Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 457 du 31 juillet 2020
Qualité de vie, soins de support (7)
Menée au Royaume-Uni à partir de données portant sur 241 patients atteints d'un cancer gastrointestinal, cette étude prospective analyse la nature, la fréquence et la sévérité des symptômes gastrointestinaux, pendant et après la chimiothérapie
The FOCCUS study: a prospective evaluation of the frequency, severity and treatable causes of gastrointestinal symptoms during and after chemotherapy
Menée au Royaume-Uni à partir de données portant sur 241 patients atteints d'un cancer gastrointestinal, cette étude prospective analyse la nature, la fréquence et la sévérité des symptômes gastrointestinaux, pendant et après la chimiothérapie
The FOCCUS study: a prospective evaluation of the frequency, severity and treatable causes of gastrointestinal symptoms during and after chemotherapy
Andreyev, H. Jervoise N. ; Lalji, Amyn ; Mohammed, Kabir ; Muls, Ann C. G. ; Watkins, David ; Rao, Sheela ; Starling, Naureen ; Chau, Ian ; Cruse, Sarah ; Pitkaaho, Ville ; Matthews, Jennifer ; Caley, Laura ; Pittordou, Victoria ; Adams, Carolyn ; Wedlake, Linda
Background : The underlying mechanisms of chemotherapy-induced gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are poorly researched. This study characterised the nature, frequency, severity and treatable causes for GI symptoms prospectively in patients undergoing chemotherapy for GI malignancy. Methods : Patients receiving chemotherapy for a GI malignancy were assessed pre-chemotherapy, then monthly for 1 year using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale, a validated patient-reported outcome measure. [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 2011 et 2019 (1 197 publications), cette étude met à jour les recommandations 2014 de la "Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer" et de l'"International Society for Oral Oncology" pour la prise en charge de la mucite chez les patients atteints d'un cancer
MASCC/ISOO clinical practice guidelines for the management of mucositis secondary to cancer therapy
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 2011 et 2019 (1 197 publications), cette étude met à jour les recommandations 2014 de la "Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer" et de l'"International Society for Oral Oncology" pour la prise en charge de la mucite chez les patients atteints d'un cancer
MASCC/ISOO clinical practice guidelines for the management of mucositis secondary to cancer therapy
Elad, Sharon ; Cheng, Karis Kin Fong ; Lalla, Rajesh V. ; Yarom, Noam ; Hong, Catherine ; Logan, Richard M. ; Bowen, Joanne ; Gibson, Rachel ; Saunders, Deborah P. ; Zadik, Yehuda ; Ariyawardana, Anura ; Correa, Maria Elvira ; Ranna, Vinisha ; Bossi, Paolo ; for the Mucositis Guidelines Leadership Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer ; International Society of Oral Oncology
Background: Mucositis is a significant toxicity of cancer therapy with numerous systemic sequelae. The goal of this systematic review was to update the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer and International Society of Oral Oncology (MASCC/ISOO) Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of mucositis. Methods: The literature was reviewed systematically to identify interventions for mucositis. Studies were rated according to the presence of major and minor flaws according [...]
Menée par entretien ou enquête réalisés auprès de 61 professionnels de santé et 11 jeunes patients atteints d'un cancer (âge : 19-26 ans), cette étude analyse les besoins d'information et de soutien après la fin des traitements
The support and information needs of adolescents and young adults with cancer when active treatment ends
Menée par entretien ou enquête réalisés auprès de 61 professionnels de santé et 11 jeunes patients atteints d'un cancer (âge : 19-26 ans), cette étude analyse les besoins d'information et de soutien après la fin des traitements
The support and information needs of adolescents and young adults with cancer when active treatment ends
Lea, Sarah ; Martins, Ana ; Fern, Lorna A. ; Bassett, Matthew ; Cable, Maria ; Doig, Gary ; Morgan, Sue ; Soanes, Louise ; Whelan, Michael ; Taylor, Rachel M.
Background: The end of active treatment is a period of high stress for young people with cancer, but limited literature exists about their information and support needs during this phase. This study aimed to understand the needs of young people with cancer, how these needs are currently being met, and how best to provide information and support at the end of active treatment. Methods: This was a multi-stage, mixed methods study exploring the end of treatment experience from the perspectives of [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 1990 et 2019 (27 études), cette étude identifie les besoins en soins de support chez des patients atteints d'un cancer et souffrant d'une alopécie induite par la chimiothérapie
Identifying the supportive care needs of men and women affected by chemotherapy-induced alopecia? A systematic review
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 1990 et 2019 (27 études), cette étude identifie les besoins en soins de support chez des patients atteints d'un cancer et souffrant d'une alopécie induite par la chimiothérapie
Identifying the supportive care needs of men and women affected by chemotherapy-induced alopecia? A systematic review
Paterson, C. ; Kozlovskaia, M. ; Turner, M. ; Strickland, K. ; Roberts, C. ; Ogilvie, R. ; Pranavan, G. ; Craft, P.
Purpose : To systematically evaluate evidence regarding the unmet supportive care needs of men and women affected by chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA) to inform clinical practice guidelines. Methods : We performed a review of CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, Scopus, the Cochrane Library (CCRT and CDSR) controlled trial databases and from January 1990 to June 2019 according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement. Twenty-seven [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis par enquête auprès de 31 patients ayant survécu à un cancer du poumon de stade précoce et auprès de 53 aidants familiaux, cette étude analyse leurs comportements de santé et leurs préférences en matière d'interventions pour promouvoir une activité physique
Lifestyle behaviors and intervention preferences of early-stage lung cancer survivors and their family caregivers
Menée aux Etats-Unis par enquête auprès de 31 patients ayant survécu à un cancer du poumon de stade précoce et auprès de 53 aidants familiaux, cette étude analyse leurs comportements de santé et leurs préférences en matière d'interventions pour promouvoir une activité physique
Lifestyle behaviors and intervention preferences of early-stage lung cancer survivors and their family caregivers
Roddy, McKenzie K. ; Flores, Raja M. ; Burt, Brian ; Badr, Hoda
Purpose : Lung cancer (LC) is a highly prevalent disease with more survivors diagnosed and treated at earlier stages. There is a need to understand psychological and lifestyle behavior needs to design interventions for this population. Furthermore, understanding the needs and role of family caregivers, especially given the risks associated with second-hand smoke, is needed. Methods : Thirty-one early-stage (stages I or IIA) LC survivors of (52% men) and 22 (50% women) caregivers (N = 53 total) [...]
