Validating chemoimmunotherapy in small-cell lung cancer

Mené en Chine sur 462 patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon à petites cellules de stade étendu, cet essai multicentrique de phase III évalue l'intérêt, du point de vue de la survie globale et de la toxicité, d'ajouter l'adébrélimab, un nouvel anticorps anti-PD-L1, à une chimiothérapie de première ligne par carboplatine-étoposide

The Lancet Oncology, sous presse, 2022, commentaire

Résumé en anglais

Small-cell lung cancer is an aggressive malignancy with poor clinical outcomes, especially for patients diagnosed with extensive stage disease. Historically, platinum-based chemotherapy was the standard of care, which provided an overall survival of 9–11 months. Since the 1980s, many attempts were made to improve upon the platinum-doublet without success until 2018, when the addition of immunotherapy to chemotherapy increased overall survival in two large, randomised clinical trials.