Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 139 du 5 juin 2012
Qualité de vie, soins de support (4)
A partir des données de la base norvégienne des prescriptions médicamenteuses, cette étude analyse les prescriptions de laxatifs à des patients atteints de cancer, traités à domicile et recevant des opioïdes pour soulager la douleur
Laxative prescriptions to cancer outpatients receiving opioids: a study from the Norwegian prescription database
A partir des données de la base norvégienne des prescriptions médicamenteuses, cette étude analyse les prescriptions de laxatifs à des patients atteints de cancer, traités à domicile et recevant des opioïdes pour soulager la douleur
Laxative prescriptions to cancer outpatients receiving opioids: a study from the Norwegian prescription database
Skollerud, Lars ; Fredheim, Olav ; Svendsen, Kristian ; Skurtveit, Svetlana ; Borchgrevink, Petter
Background During opioid treatment of cancer pain, constipation is one of the most prevalent and bothersome side effects. Guidelines suggest that treatment with laxatives should be initiated when opioid therapy is started. Aim This study aims: (1) to determine to what extent patients, starting on opioids due to cancer pain, receive laxatives; (2) to examine the temporal relationship between initiation of opioid therapy and initiation of treatment with laxatives; and (3) to study to which extent [...]
Menée auprès de 206 parents d'enfants âgés de 2 à 18 ans, cette étude transversale analyse les disparités socioéconomiques associées à la qualité de vie des enfants atteints de cancer ou de tumeurs cérébrales, puis évalue l'influence de facteurs familiaux sur cette association
Socioeconomic disparities in the quality of life in children with cancer or brain tumors: the mediating role of family factors
Menée auprès de 206 parents d'enfants âgés de 2 à 18 ans, cette étude transversale analyse les disparités socioéconomiques associées à la qualité de vie des enfants atteints de cancer ou de tumeurs cérébrales, puis évalue l'influence de facteurs familiaux sur cette association
Socioeconomic disparities in the quality of life in children with cancer or brain tumors: the mediating role of family factors
Litzelman, Kristin ; Barker, Emily ; Catrine, Kristine ; Puccetti, Diane ; Possin, Peggy ; Witt, Whitney P.
Objective This study aimed to determine if and to what extent (i) socioeconomic disparities exist in the health-related quality of life (QOL) of children with cancer or brain tumors and healthy children; and (ii) family functioning and burden mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and children's QOL. Methods In this cross-sectional study, parents of children ages 2–18 with (n = 71) and without (n = 135) cancer or brain tumors completed in-person interviewer-assisted surveys [...]
A partir des données de la cohorte "Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Study" (20 914 hommes âgés de 50 à 65 ans), cette étude prospective analyse les changements de comportements de santé d'hommes ayant survécu à un cancer de la prostate ou d'un autre organe
Men with cancer change their health behaviour: a prospective study from the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Study
A partir des données de la cohorte "Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Study" (20 914 hommes âgés de 50 à 65 ans), cette étude prospective analyse les changements de comportements de santé d'hommes ayant survécu à un cancer de la prostate ou d'un autre organe
Men with cancer change their health behaviour: a prospective study from the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Study
Karlsen, R. V. ; Bidstrup, P. E. ; Christensen, J. ; Larsen, S. B. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Dalton, S. O. ; Johansen, C.
Background: Health behaviour changes may improve the quality of life and survival among cancer survivors. We prospectively examined changes in health behaviour among and between men with prostate cancer (PC), men with cancers other than PC and cancer-free men. Methods: We analysed data for 20 914 men (50–65 years), 426 with cancer, and 20 488 persons who were cancer-free between baseline (1993–1997) and follow-up (2000–2002) in multiple linear regression models to determine differences in [...]
Menée au Royaume-Uni, cet article plaide pour le développement d'outils permettant de mieux évaluer la qualité de vie des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein de stade avancé
Quality of life assessments in advanced breast cancer: should there be more consistency?
Menée au Royaume-Uni, cet article plaide pour le développement d'outils permettant de mieux évaluer la qualité de vie des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein de stade avancé
Quality of life assessments in advanced breast cancer: should there be more consistency?
Reed, E. ; KÖSsler, I. ; Hawthorn, J.
Quality of life (QOL) measures have assumed increasing importance in assessing the impact of therapeutic drugs and interventions on patients and in making judgements about their cost-effectiveness. Important treatment decisions and crucial funding strategies involve QOL data and, for patients with a disease such as advanced breast cancer that impinges on their life expectancy, QOL can become a hugely important consideration. Yet, despite this, there is a lack of consensus on what defines an [...]