A partir d’une revue de la littérature publiée entre 2010 et 2019, cette étude analyse l’impact d’une activité physique sur la prévention et la réduction des effets indésirables liés à une thérapie anti-androgénique chez des patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate
The role of exercise in the management of adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: a rapid review
A partir d’une revue de la littérature publiée entre 2010 et 2019, cette étude analyse l’impact d’une activité physique sur la prévention et la réduction des effets indésirables liés à une thérapie anti-androgénique chez des patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate
The role of exercise in the management of adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: a rapid review
Kim Edmunds, Haitham Tuffaha, Paul Scuffham, Daniel A Galvão, Robert U Newton
Purpose : Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, accounting for one quarter of all new cancer diagnoses for males. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the standard first-line therapy for metastatic PCa but is also used across much of the spectrum of disease. Unfortunately, debilitating adverse effects are a significant and largely unavoidable feature of ADT. A recent systematic review of adverse effects of ADT identified 19 sub-groups classified according to [...]
Menée aux Etat-Unis auprès de 431 patients atteints d'un cancer localisé de la prostate, cette étude analyse les facteurs sociaux et médicaux associés à leurs besoins en soins de support pendant la première année suivant les traitements anticancéreux
Social and medical risk factors associated with supportive needs in the first year following localized prostate cancer treatment
Menée aux Etat-Unis auprès de 431 patients atteints d'un cancer localisé de la prostate, cette étude analyse les facteurs sociaux et médicaux associés à leurs besoins en soins de support pendant la première année suivant les traitements anticancéreux
Social and medical risk factors associated with supportive needs in the first year following localized prostate cancer treatment
Tagai, Erin K. ; Hudson, Shawna V. ; Diefenbach, Michael A. ; Xu, Jenny ; Bator, Alicja ; Marziliano, Allison ; Miller, Suzanne M.
Purpose : Individuals who completed treatment for prostate cancer (PCa) often report poor coping and practical concerns when adapting to new roles in their lives—and strong patient–provider communication is critical for this period. However, there is limited research identifying factors associated with supportive needs after the completion of PCa treatment. This study aimed to identify the social and medical risk factors associated with supportive needs for adapting among individuals who [...]
Observation (17)
Menée par questionnaire auprès de 1 316 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade métastatique, cette étude analyse l'association entre leurs symptômes auto-déclarés au moment du diagnostic et la survie globale
Associations between baseline symptom burden as assessed by patient-reported outcomes and overall survival of patients with metastatic cancer
Menée par questionnaire auprès de 1 316 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade métastatique, cette étude analyse l'association entre leurs symptômes auto-déclarés au moment du diagnostic et la survie globale
Associations between baseline symptom burden as assessed by patient-reported outcomes and overall survival of patients with metastatic cancer
Batra, Atul ; Yang, Lin ; Boyne, Devon J. ; Harper, Andrew ; Cheung, Winson Y. ; Cuthbert, Colleen A.
Background : Serial symptom assessments using patient-reported outcomes may be challenging to implement in routine clinical practices. We aimed to determine if a single measurement of symptom burden at the time of metastatic diagnosis is associated with survival. Methods : We examined baseline patient-reported outcomes (within 90 days of diagnosis) of patients newly diagnosed with metastatic breast, lung, colorectal, or prostate cancer using the revised Edmonton Symptom Assessment System [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 87 737 témoins et sur 6 778 adolescents et jeunes adultes ayant survécu 2 ans à un cancer diagnostiqué entre 15 et 39 ans, cette étude de cohorte analyse les facteurs associés au risque de comorbidités chroniques en lien avec les traitements anticancéreux
Chronic Comorbidities Among Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 87 737 témoins et sur 6 778 adolescents et jeunes adultes ayant survécu 2 ans à un cancer diagnostiqué entre 15 et 39 ans, cette étude de cohorte analyse les facteurs associés au risque de comorbidités chroniques en lien avec les traitements anticancéreux
Chronic Comorbidities Among Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer
Chun Chao ; Smita Bhatia ; Lanfang Xu ; Kimberly L. Cannavale ; F. Lennie Wong ; Po-Yin Samuel Huang ; Robert Cooper ; Saro H. Armenian
PURPOSE : To describe the incidence, relative risk, and risk factors for chronic comorbidities in survivors of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer. METHODS : This retrospective cohort study included 2-year survivors of AYA cancer diagnosed between age 15 and 39 years at Kaiser Permanente Southern California from 2000 to 2012. A comparison cohort without cancer was individually matched (13:1) to survivors of cancer on age, sex, and calendar year. Using electronic medical records, all [...]
