Topical therapy for regression and melanoma prevention of congenital giant nevi

Menée à l'aide de modèles murins modifiés génétiquement et de xénogreffes de naevi cutanés géants d'origine humaine, cette étude met en évidence l'intérêt, pour induire la régression du naevus ou prévenir le risque de mélanome, d'un traitement topique comportant un inhibiteur de MEK et un inhibiteur de PI3K en combinaison avec un inhibiteur de c-KIT ou l'ester de dibutyle de l'acide squarique

Cell, sous presse, 2022, résumé

Résumé en anglais

Giant congenital melanocytic nevi are NRAS-driven proliferations that may cover up to 80% of the body surface. Their most dangerous consequence is progression to melanoma. This risk often triggers preemptive extensive surgical excisions in childhood, producing severe lifelong challenges. We have presented preclinical models, including multiple genetically engineered mice and xenografted human lesions, which enabled testing locally applied pharmacologic agents to avoid surgery. The murine models permitted the identification of proliferative versus senescent nevus phases and treatments targeting both. These nevi recapitulated the histologic and molecular features of human giant congenital nevi, including the risk of melanoma transformation. Cutaneously delivered MEK, PI3K, and c-KIT inhibitors or proinflammatory squaric acid dibutylester (SADBE) achieved major regressions. SADBE triggered innate immunity that ablated detectable nevocytes, fully prevented melanoma, and regressed human giant nevus xenografts. These findings reveal nevus mechanistic vulnerabilities and suggest opportunities for topical interventions that may alter the therapeutic options for children with congenital giant nevi.