Observation (5)
A partir des estimations de la base de données GLOBOCAN, cette étude analyse les évolutions de l'incidence des cancers depuis 2008 et présente des projections jusqu'en 2030 pour les cinq continents
Global cancer transitions according to the Human Development Index (2008-2030): a population-based study
A partir des estimations de la base de données GLOBOCAN, cette étude analyse les évolutions de l'incidence des cancers depuis 2008 et présente des projections jusqu'en 2030 pour les cinq continents
Global cancer transitions according to the Human Development Index (2008-2030): a population-based study
Bray, Freddie ; Jemal, Ahmedin ; Grey, Nathan ; Ferlay, Jacques ; Forman, David
Cancer is set to become a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the coming decades in every region of the world. We aimed to assess the changing patterns of cancer according to varying levels of human development. We used four levels (low, medium, high, and very high) of the Human Development Index (HDI), a composite indicator of life expectancy, education, and gross domestic product per head, to highlight cancer-specific patterns in 2008 (on the basis of GLOBOCAN estimates) and trends [...]
Menée auprès de 314 enfants atteints d'une leucémie myéloïde aiguë, cette étude américaine évalue l'association entre l'indice de masse corporelle et la survie des patients
Effect of body mass index on the outcome of children with acute myeloid leukemia
Menée auprès de 314 enfants atteints d'une leucémie myéloïde aiguë, cette étude américaine évalue l'association entre l'indice de masse corporelle et la survie des patients
Effect of body mass index on the outcome of children with acute myeloid leukemia
Inaba, Hiroto ; Surprise, Harriet C. ; Pounds, Stanley ; Cao, Xueyuan ; Howard, Scott C. ; Ringwald-Smith, Karen ; Buaboonnam, Jassada ; Dahl, Gary ; Bowman, W. Paul ; Taub, Jeffrey W. ; Campana, Dario ; Pui, Ching-Hon ; Ribeiro, Raul C. ; Rubnitz, Jeffrey E.
BACKGROUND: The effect of body mass index (BMI) on the treatment outcomes of children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is unclear and needs further evaluation. METHODS: Children with AML (n = 314) who were enrolled in 4 consecutive St. Jude protocols were grouped according to BMI (underweight, <5th percentile; healthy weight, 5th to 85th percentile; and overweight/obese, ≥85th percentile). RESULTS: Twenty-five patients (8%) were underweight, 86 patients (27.4%) were overweight/obese, and 203 [...]
Menée en Suisse auprès de 231 patients, cette étude rétrospective analyse l'utilisation d'une chimiothérapie au cours du dernier mois de vie de patients atteints d'un cancer pancréatique de stade avancé
Chemotherapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: too close to death?
Menée en Suisse auprès de 231 patients, cette étude rétrospective analyse l'utilisation d'une chimiothérapie au cours du dernier mois de vie de patients atteints d'un cancer pancréatique de stade avancé
Chemotherapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: too close to death?
Frigeri, M. ; De Dosso, S. ; Castillo-Fernandez, O. ; Feuerlein, K. ; Neuenschwander, H. ; Saletti, P.
Purpose We evaluated the attitude in using chemotherapy near the end of life in advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). Clinical and laboratory parameters recorded at last chemotherapy administration were analyzed, in order to identify risk factors for imminent death. Methods Retrospective analysis of patients who underwent at least one line of palliative chemotherapy was made. Data concerning chemotherapy (regimens, lines, and date of last administration) were collected. Clinical and [...]
Menée au Canada, cette étude de cohorte analyse la survie de patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal de stade IIB diagnostiqué entre 2001 et 2005
Examining stage IIB survival in a population-based cohort of patients with colorectal cancer
Menée au Canada, cette étude de cohorte analyse la survie de patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal de stade IIB diagnostiqué entre 2001 et 2005
Examining stage IIB survival in a population-based cohort of patients with colorectal cancer
Urquhart, Robin ; Bu, Jingyu ; Grunfeld, Eva ; Dewar, Ron ; MacIntyre, Maureen ; Porter, Geoffrey A.
BACKGROUND: In Nova Scotia, Canada, a previous study of colorectal cancer (CRC) cases diagnosed between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2005, found that patients with stage IIB CRC had similar 5-year overall survival (OS) to those with stage IIIC cancer. This study sought to examine factors contributing to the observed stage IIB outcome, specifically nodal harvest, receipt of chemotherapy, and use of a new coding system to derive stage. METHODS: The provincial cancer registry identified all [...]
En utilisant les données du registre des cancers de Côte-d'Or, cette étude en population française analyse les caractéristiques et l'incidence du cancer du sein chez les hommes
Breast cancer in men in Cote d'Or (France): epidemiological characteristics, treatments and prognostic factors
En utilisant les données du registre des cancers de Côte-d'Or, cette étude en population française analyse les caractéristiques et l'incidence du cancer du sein chez les hommes
Breast cancer in men in Cote d'Or (France): epidemiological characteristics, treatments and prognostic factors
Dabakuyo, T. S. ; Dialla, O. ; Gentil, J. ; Poillot, M. L. ; Roignot, P. ; Cuisenier, J. ; Arveux, P.