Menée à partir des données de la base GLOBOCAN, cette étude estime l'incidence des cancers chez les personnes âgées d'au moins 80 ans en 2018 en fonction de la localisation géographique, présente les 5 cancers les plus fréquemment diagnostiqués par région et dans le monde chez les femmes et les hommes âgés de 65 à 79 ans et de 80 ans ou plus, puis propose une projection de l'incidence des cancers en 2050 chez les plus âgés
Estimated global cancer incidence in the oldest adults in 2018 and projections to 2050
Menée à partir des données de la base GLOBOCAN, cette étude estime l'incidence des cancers chez les personnes âgées d'au moins 80 ans en 2018 en fonction de la localisation géographique, présente les 5 cancers les plus fréquemment diagnostiqués par région et dans le monde chez les femmes et les hommes âgés de 65 à 79 ans et de 80 ans ou plus, puis propose une projection de l'incidence des cancers en 2050 chez les plus âgés
Estimated global cancer incidence in the oldest adults in 2018 and projections to 2050
Pilleron, Sophie ; Soto-Perez-de-Celis, Enrique ; Vignat, Jérôme ; Ferlay, Jacques ; Soerjomataram, Isabelle ; Bray, Freddie ; Sarfati, Diana
Using GLOBOCAN estimates, we describe the estimated cancer incidence among adults aged 80 years or older at the regional and global level in 2018, reporting the number of new cancer cases, and the truncated age-standardised incidence rates (per 100,000) for all cancer sites combined for this age group. We also presented the five most frequent cancers diagnosed by region and globally among females and males aged 65-79 years old and 80 years or older. We, finally, estimated the number of new [...]
Menée au Royaume-Uni à partir de données portant sur 13 457 patients ayant survécu à un cancer pendant l'enfance, cette étude de cohorte analyse les facteurs associés au risque de maladie cérébrovasculaire après l'âge de 50 ans
Risk of cerebrovascular disease among 13,457 five-year survivors of childhood cancer: a population based cohort study
Menée au Royaume-Uni à partir de données portant sur 13 457 patients ayant survécu à un cancer pendant l'enfance, cette étude de cohorte analyse les facteurs associés au risque de maladie cérébrovasculaire après l'âge de 50 ans
Risk of cerebrovascular disease among 13,457 five-year survivors of childhood cancer: a population based cohort study
Reulen, Raoul C ; Guha, Joyeeta ; Bright, Chloe J ; Henson, Katherine E ; Feltbower, Richard G ; Hall, Marlous ; Kelly, Julie S ; Winter, David L ; Kwok-Williams, Michelle ; Skinner, Rod ; Cutter, David J ; Frobisher, Clare ; Hawkins, Mike M
Survivors of childhood cancer treated with cranial irradiation are at risk of cerebrovascular disease (CVD), but the risks beyond age 50 are unknown.13,457 survivors of childhood cancer included in the population-based British Childhood Cancer Survivor Study cohort were linked to Hospital Episode Statistics data for England. Risk of CVD related hospitalisation was quantified by standardised hospitalisation ratios (SHR), absolute excess risks (AER), and cumulative incidence. Overall, 315 (2.3%) [...]
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
The Art of Oncology: COVID Era
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
The Art of Oncology: COVID Era
Reynolds, Kerry L. ; Klempner, Samuel J. ; Parikh, Aparna ; Hochberg, Ephraim P. ; Michaelson, M. Dror ; Mooradian, Meghan J. ; Lee, Richard J. ; Soumerai, Tara E. ; Hobbs, Gabriela ; Piotrowska, Zofia ; Sykes, David B. ; Farago, Anna F. ; Bardia, Aditya ; Rosovsky, Rachel P. ; Ryan, David P.
Conversion of a busy inpatient oncology service that typically treats more than 5,000 patients a year to units caring for patients with COVID is a story of teamwork and resilience.
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Loneliness and belonging: Exploring experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic in psycho-oncology
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Loneliness and belonging: Exploring experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic in psycho-oncology
Schellekens, Melanie P. J. ; van der Lee, Marije L.
The COVID‐19 pandemic affects people across the world. While the virus appears to infect people of all ages and health status, those with cancer, may be at higher risk for developing critical illness and death (1, 2). Besides physical implications, the psychosocial burden that the pandemic puts on people may be especially high for those whose lives have already been affected by cancer. Although people confronted with cancer can be surprisingly resilient, half of cancer patients suffer from [...]
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Bridging the distance: Continuing psycho-oncological care via video-consults during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Bridging the distance: Continuing psycho-oncological care via video-consults during the COVID-19 pandemic
van der Lee, Marije L. ; Schellekens, Melanie P. J.
The Helen Dowling institute is a mental healthcare institute specialized in psycho‐oncology in the Netherlands. We offer face‐to‐face individual, couple, family and group therapy, to (family members of) cancer out‐patients (n = 2.302 clients in the last year). Clients mainly suffer from severe cancer‐related fatigue, anxiety, trauma, stress‐related and depressive disorders, relationship problems and/or prolonged grief disorder. Since 2009 the institute offers specific internet‐based [...]
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Disruption of cancer care in Canada during COVID-19
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Disruption of cancer care in Canada during COVID-19
Chen-See, Sherene
Cancer never waits, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, its diagnosis and treatment had to.
Cancer diagnostic delay in the COVID-19 era: what happens next?
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Cancer diagnostic delay in the COVID-19 era: what happens next?
Hamilton, William
Unquestionably, cancer should be diagnosed and treated without delay. Timely diagnosis might allow the cancer to be identified at a treatable stage and prevent complications. This thinking has underpinned the design of UK health-care delivery for decades, with initiatives at many stages of the patient's cancer journey. The aspiration in England, is for 75% of cancers to be diagnosed at stage I or II (thus potentially curable) by 2028, up from approximately 53% in 2018.
Behavioral and psychosocial responses of people receiving treatment for advanced lung cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Behavioral and psychosocial responses of people receiving treatment for advanced lung cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis
Hyland, Kelly A. ; Jim, Heather S.L.
Current available information suggests that people age 65+, those with underlying medical conditions such as lung disease, people with weakened immune systems, and people undergoing cancer treatment may be at increased risk for severe illness from the novel coronavirus (COVID‐19).1, 2 Lung cancer patients are likely to have some if not all of these risk factors, placing them at particularly high risk for severe outcomes.3 Several publications have commented on the challenges of delivering [...]
