Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Sommaire du n° 157 du 30 octobre 2012
Facteurs exogènes : Tabac (2)
A partir d'une revue de la littérature (27 études cas-témoins : 4 625 cas et 21 591 témoins ; 13 études de cohorte : 2 228 cas et 1 852 763 participants), cette méta-analyse évalue l'association entre le tabagisme et le risque de myélome multiple
Tobacco smoking and risk of multiple myeloma: A meta-analysis of 40 observational studies
A partir d'une revue de la littérature (27 études cas-témoins : 4 625 cas et 21 591 témoins ; 13 études de cohorte : 2 228 cas et 1 852 763 participants), cette méta-analyse évalue l'association entre le tabagisme et le risque de myélome multiple
Tobacco smoking and risk of multiple myeloma: A meta-analysis of 40 observational studies
Psaltopoulou, Theodora ; Sergentanis, Theodoros N. ; Kanellias, Nick ; Kanavidis, Prodromos ; Terpos, Evangelos ; Dimopoulos, Meletios A.
This meta-analysis aims to quantitatively synthesize all available data on the association between tobacco smoking and multiple myeloma (MM) risk. Eligible studies were identified and pooled effect estimates (odds ratios and relative risks) were calculated regarding ever, current and former smoking. Separate analyses were performed on case–control and cohort studies, as well as on males and females. Meta-regression analysis with percentage of males, mean age, years of smoking, pack-years, [...]
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (7 études cas-témoins et 2 études de cohorte), cette méta-analyse évalue l'association entre le tabagisme et le risque de méningiome
Smoking and risk of meningioma: A meta-analysis
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (7 études cas-témoins et 2 études de cohorte), cette méta-analyse évalue l'association entre le tabagisme et le risque de méningiome
Smoking and risk of meningioma: A meta-analysis
Fan, Zuoxu ; Ji, Tao ; Wan, Shu ; Wu, Yaoyao ; Zhu, Yu ; Xiao, Feng ; Zhan, Renya
Objective: The relationship between smoking and the development of meningioma has been investigated in several epidemiological studies. However, the results of these studies are inconsistent. We conducted a meta-analysis in order to identify any potential association. Methods: PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and EMBASE databases were searched to identify relevant articles that investigated the risk of meningioma following cigarette smoking. Two researchers evaluated study eligibility and [...]
Facteurs exogènes : Alcool (1)
Couplée à un essai randomisé mené au Royaume-Uni, cette étude (2 400 cas et 12 700 témoins) évalue l'association entre une consommation d'alcool, le niveau de PSA et le risque de cancer de la prostate
Alcohol consumption and PSA-detected prostate cancer risk—A case-control nested in the ProtecT study
Couplée à un essai randomisé mené au Royaume-Uni, cette étude (2 400 cas et 12 700 témoins) évalue l'association entre une consommation d'alcool, le niveau de PSA et le risque de cancer de la prostate
Alcohol consumption and PSA-detected prostate cancer risk—A case-control nested in the ProtecT study
Zuccolo, Luisa ; Lewis, Sarah J. ; Donovan, Jenny L. ; Hamdy, Freddie C. ; Neal, David E. ; Smith, George Davey
Alcohol is an established carcinogen but not an established risk factor for prostate cancer, despite some recent prospective studies suggesting increased risk among heavy drinkers. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of alcohol on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and prostate cancer risk. Two thousand four hundred PSA detected prostate cancer cases and 12,700 controls matched on age and general practice were identified through a case-control study nested in the PSA-testing [...]
Facteurs exogènes : Exposition professionnelle (3)
A partir des données de deux études conduites au Canada (2 016 cas et 2 001 témoins), cette étude évalue l'association entre une exposition professionnelle à 6 types de solvants chlorés et le risque de cancer du poumon
Risk of lung cancer associated with six types of chlorinated solvents: results from two case–control studies in Montreal, Canada
A partir des données de deux études conduites au Canada (2 016 cas et 2 001 témoins), cette étude évalue l'association entre une exposition professionnelle à 6 types de solvants chlorés et le risque de cancer du poumon
Risk of lung cancer associated with six types of chlorinated solvents: results from two case–control studies in Montreal, Canada
Vizcaya, David ; Christensen, Krista Yorita ; Lavoué, Jérôme ; Siemiatycki, Jack
Objectives To determine whether exposure to various chlorinated solvents is associated with lung cancer.Methods Two case–control studies of occupation and lung cancer were conducted in Montreal, and included 2016 cases and 2001 population controls. Occupational exposure to a large number of agents was evaluated using a combination of subject-reported job history and expert assessment. We examined associations between lung cancer among men and six specific chlorinated solvents and two chemical [...]
