancer mortality (i.e., cancer fatalism). Our overall goal is to 1) [...]
A partir d'une revue de la littérature, cette étude analyse les effets, sur la dépression, l'inflammation et la survie des patients atteints d'un cancer, des interventions de psychothérapie basées sur le concept de la pleine conscience
Examining the interrelationships between mindfulness-based interventions, depression, inflammation, and cancer survival
A partir d'une revue de la littérature, cette étude analyse les effets, sur la dépression, l'inflammation et la survie des patients atteints d'un cancer, des interventions de psychothérapie basées sur le concept de la pleine conscience
Examining the interrelationships between mindfulness-based interventions, depression, inflammation, and cancer survival
Marinovic, Debra A. ; Hunter, Rebecca L.
Abstract Depression is highly prevalent in those diagnosed with cancer and is also associated with poorer prognostic outcomes. Mindfulness-based interventions are effective in reducing depressive symptoms and improving quality of life in patients with cancer. The objective of this review was to investigate whether mindfulness practices can improve survival and, if so, what mechanisms of action may contribute to these outcomes. Although no long-term studies have investigated this hypothesis, the [...]
Menée en Australie à partir de données portant sur 33 patients atteints d'un lymphome agressif récemment diagnostiqué, cette étude longitudinale analyse l'évolution de leurs déficiences cognitives pendant une chimiothérapie standard
Cancer-related cognitive impairment in patients with newly diagnosed aggressive lymphoma undergoing standard chemotherapy: a longitudinal feasibili...
Menée en Australie à partir de données portant sur 33 patients atteints d'un lymphome agressif récemment diagnostiqué, cette étude longitudinale analyse l'évolution de leurs déficiences cognitives pendant une chimiothérapie standard
Cancer-related cognitive impairment in patients with newly diagnosed aggressive lymphoma undergoing standard chemotherapy: a longitudinal feasibility study
Gates, Priscilla ; Krishnasamy, Meinir ; Wilson, Carlene ; Hawkes, Eliza A. ; Doré, Vincent ; Perchyonok, Yuliya ; Rowe, Christopher C. ; Walker, Adam K. ; Vardy, Janette L. ; de Ruiter, Michiel B. ; Cushion, Tania ; Dhillon, Haryana M. ; Gough, Karla
Purpose : Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is a recognised adverse consequence of cancer and its treatment. This study assessed the feasibility of collecting longitudinal data on cognition in patients with newly diagnosed, aggressive lymphoma undergoing standard therapy with curative intent via self-report, neuropsychological assessment, peripheral markers of inflammation, and neuroimaging. An exploration and description of patterns of cancer-related cognitive impairment over the [...]
Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins (3)
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Barriers and opportunities to measuring oncology patient navigation impact: Results from the National Navigation Roundtable survey
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Barriers and opportunities to measuring oncology patient navigation impact: Results from the National Navigation Roundtable survey
Battaglia, Tracy A. ; Fleisher, Linda ; Dwyer, Andrea J. ; Wiatrek, Dawn E. ; Wells, Kristen J. ; Wightman, Patrick ; Strusowski, Tricia ; Calhoun, Elizabeth ; the National Navigation Roundtable Evidence-Based Task Group
Background : Patient navigation improves cancer care delivery for those most at risk for poor outcomes. Lack of sustainable funding threatens the full integration of navigation services into health care delivery systems. Standardized navigation metrics that document impact and identify best practices are necessary to support sustainability. Methods : The National Navigation Roundtable administered a web-based, cross-sectional survey to oncology patient navigation programs to identify barriers [...]
Patient navigation to address sociolegal barriers for patients with cancer: A comparative-effectiveness study
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Patient navigation to address sociolegal barriers for patients with cancer: A comparative-effectiveness study
Battaglia, Tracy A. ; Gunn, Christine M. ; Bak, Sharon M. ; Flacks, JoHanna ; Nelson, Kerrie P. ; Wang, Na ; Ko, Naomi Y. ; Morton, Samantha J.