Impact of pandemic COVID-19 outbreak on oral mucositis preventive and treatment protocols: new perspectives for extraoral photobiomodulation therapy
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Impact of pandemic COVID-19 outbreak on oral mucositis preventive and treatment protocols: new perspectives for extraoral photobiomodulation therapy
Karina Morais Faria, Wagner Gomes-Silva, Elisa Kauark-Fontes, Carolina Guimarães Bonfim-Alves (et al.)
This communication discusses the current challenges of oral mucositis (OM) management during the pandemic COVID-19 outbreak and reflects about an extraoral photobiomodulation protocol as an optimal alternative for preventing and treating OM in advanced cancer patients while minimizing the risk of infection by avoiding intraoral manipulation.
Distancing Without Isolating—Connection in the Era of COVID-19
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Distancing Without Isolating—Connection in the Era of COVID-19
Kiri A. Cook, Jenna M. Kahn
Caring for patients with cancer can be difficult at the best of times. The delicate interplay between a complex disease, multidisciplinary management, social barriers, family support, and mental health makes the field of oncology uniquely challenging and rewarding. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its accompanying illness, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a global pandemic. To [...]
Therapeutic options for emergency gastrointestinal malignancy in COVID19 pandemic. The role of operative endoscopy
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Therapeutic options for emergency gastrointestinal malignancy in COVID19 pandemic. The role of operative endoscopy
Lamazza, A. ; Fiori, E. ; Carati, M. V. ; Guzzo, A. ; Pronio, A. ; Sterpetti, A. V
The concept that medical facilities and health workers might be an important contamination route in the pandemic has brought to consequences and attitudes for the population as well for legislators. In the pandemic period, most of the patients requiring intervention for gastrointestinal malignancy are in emergency, no‐deferrable conditions. We reviewed the results of operative endoscopy to treat emergencies secondary to gastrointestinal malignancy during the lock down period in Italy, from [...]
COVID-19 outcomes of patients with gynecologic cancer in New York City
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
COVID-19 outcomes of patients with gynecologic cancer in New York City
Lara, Olivia D. ; O’Cearbhaill, Roisin E. ; Smith, Maria J. ; Sutter, Megan E. ; Knisely, Anne ; McEachron, Jennifer ; Gabor, Lisa R. ; Jee, Justin ; Fehniger, Julia E. ; Lee, Yi-Chun ; Isani, Sara S. ; Wright, Jason D. ; Pothuri, Bhavana
Background: New York City (NYC) is the epicenter of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19]) in the United States. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of vulnerable populations, such as those with gynecologic cancer who develop COVID-19 infections, is limited. Methods: Patients from 6 NYC-area hospital systems with known gynecologic cancer and a COVID-19 diagnosis were identified. Demographic and clinical outcome data were abstracted through a [...]
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis in England, UK: a national, population-based, modelling study
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis in England, UK: a national, population-based, modelling study
Maringe, Camille ; Spicer, James ; Morris, Melanie ; Purushotham, Arnie ; Nolte, Ellen ; Sullivan, Richard ; Rachet, Bernard ; Aggarwal, Ajay
Background : Since a national lockdown was introduced across the UK in March, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer screening has been suspended, routine diagnostic work deferred, and only urgent symptomatic cases prioritised for diagnostic intervention. In this study, we estimated the impact of delays in diagnosis on cancer survival outcomes in four major tumour types. Methods : In this national population-based modelling study, we used linked English National Health Service (NHS) [...]
Outcomes of COVID-19 in Patients with CLL: A Multicenter, International Experience
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Outcomes of COVID-19 in Patients with CLL: A Multicenter, International Experience
Mato, Anthony R. ; Roeker, Lindsey Elizabeth ; Lamanna, Nicole ; Allan, John ; Leslie, Lori Ann ; Pagel, John M. ; Patel, Krish ; Osterborg, Anders ; Wojenski, Daniel ; Kamdar, Manali ; Huntington, Scott F ; Davids, Matthew S. ; Brown, Jennifer R. ; Antic, Darko ; Jacobs, Ryan W ; Ahn, Inhye E ; Pu, Jeffrey J ; Isaac, Krista ; Barr, Paul M. ; Ujjani, Chaitra ; Geyer, Mark Blaine ; Berman, Ellin ; Zelenetz, Andrew D. ; Malakhov, Nikita ; Furman, Richard R. ; Koropsak, Michael ; Bailey, Neil ; Hansson, Lotta ; Perini, Guilherme Fleury ; Ma, Shuo ; Ryan, Christine E. ; Wiestner, Adrian ; Portell, Craig A ; Shadman, Mazyar ; Chong, Elise A. ; Brander, Danielle M. ; Sundaram, Suchitra ; Seddon, Amanda N. ; Seymour, Erlene ; Patel, Meera ; Martinez-Calle, Nicolas ; Munir, Talha ; Walewska, Renata ; Broom, Angus ; Walter, Harriet Sarah ; El-Sharkawi, Dima ; Parry, Helen ; Wilson, Matthew R. ; Patten, Piers E ; Hernández-Rivas, José-Ángel ; Miras, Fatima ; Fernández Escalada, Noemi ; Ghione, Paola ; Nabhan, Chadi ; Lebowitz, Sonia ; Bhavsar, Erica B ; López-Jiménez, Javier ; Naya, Daniel ; Garcia-Marco, Jose Antonio ; Skånland, Sigrid S ; Cordoba, Raul ; Eyre, Toby Andrew
Given advanced age, comorbidities, and immune dysfunction, CLL patients may be at particularly high risk of infection and poor outcomes related to coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19). Robust analysis of outcomes for CLL patients, particularly examining effects of baseline characteristics and CLL-directed therapy, is critical to optimally manage CLL patients through this evolving pandemic. CLL patients diagnosed with symptomatic COVID-19 across 43 international centers (n=198) were included. [...]
Minimising the impact of COVID-19 on cancer surgery
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Minimising the impact of COVID-19 on cancer surgery
Merchant, J. ; Scarfe, M. ; Pandit, M. ; Cunningham, C.