Breast cancer in men is rare, and clinical trials are thus not feasible. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological characteristics, treatment and prognostic factors of breast cancer in men. A population-based study was performed using data from the Cote d'Or breast and gynaecological cancer registry. Data on male breast cancer diagnosed from 1982 to 2008 were provided. Relative survival rates were estimated at 5 years according to the characteristics of the patient and tumour, and [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (1)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (43 études), cette étude analyse les facteurs associés à la peur de la récidive chez des patients atteints de cancer
Factors reported to influence fear of recurrence in cancer patients: a systematic review
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (43 études), cette étude analyse les facteurs associés à la peur de la récidive chez des patients atteints de cancer
Factors reported to influence fear of recurrence in cancer patients: a systematic review
Crist, Jade V. ; Grunfeld, Elizabeth A.
Objective Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is a significant psychological problem for cancer survivors. Some survivors experience FCR, which is both persistent and highly distressing. The aim of this systematic review was to identify the key factors associated with fear of recurrence among cancer patients. Methods A comprehensive literature search using keywords was performed with three databases, followed by an organic search to identify additional relevant articles. Included studies had a [...]
Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins (2)
Menée dans l'état américain de l'Oregon, cette étude analyse l'impact d'une couverture sociale et médicale sur la participation aux dépistages du cancer du sein, du col de l'utérus et du colon-rectum, dans des zones rurales
Influence of health insurance coverage on breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening in rural primary care settings
Menée dans l'état américain de l'Oregon, cette étude analyse l'impact d'une couverture sociale et médicale sur la participation aux dépistages du cancer du sein, du col de l'utérus et du colon-rectum, dans des zones rurales
Influence of health insurance coverage on breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening in rural primary care settings
Carney, Patricia A. ; O'Malley, Jean ; Buckley, David I. ; Mori, Motomi ; Lieberman, David A. ; Fagnan, Lyle J. ; Wallace, James ; Liu, Betty ; Morris, Cynthia
BACKGROUND: The current study was performed to determine, in rural settings, the relation between the type and status of insurance coverage and being up-to-date for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening. METHODS: Four primary care practices in 2 rural Oregon communities participated. Medical chart reviews that were conducted between October 2008 and August 2009 assessed insurance coverage and up-to-date status for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening. Inclusion criteria [...]
A partir des données des registres américains du cancer, cette étude analyse le coût et l'efficacité de l'ajout du rituximab à une chimiothérapie de première ligne pour traiter les patients âgés diagnostiqués avec un lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B
Comparative effectiveness and cost of adding rituximab to first-line chemotherapy for elderly patients diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
A partir des données des registres américains du cancer, cette étude analyse le coût et l'efficacité de l'ajout du rituximab à une chimiothérapie de première ligne pour traiter les patients âgés diagnostiqués avec un lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B
Comparative effectiveness and cost of adding rituximab to first-line chemotherapy for elderly patients diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Griffiths, Robert I. ; Gleeson, Michelle L. ; Mikhael, Joseph ; Dreyling, Martin H. ; Danese, Mark D.
BACKGROUND: Clinical trials indicate that rituximab improves the survival of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Economic models using multiple data sources, including clinical trials for survival outcomes, have projected cost offsets/savings and favorable cost-effectiveness associated with rituximab. In this study, the authors evaluated survival and cost impacts of adding rituximab to first-line chemotherapy for DLBCL using a single database that reflects routine clinical [...]
Soins palliatifs (1)
Menée en Chine auprès de 225 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et traités dans des unités de soins palliatifs, cette étude transversale évalue la prévalence des symptômes de constipation et l'utilisation de laxatifs
A cross-sectional study of constipation and laxative use in advanced cancer patients: insights for revision of current practice
Menée en Chine auprès de 225 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé et traités dans des unités de soins palliatifs, cette étude transversale évalue la prévalence des symptômes de constipation et l'utilisation de laxatifs
A cross-sectional study of constipation and laxative use in advanced cancer patients: insights for revision of current practice
Cheng, Chung ; Kwok, Annie ; Bian, Zhao ; Tse, Doris
Purpose This study aimed to evaluate the bowel habit and laxative use in advanced cancer patients with constipation in palliative care unit. Methods It was a cross-sectional study using a self-designed questionnaire. Results A total of 225 patients were analysed. Among all patients, 92.0 % (207 patients) had any intervention for relief of constipation, including laxatives, suppositories, enemas, digital evacuation and Chinese herbal medicine, and 65.3 % (147 patients) were on laxatives [...]