Background : Sociolegal barriers to cancer care are defined as health-related social needs like affordable healthy housing, stable utility service, and food security that may be remedied by public policy, law, regulation, or programming. Legal support has not been studied in cancer care. Methods : The authors conducted a randomized controlled trial of patients who had newly diagnosed cancer at a safety-net medical center in Boston from 2014 through 2017, comparing standard patient navigation [...]
Change agents in the oncology workforce: Let's be clear about community health workers and patient navigators
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Change agents in the oncology workforce: Let's be clear about community health workers and patient navigators
Battaglia, Tracy A. ; Zhang, Xiaochen ; Dwyer, Andrea J. ; Rush, Carl H. ; Paskett, Electra D.
Despite efforts of professional organizations and government agencies to solidify the professional identities of community health workers and patient navigators in the oncology workforce, the scientific literature perpetuates wide variation in the nomenclature used to define these natural change agents, who have proven efficacy in improving access to quality cancer care for historically marginalized populations. To disseminate, sustain, and scale-up these life-saving roles in cancer care, the [...]
Development of a workflow process mapping protocol to inform the implementation of regional patient navigation programs in breast oncology
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Development of a workflow process mapping protocol to inform the implementation of regional patient navigation programs in breast oncology
Casanova, Nicole L. ; LeClair, Amy M. ; Xiao, Victoria ; Mullikin, Katelyn R. ; Lemon, Stephenie C. ; Freund, Karen M. ; Haas, Jennifer S. ; Freedman, Rachel A. ; Battaglia, Tracy A. ; the Translating Research Into Practice Consortium
BACKGROUND : Implementing city-wide patient navigation processes that support patients across the continuum of cancer care is impeded by a lack of standardized tools to integrate workflows and reduce gaps in care. The authors present an actionable workflow process mapping protocol for navigation process planning and improvement based on methods developed for the Translating Research Into Practice study. METHODS : Key stakeholders at each study site were identified through existing community [...]
What makes for successful patient navigation implementation in cancer prevention and screening programs using an evaluation and sustainability fram...
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
What makes for successful patient navigation implementation in cancer prevention and screening programs using an evaluation and sustainability framework
Dwyer, Andrea J. ; Weltzien, Elsa S. ; Harty, Nicole M. ; LeGrice, Kirsten E. ; Pray, Shannon L. H. ; Risendal, Betsy C.
Background : Integrating patient navigation into cancer prevention and early detection efforts has been effective in increasing cancer screening rates for the medically underserved. Few publications have focused on how cancer screening interventions in the primary care setting using patient navigation as a primary strategy are implemented, adapted, and sustained. In 2006, the University of Colorado Cancer Center established a statewide colorectal cancer screening program to reduce disparities [...]
Collective pursuit for equity in cancer care: The National Navigation Roundtable
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Collective pursuit for equity in cancer care: The National Navigation Roundtable
Dwyer, Andrea J. ; Wender, Richard C. ; Weltzien, Elsa S. ; Dean, Monica S. ; Sharpe, Katherine ; Fleisher, Linda ; Burhansstipanov, Linda ; Johnson, Wenora ; Martinez, Laura ; Wiatrek, Dawn E. ; Calhoun, Elizabeth ; Battaglia, Tracy A. ; the National Navigation Roundtable
BACKGROUND : The evidence continues to build in support of implementing patient navigation to reduce barriers and increase access to care. However, health disparities remain in cancer outcomes. The goal of the National Navigation Roundtable (NNRT) is to serve as a convener to help support the field of navigation to address equity. METHODS : To examine the progress and opportunities for navigation, the NNRT submitted a collection of articles based on the results from 2 dedicated surveys and [...]
Solidifying roles, responsibilities, and the process of navigation across the continuum of cancer care: The Professional Oncology Navigation Task F...
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Solidifying roles, responsibilities, and the process of navigation across the continuum of cancer care: The Professional Oncology Navigation Task Force
Franklin, Elizabeth F. ; Dean, Monica S. ; Johnston, Danelle M. ; Nevidjon, Brenda M. ; Burke, Susie L. ; Simms Booth, Lisa M.