The COVID‐19 pandemic has significantly disrupted cancer treatment nationwide, despite NHS England urging Trusts to ensure cancer care continued. Cautious clinical guidance– avoiding anastomoses, reducing laparoscopy and deferring higher risk patients – coupled with the diversion of resources to manage the expected surge, caused UK cancer surgery numbers to plummet.
Cancer and COVID-19: Patients' and psychologists' reflections regarding psycho-oncology service changes
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Cancer and COVID-19: Patients' and psychologists' reflections regarding psycho-oncology service changes
Millar, Chris ; Campbell, Sophie ; Fisher, Peter ; Hutton, Jane ; Morgan, Andrew ; Cherry, Mary Gemma
The Linda McCartney Centre is a patient‐centred cancer centre at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK, offering a specialised psychology service for people experiencing significant distress related to cancer. We work as part of a multi‐disciplinary team within the cancer service and offer a range of empirically‐validated therapies. The team is comprised of six psychologists, several trainee psychologists and an assistant psychologist and received over 400 referrals last year from the [...]
Managing Grief, Loss, and Connection in Oncology—What COVID-19 Has Taken
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Managing Grief, Loss, and Connection in Oncology—What COVID-19 Has Taken
Hanna K. Sanoff
Constraints imposed by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have changed every part of my life, but disruption of human connection with patients has been the most unsettling to me. Over 15 years as a gastrointestinal medical oncologist, I have learned from patients how to help them through terminal disease, attended workshops on how to speak about the end of life, and strived to share in patients’ grief without losing myself. But I find myself wholly unprepared to speak of death and dying across [...]
Reflections on the upsurge of virtual cancer conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Reflections on the upsurge of virtual cancer conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Valerie Speirs
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the cancellation or postponement of traditional face-to-face scientific conferences, necessitating a rapid change in the way new discoveries in cancer were shared with the cancer research community. Here I present personal reflections on the upsurge of virtual cancer conferences, discussing their pros and cons in the context of traditional face-to-face deliveries.
Effect of delays in the 2-week-wait cancer referral pathway during the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer survival in the UK: a modelling study
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Effect of delays in the 2-week-wait cancer referral pathway during the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer survival in the UK: a modelling study
Sud, Amit ; Torr, Bethany ; Jones, Michael E. ; Broggio, John ; Scott, Stephen ; Loveday, Chey ; Garrett, Alice ; Gronthoud, Firza ; Nicol, David L. ; Jhanji, Shaman ; Boyce, Stephen A. ; Williams, Matthew ; Riboli, Elio ; Muller, David C. ; Kipps, Emma ; Larkin, James ; Navani, Neal ; Swanton, Charles ; Lyratzopoulos, Georgios ; McFerran, Ethna ; Lawler, Mark ; Houlston, Richard ; Turnbull, Clare
Background : During the COVID-19 lockdown, referrals via the 2-week-wait urgent pathway for suspected cancer in England, UK, are reported to have decreased by up to 84%. We aimed to examine the impact of different scenarios of lockdown-accumulated backlog in cancer referrals on cancer survival, and the impact on survival per referred patient due to delayed referral versus risk of death from nosocomial infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Methods : In this modelling [...]
Cancer associates with risk and severe events of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Cancer associates with risk and severe events of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Tian, Yehong ; Qiu, Xiaowei ; Wang, Chengxiang ; Zhao, Jianxin ; Jiang, Xin ; Niu, Wenquan ; Huang, Jinchang ; Zhang, Fengyu
ABSTRACT Evidence is mounting to indicate that cancer patients may have more likelihood of having coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) but lack consistency. A robust estimate is urgently needed to convey appropriate information to the society and the public, in the time of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis through a comprehensive literature search in major databases in English and Chinese, and two investigators conducted publication selection and data [...]
Guidance for safely performing oncologic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19
Guidance for safely performing oncologic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic
Zhao, H. ; Yan, S. ; Zhang, F. ; Wright, J. D. ; Hou, J. Y. ; Cata, J. P. ; Cai, X. ; Xiu, D. ; Mao, Y. ; Zhang, B. ; Du, S. ; Li, M. ; Zhang, H. ; Cai, J.
Cancer patients are a particularly vulnerable population. Recent data suggests that cancer patients have a higher incidence of COVID‐19 and experience more severe disease than the general population. Given resource constraints and concern for patient safety during the COVID‐19 pandemic, some cancer treatments such as surgical procedures are inevitably delayed. For most cancer surgeries, a brief delay may not impact outcomes, but a prolonged delay may adversely impact prognosis. Safely [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude analyse l'évolution entre 2002 et 2016 du taux de mortalité et de la survie des patients atteints d'un cancer pédiatrique, en fonction du sexe, de l'âge, de l'origine ethnique, de la localisation du cancer et du statut économique
Disparities in pediatric and adolescent cancer survival: A need for sustained commitment
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude analyse l'évolution entre 2002 et 2016 du taux de mortalité et de la survie des patients atteints d'un cancer pédiatrique, en fonction du sexe, de l'âge, de l'origine ethnique, de la localisation du cancer et du statut économique
Disparities in pediatric and adolescent cancer survival: A need for sustained commitment
Johnson, Kimberly J.
Pediatric cancer mortality and survival rates have improved since the early 2000s for all racial and/or ethnic and socioeconomic groups. However, disparities in pediatric and adolescent cancer survival continue to persist. Continued and enhanced support for research and policy efforts that have the goal of eliminating disparities in pediatric and adolescent cancer survival relating to race and/or ethnicity and socioeconomic status are needed.
