Phasing out fossil fuels would save millions of lives worldwide

Menée à l'aide d'une modélisation et à partir notamment de données 2019 de la NASA, cette étude estime la part des décès attribuable à la pollution atmosphérique liée aux combustibles fossiles puis évalue l'intérêt de politiques visant à remplacer les combustibles fossiles par des sources d'énergie propres et renouvelables

BMJ, Volume 383, Page p2774, 2023, éditorial en libre accès

Résumé en anglais

Fossil fuels are the principal driver of the climate change currently damaging human health, wellbeing, and ecosystems, and posing a threat to overall planetary health. Fossil fuels are also a major source of particulate matter and ozone. These air pollutants are responsible for a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including an estimated 6.7 million deaths globally in 2019. However, deaths are only one part of the problem. Improved air quality would reduce the burden of several major diseases leading to healthier and longer lives, fewer patients requiring admission to hospital and other treatments, and decreasing the burden on health systems worldwide.