Since its founding in 1990, the profession of oncology navigation has grown and evolved. Although core concepts serve as a unifying thread throughout the profession, there has not been formal agreement on standardization of definitions, scopes, and roles for the various types of navigators. This has created challenges for sustainability, including reimbursement for navigation services. Emerging from the Biden Cancer Initiative's patient navigation working group, the Professional Oncology [...]
Exploring classes of cancer patient navigators and determinants of navigator role retention
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Exploring classes of cancer patient navigators and determinants of navigator role retention
Garcia-Alcaraz, Cristian ; Roesch, Scott C. ; Calhoun, Elizabeth ; Wightman, Patrick ; Mohan, Prashanthinie ; Battaglia, Tracy A. ; Cobian Aguilar, Rosa ; Valverde, Patricia A. ; Wells, Kristen J. ; the National Navigation Roundtable Evidence-Based Task Group
BACKGROUND : In the current nationwide study, the authors used latent class analysis (LCA) to identify classes of cancer patient navigators (CPNs) and examined whether class membership and 12 indicators were related to navigator role retention. METHODS : By using data from 460 CPNs in the United States, LCA identified classes (ie, homogenous subgroups) of CPNs with the following indicators: type of CPN (clinical vs nonclinical), education level, area(s) of the cancer care continuum in which the [...]
Evaluating the sustainability of patient navigation programs in oncology by length of existence, funding, and payment model participation
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Evaluating the sustainability of patient navigation programs in oncology by length of existence, funding, and payment model participation
Garfield, Kathryn M. ; Franklin, Elizabeth F. ; Battaglia, Tracy A. ; Dwyer, Andrea J. ; Freund, Karen M. ; Wightman, Patrick D. ; Rohan, Elizabeth A.
BACKGROUND : For this study, the authors examined whether specific programmatic factors were associated with the sustainability of patient navigation programs. METHODS : This cross-sectional survey explored navigation programmatic factors associated with 3 measures of sustainability: 1) length of program existence, 2) reliance on sustainable funding, and 3) participation in alternative payment models. In total, 750 patient navigators or program administrators affiliated with oncology navigation [...]
The American Cancer Society and patient navigation: Past and future perspectives
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
The American Cancer Society and patient navigation: Past and future perspectives
Knudsen, Karen E. ; Wiatrek, Dawn E. ; Greenwald, Jennifer ; McComb, Kristie ; Sharpe, Katherine
Over the past 30 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has played a key role in shaping the field of patient navigation as a means to address cancer disparities. Through collaborations with organizations like the National Navigation Roundtable and the ACS Cancer Action Network, the ACS is uniquely positioned to help develop sustainable navigation models that directly address disparities in access to quality cancer care. As health systems continue to adapt and change in response to various [...]
Flexibility, adaptation, and roles of patient navigators in oncology during COVID-19
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Flexibility, adaptation, and roles of patient navigators in oncology during COVID-19
Valverde, Patricia A. ; Kennedy Sheldon, Lisa ; Gentry, Sharon ; Dwyer, Andrea J. ; Saavedra Ferrer, Elba L. ; Wightman, Patrick D. ; the National Navigation Roundtable Workforce Development Task Group
Background : The impact of COVID-19 on cancer care during the first 6 months of the pandemic has been significant. The National Navigation Roundtable Workforce Development Task Group conducted a national survey to highlight the role of patient navigators (PNs). Methods : An anonymous online survey captured how cancer care navigation changed during 2 phases: 1) March 13 to May 31, 2020; and 2) June 1 to September 4, 2020. Differences between the 2 time periods for categorical variables were [...]
Comparing clinical and nonclinical cancer patient navigators: A national study in the United States
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Comparing clinical and nonclinical cancer patient navigators: A national study in the United States
Wells, Kristen J. ; Wightman, Patrick ; Cobian Aguilar, Rosa ; Dwyer, Andrea J. ; Garcia-Alcaraz, Cristian ; Saavedra Ferrer, Elba L. ; Mohan, Prashanthinie ; Fleisher, Linda ; Franklin, Elizabeth F. ; Valverde, Patricia A. ; Calhoun, Elizabeth ; the National Navigation Roundtable Evidence-Based Task Group
BACKGROUND : A nationwide survey was conducted to examine differences between clinical and nonclinical oncology navigators in their service provision, engagement in the cancer care continuum, personal characteristics, and program characteristics. METHODS : Using convenience sampling, 527 oncology navigators participated and completed an online survey. Descriptive statistics, χ2 statistics, and t tests were used to compare nonclinical (eg, community health worker) and clinical (eg, nurse [...]