Pediatric cancer mortality and survival in the United States, 2001-2016
Menée aux Etats-Unis, cette étude analyse l'évolution entre 2002 et 2016 du taux de mortalité et de la survie des patients atteints d'un cancer pédiatrique, en fonction du sexe, de l'âge, de l'origine ethnique, de la localisation du cancer et du statut économique
Pediatric cancer mortality and survival in the United States, 2001-2016
Siegel, David A. ; Richardson, Lisa C. ; Henley, S. Jane ; Wilson, Reda J. ; Dowling, Nicole F. ; Weir, Hannah K. ; Tai, Eric W. ; Buchanan Lunsford, Natasha
Background: Although pediatric cancer mortality and survival have improved in the United States over the past 40 years, differences exist by age, race/ethnicity, cancer site, and economic status. To assess progress, this study examined recent mortality and survival data for individuals younger than 20 years. Methods: Age-adjusted death rates were calculated with the National Vital Statistics System for 2002-2016. Annual percent changes (APCs) and average annual percent changes (AAPCs) were [...]
Menée auprès de 6 148 patients ayant survécu à une leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique pendant l'enfance et diagnostiquée entre 1970 et 1999 (âge médian : 27,9 ans), cette étude analyse la mortalité tardive selon le type de traitement reçu
Reduced Morbidity and Mortality in Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Menée auprès de 6 148 patients ayant survécu à une leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique pendant l'enfance et diagnostiquée entre 1970 et 1999 (âge médian : 27,9 ans), cette étude analyse la mortalité tardive selon le type de traitement reçu
Reduced Morbidity and Mortality in Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Stephanie B. Dixon ; Yan Chen ; Yutaka Yasui ; Ching-Hon Pui ; Stephen P. Hunger ; Lewis B. Silverman ; Kirsten K. Ness ; Daniel M. Green ; Rebecca M. Howell ; Wendy M. Leisenring ; Nina S. Kadan-Lottick ; Kevin R. Krull ; Kevin C. Oeffinger ; Joseph P. Neglia ; Ann C. Mertens ; Melissa M. Hudson ; Leslie L. Robison ; Gregory T. Armstrong ; Paul C. Nathan
PURPOSE: Risk-stratified therapy, which modifies treatment on the basis of clinical and biologic features, has improved 5-year overall survival of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to 90%, but its impact on long-term toxicity remains unknown. METHODS: We assessed all-cause and health-related late mortality (including late effects of cancer therapy), subsequent malignant neoplasms (SMNs), chronic health conditions, and neurocognitive outcomes among 6,148 survivors of childhood ALL [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 132 patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire récidivant et incluses dans des essais de phase I entre 2008 et 2018 (âge médian : 59 ans), cette étude rétrospective analyse les facteurs associés à la survie (caractéristiques de la patiente, traitement subi, toxicités)
Survival and clinical outcomes of patients with ovarian cancer who were treated on phase 1 clinical trials
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 132 patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire récidivant et incluses dans des essais de phase I entre 2008 et 2018 (âge médian : 59 ans), cette étude rétrospective analyse les facteurs associés à la survie (caractéristiques de la patiente, traitement subi, toxicités)
Survival and clinical outcomes of patients with ovarian cancer who were treated on phase 1 clinical trials
Corr, Bradley R. ; Moroney, Marisa ; Sheeder, Jeanelle ; Eckhardt, S. Gail ; Sawyer, Brandon ; Behbakht, Kian ; Diamond, Jennifer R.
Background : Patients with ovarian cancer who are enrolled on phase 1 trials typically have platinum-resistant and heavily pretreated disease, with a poor prognosis. In the current study, the authors assessed prognostic factors and survival in women with recurrent ovarian cancer who were treated on phase 1 clinical trials. Methods : The authors performed a retrospective analysis of patients treated from 2008 through 2018 at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. Patient characteristics and [...]
Menée en Autriche à partir de données portant sur 1 608 patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon non à petites cellules et présentant des métastases cérébrales (âge médian : 62 ans), cette étude analyse l'effet, sur la survie, de symptômes neurologiques au moment du diagnostic des métastases cérébrales
Neurological symptom burden impacts survival prognosis in patients with newly diagnosed non–small cell lung cancer brain metastases
Menée en Autriche à partir de données portant sur 1 608 patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon non à petites cellules et présentant des métastases cérébrales (âge médian : 62 ans), cette étude analyse l'effet, sur la survie, de symptômes neurologiques au moment du diagnostic des métastases cérébrales
Neurological symptom burden impacts survival prognosis in patients with newly diagnosed non–small cell lung cancer brain metastases
Steindl, Ariane ; Yadavalli, Sarah ; Gruber, Katharina-Anna ; Seiwald, Maria ; Gatterbauer, Brigitte ; Dieckmann, Karin ; Frischer, Josa M. ; Klikovits, Thomas ; Zöchbauer-Müller, Sabine ; Grisold, Anna ; Hoda, Mir Ali Reza ; Marosi, Christine ; Widhalm, Georg ; Preusser, Matthias ; Berghoff, Anna Sophie
Background : Brain metastases (BM) are a frequent complication of advanced cancer and are characterized by a variety of neurological symptoms. Although the presence of neurological symptoms is included in the response assessment in patients with primary brain tumors, to the authors' knowledge little is known regarding the prognostic impact of neurological symptoms in patients with BM. Methods : Patients with newly diagnosed BM from non–small cell lung cancer were identified from the Vienna [...]
A partir de données 1980-2015 de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé portant sur la mortalité due à un lymphome de Hodgkin, un myélome multiple ou une leucémie au Canada, cette étude analyse l'évolution de la mortalité prématurée liée à ces maladies, en fonction du sexe
Premature Mortality due to Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, and Leukemia in Canada: A Nationwide Analysis from 1980 to...
A partir de données 1980-2015 de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé portant sur la mortalité due à un lymphome de Hodgkin, un myélome multiple ou une leucémie au Canada, cette étude analyse l'évolution de la mortalité prématurée liée à ces maladies, en fonction du sexe
Premature Mortality due to Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, and Leukemia in Canada: A Nationwide Analysis from 1980 to 2015
Pham, Truong-Minh ; Shen-Tu, Grace ; Nguyen, Khanh Hoa ; Lu, Shuang ; Dover, Douglas C ; Duggan, Peter ; Shack, Lorraine ; Cheung, Winson Y
Recently, we introduced a novel measure of average lifespan shortened (ALSS) to improve comparability of premature mortality over time. In this study, we applied this novel measure to examine trends in premature mortality caused by hematological cancers in Canada from 1980 to 2015. Mortality data for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and leukemia were obtained from the World Health Organization mortality database. Years of life lost was calculated according to [...]
Menée à partir de données portant sur 1 252 patientes porteuses d'une mutation constitutionnelle BRCA et atteintes d'un cancer invasif du sein diagnostiqué entre 2000 et 2012 avant l'âge de 40 ans, cette étude rétrospective internationale analyse l'association entre une grossesse après la maladie et la survie
Pregnancy After Breast Cancer in Patients With Germline BRCA Mutations
Menée à partir de données portant sur 1 252 patientes porteuses d'une mutation constitutionnelle BRCA et atteintes d'un cancer invasif du sein diagnostiqué entre 2000 et 2012 avant l'âge de 40 ans, cette étude rétrospective internationale analyse l'association entre une grossesse après la maladie et la survie
Pregnancy After Breast Cancer in Patients With Germline BRCA Mutations
Matteo Lambertini ; Lieveke Ameye ; Anne-Sophie Hamy ; Anna Zingarello ; Philip D. Poorvu ; Estela Carrasco ; Albert Grinshpun ; Sileny Han ; Christine Rousset-Jablonski ; Alberta Ferrari ; Shani Paluch-Shimon ; Laura Cortesi ; Claire Senechal ; Gianmaria Miolo ; Katarzyna Pogoda ; Jose Alejandro Pérez-Fidalgo ; Laura De Marchis ; Riccardo Ponzone ; Luca Livraghi ; Maria Del Pilar Estevez-Diz ; Cynthia Villarreal-Garza ; Maria Vittoria Dieci ; Florian Clatot ; Martine Berlière ; Rossella Graffeo ; Luis Teixeira ; Octavi Córdoba ; Amir Sonnenblick ; Helena Luna Pais ; Michail Ignatiadis ; Marianne Paesmans ; Ann H. Partridge ; Olivier Caron ; Claire Saule ; Lucia Del Mastro ; Fedro A. Peccatori ; Hatem A. Azim Jr
PURPOSE : Young women with germline BRCA mutations have unique reproductive challenges. Pregnancy after breast cancer does not increase the risk of recurrence; however, very limited data are available in patients with BRCA mutations. This study investigated the impact of pregnancy on breast cancer outcomes in patients with germline BRCA mutations. PATIENTS AND METHODS : This is an international, multicenter, hospital-based, retrospective cohort study. Eligible patients were diagnosed between [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 1 592 patientes âgées, atteintes d'un cancer du sein ER+ avec atteinte ganglionnaire et présentant de multiples comorbidités (âge moyen : 77,5 ans), cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre chimiothérapie adjuvante et survie globale
The Conundrum of the Association of Chemotherapy With Survival Outcomes Among Elderly Patients With Curable Luminal Breast Cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 1 592 patientes âgées, atteintes d'un cancer du sein ER+ avec atteinte ganglionnaire et présentant de multiples comorbidités (âge moyen : 77,5 ans), cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre chimiothérapie adjuvante et survie globale
The Conundrum of the Association of Chemotherapy With Survival Outcomes Among Elderly Patients With Curable Luminal Breast Cancer
Battisti, Nicolo Matteo Luca ; McCartney, Amelia ; Biganzoli, Laura
Age is the most relevant risk factor for breast cancer, and almost half of breast cancer cases in the US are diagnosed in women older than 70 years.1 However, elderly adults are a heterogeneous population characterized by considerable differences in biological age, function, burden of comorbidities, cognition, nutritional status, psychosocial problems, and social support. Moreover, elderly adults are frequently excluded from therapeutic clinical trials, which explains the substantial lack of [...]
Association of Chemotherapy With Survival in Elderly Patients With Multiple Comorbidities and Estrogen Receptor–Positive, Node-Positive Breast Cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 1 592 patientes âgées, atteintes d'un cancer du sein ER+ avec atteinte ganglionnaire et présentant de multiples comorbidités (âge moyen : 77,5 ans), cette étude de cohorte rétrospective analyse l'association entre chimiothérapie adjuvante et survie globale
Association of Chemotherapy With Survival in Elderly Patients With Multiple Comorbidities and Estrogen Receptor–Positive, Node-Positive Breast Cancer
Tamirisa, Nina ; Lin, Heather ; Shen, Yu ; Shaitelman, Simona F. ; Sri Karuturi, Meghan ; Giordano, Sharon H. ; Babiera, Gildy ; Bedrosian, Isabelle
Importance : Breast cancer risk and comorbidities increase with age. Data are lacking on the association of adjuvant chemotherapy with survival in elderly patients with multiple comorbidities and node-positive breast cancer. Objective : To examine the association of chemotherapy with survival in elderly patients with multiple comorbidities and estrogen receptor–positive, node-positive breast cancer. Design, Setting, and Participants : This retrospective cohort study included patients in the US [...]
Menée au Danemark à partir des données de registres sur la période 2002-2015, cette étude analyse, chez les femmes âgées de plus de 35 ans et atteintes d'un cancer de l'endomètre, l'évolution de la mortalité prenant en compte les hystérectomies
Trends in hysterectomy-corrected uterine cancer mortality rates during 2002-2015: mortality of non-endometrioid cancer on the rise?
Menée au Danemark à partir des données de registres sur la période 2002-2015, cette étude analyse, chez les femmes âgées de plus de 35 ans et atteintes d'un cancer de l'endomètre, l'évolution de la mortalité prenant en compte les hystérectomies
Trends in hysterectomy-corrected uterine cancer mortality rates during 2002-2015: mortality of non-endometrioid cancer on the rise?