Establishing a health profession: What oncology patient navigators can learn from the National Association of Community Health Workers
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant l'intérêt, la mise en place et les coûts d'un parcours de soins coordonné dans les services oncologiques ainsi que le rôle du coordinateur du parcours de soins pour les patients atteints d'un cancer
Establishing a health profession: What oncology patient navigators can learn from the National Association of Community Health Workers
Rush, Carl H. ; Smith, Denise Octavia ; Fox, Durrell J. ; Wennerstrom, Ashley
Persons who identify as community health workers (CHWs) may hold other titles and/or certifications, including the title of patient navigator (PN). PN roles first emerged from Dr. Harold Freeman's initiative at Harlem Hospital as a strategy to reduce disparities in access to health care, whereas CHW roles extend beyond health systems and are predominantly found in community-based organizations and nonprofits. Although CHWs' origins in the United States predate those of PNs, the growth of CHWs' [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude transversale analyse le coût, en fonction du critère d'évaluation de l'efficacité du médicament (survie sans récidive, survie sans progression, survie sans maladie) et de l'événement évité, des agents anticancéreux autorisés par la "US Food and Drug Administration" dans un contexte adjuvant sur la période 2018-2022
Cost per Event Averted in Cancer Trials in the Adjuvant Setting From 2018 to 2022
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude transversale analyse le coût, en fonction du critère d'évaluation de l'efficacité du médicament (survie sans récidive, survie sans progression, survie sans maladie) et de l'événement évité, des agents anticancéreux autorisés par la "US Food and Drug Administration" dans un contexte adjuvant sur la période 2018-2022
Cost per Event Averted in Cancer Trials in the Adjuvant Setting From 2018 to 2022
Mousavi, Idine ; Olivier, Timothée ; Prasad, Vinay
Importance : Adjuvant therapies are often approved based on improvements in disease-, progression-, or relapse-free survival (ie, an event). An important estimate in adjuvant therapies is the cost per event averted. Objective : To characterize the costs per event averted of anticancer drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between January 2018 and March 2022. Design, Setting, and Participants : In this cross-sectional study, all approvals were reviewed from the FDA website. [...]
Menée dans un contexte américain, cette étude analyse le rapport coût-efficacité d'une chimio-immunothérapie de première ligne de type R-CHP en combinaison avec le polatuzumab védotin chez des patients atteints d'un lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B
Cost Effectiveness of Polatuzumab Vedotin Combined with Chemoimmunotherapy in Untreated Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
Menée dans un contexte américain, cette étude analyse le rapport coût-efficacité d'une chimio-immunothérapie de première ligne de type R-CHP en combinaison avec le polatuzumab védotin chez des patients atteints d'un lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B
Cost Effectiveness of Polatuzumab Vedotin Combined with Chemoimmunotherapy in Untreated Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
Kambhampati, Swetha ; Saumoy, Monica ; Schneider, Yecheskel ; Pak, Stacy ; Budde, Lihua Elizabeth ; Mei, Matthew G. ; Siddiqi, Tanya ; Popplewell, Leslie ; Wen, Yi-Ping ; Zain, Jasmine ; Forman, Stephen J. ; Kwak, Larry W. ; Rosen, Steven T ; Danilov, Alexey V ; Herrera, Alex F. ; Thiruvengadam, Nikhil
In patients with treatment-naive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the POLARIX study demonstrated a 6.5% improvement in the 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) with no difference in overall survival (OS) or safety using pola-R-CHP compared to standard R-CHOP. We evaluated the cost-effectiveness of pola-R-CHP for DLBCL. We modeled a hypothetical cohort of US adults (mean age, 65 years) with treatment-naïve DLBCL by developing a Markov model (lifetime horizon) to model the [...]