Gustafson, Line W ; Booth, Berit B ; Kahlert, Johnny ; Ørtoft, Gitte ; Mejlgaard, Else ; Clarke, Megan A ; Wentzensen, Nicolas ; Rositch, Anne F ; Hammer, Anne
Corpus uteri cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy in most developed countries. The disease is typically diagnosed at an early stage, is of endometrioid histologic subtype, and has a fairly good prognosis. Here, we describe hysterectomy-corrected mortality rates of corpus uteri cancer, overall and stratified by age, stage, and histologic subtype. Using data from nationwide Danish registries, we calculated uncorrected and hysterectomy-corrected age-standardized mortality rates of [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à l'aide de données 2004-2015 portant sur 146 256 patients atteints d'un cancer de la tête et du cou, cette étude analyse l'association entre des facteurs de disparités ethniques ou liées au lieu de résidence (zone urbaine ou rurale) et la survie
Head and Neck Cancer Survival Disparities by Race and Rural-Urban Context
Menée aux Etats-Unis à l'aide de données 2004-2015 portant sur 146 256 patients atteints d'un cancer de la tête et du cou, cette étude analyse l'association entre des facteurs de disparités ethniques ou liées au lieu de résidence (zone urbaine ou rurale) et la survie
Head and Neck Cancer Survival Disparities by Race and Rural-Urban Context
Clarke, Jacob A ; Despotis, Alyssa M ; Ramirez, Ricardo J ; Zevallos, Jose P ; Mazul, Angela L
Background: This study aims to examine the relationship between race and rural-urban context in head and neck cancer (HNC) survival and determine factors that potentially drive this disparity. Methods: Using the National Cancer Database from 2004 to 2015, we identified a retrospective cohort of 146,256 HNC patients. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and the Cox proportional hazards regression were used to calculate adjusted hazard ratios (aHR). Results: Median survival by patient subgroup was as [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (1)
Menée aux Etats-Unis par enquête auprès de 129 aidants familiaux de patients atteints d'un cancer, cette étude longitudinale analyse l'évolution des facteurs associés au sentiment de solitude
Factors influencing loneliness in cancer caregivers: A longitudinal study
Menée aux Etats-Unis par enquête auprès de 129 aidants familiaux de patients atteints d'un cancer, cette étude longitudinale analyse l'évolution des facteurs associés au sentiment de solitude
Factors influencing loneliness in cancer caregivers: A longitudinal study
Ross, Alyson ; Perez, Avery ; Wehrlen, Leslie ; Lee, Lena Jumin ; Yang, Li ; Robert, Cox ; Bevans, Margaret ; Ding, Alice ; Wiener, Lori ; Wallen, Gwenyth
Objective : to describe levels of loneliness in cancer caregivers over a six month time period, and to examine factors that influence changes in loneliness in caregivers over time. Methods : prospective, repeated measures survey design was utilized to examine levels of loneliness and factors that influence loneliness in 129 family caregivers of individuals undergoing cancer treatment at three time points over a six month period. Measures included: PROMIS global health and sleep disturbance; NIH [...]
Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins (1)
Menée dans un contexte américain, cette étude analyse le rapport coût-efficacité des médicaments anticancéreux approuvés par la "Food and Drug Admnistration" entre 2012 et 2017 (106 essais, 52 médicaments pour 96 indications)
Clinical benefit and cost of breakthrough cancer drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
Menée dans un contexte américain, cette étude analyse le rapport coût-efficacité des médicaments anticancéreux approuvés par la "Food and Drug Admnistration" entre 2012 et 2017 (106 essais, 52 médicaments pour 96 indications)
Clinical benefit and cost of breakthrough cancer drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
Molto, Consolación ; Hwang, Thomas J. ; Borrell, Maria ; Andres, Marta ; Gich, Ignasi ; Barnadas, Agustí ; Amir, Eitan ; Kesselheim, Aaron S. ; Tibau, Ariadna
Background : The clinical benefit and pricing of breakthrough-designated cancer drugs are uncertain. This study compares the magnitude of the clinical benefit and monthly price of new and supplemental breakthrough-designated and non–breakthrough-designated cancer drug approvals. Methods : A cross-sectional cohort comprised approvals of cancer drugs for solid tumors from July 2012 to December 2017. For each indication, the clinical benefit from the pivotal trials was scored via validated [...]
Ressources et infrastructures (Lutte contre les cancers) (1)
Cette étude analyse la possibilité d'utiliser les registres américains des cancers pour mener des études épidémiologiques incluant des patients ayant survécu à un cancer aux Etats-Unis
Utilizing SEER Cancer Registries for Population-Based Cancer Survivor Epidemiologic Studies: A Feasibility Study
Cette étude analyse la possibilité d'utiliser les registres américains des cancers pour mener des études épidémiologiques incluant des patients ayant survécu à un cancer aux Etats-Unis
Utilizing SEER Cancer Registries for Population-Based Cancer Survivor Epidemiologic Studies: A Feasibility Study
Gallicchio, Lisa ; Elena, Joanne W. ; Fagan, Sarah ; Carter, Marjorie ; Hamilton, Ann S. ; Hastert, Theresa A. ; Hunter, Lisa L. ; Li, Jie ; Lynch, Charles F. ; Milam, Joel ; Millar, Morgan M. ; Modjeski, Denise ; Paddock, Lisa E. ; Reed, Amanda R. ; Moses, Lisa B. ; Stroup, Antoinette M. ; Sweeney, Carol ; Trapido, Edward J. ; West, Michele M. ; Wu, Xiao-Cheng ; Helzlsouer, Kathy J.
Background: While the primary role of central cancer registries in the United States is to provide vital information needed for cancer surveillance and control, these registries can also be leveraged for population-based epidemiologic studies of cancer survivors. This study was undertaken to assess the feasibility of using the NCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program registries to rapidly identify, recruit, and enroll individuals for survivor research studies and to [...]