A partir des données de 5 études (2 cohortes américaines), cette étude analyse l'association entre une exposition professionnelle au chrome hexavalent et le risque de cancer des voies respiratoires
Systematic review and quantification of respiratory cancer risk for occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium
A partir des données de 5 études (2 cohortes américaines), cette étude analyse l'association entre une exposition professionnelle au chrome hexavalent et le risque de cancer des voies respiratoires
Systematic review and quantification of respiratory cancer risk for occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium
Seidler, Andreas ; Jähnichen, Sabine ; Hegewald, Janice ; Fishta, Alba ; Krug, Olga ; Rüter, Luisa ; Strik, Claudia ; Hallier, Ernst ; Straube, Sebastian
Aim To investigate the exposure-risk relationship for occupational chromium (VI) exposure and lung cancer in order to establish exposure limits. Methods We systematically searched for studies reporting on occupational Cr(VI) exposure and cancers of the respiratory tract. To be included, studies needed to provide data for more than one level of occupational Cr(VI) exposure, adequately consider the confounder smoking and be of adequate methodological quality. Because direct genotoxicity was [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de participants âgés de 18 à 80 ans, cette étude (798 cas et 1 175 témoins) évalue l'association entre une exposition professionnelle à des solvants chlorés et le risque de gliome
The Upper Midwest Health Study: gliomas and occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de participants âgés de 18 à 80 ans, cette étude (798 cas et 1 175 témoins) évalue l'association entre une exposition professionnelle à des solvants chlorés et le risque de gliome
The Upper Midwest Health Study: gliomas and occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents
Ruder, Avima M ; Yiin, James H ; Waters, Martha A ; Carreon, Tania ; Hein, Misty J ; A Butler, Mary ; Calvert, Geoffrey M ; Davis-King, Karen E ; Schulte, Paul A ; Mandel, Jack S ; Morton, Roscoe F ; Reding, Douglas J ; Rosenman, Kenneth D ; Stewart, Patricia A
Objectives Occupational exposure to chlorinated aliphatic solvents has been associated with an increased cancer risk, including brain cancer. However, many of these solvents remain in active, large-volume use. We evaluated glioma risk from non-farm occupational exposure (ever/never and estimated cumulative exposure) to any of the six chlorinated solvents—carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene or 1,1,1-trichloroethane—among 798 cases and 1175 [...]
Facteurs exogènes : THS et contraceptifs (1)
A partir des données de la cohorte "Women’s Health Initiative" incluant 145 007 femmes ménopausées, cette étude analyse l'association entre des facteurs reproductifs, l'utilisation d'un contraceptif oral ou d'un traitement hormonal substitutif de la ménopause et le risque de cancer de la thyroïde
Menstrual and reproductive factors, exogenous hormone use, and risk of thyroid carcinoma in postmenopausal women
A partir des données de la cohorte "Women’s Health Initiative" incluant 145 007 femmes ménopausées, cette étude analyse l'association entre des facteurs reproductifs, l'utilisation d'un contraceptif oral ou d'un traitement hormonal substitutif de la ménopause et le risque de cancer de la thyroïde
Menstrual and reproductive factors, exogenous hormone use, and risk of thyroid carcinoma in postmenopausal women
Kabat, Geoffrey ; Kim, Mimi ; Wactawski-Wende, Jean ; Lane, Dorothy ; Wassertheil-Smoller, Sylvia ; Rohan, Thomas
Purpose To investigate the association of reproductive factors and hormone therapy, including type of hormone therapy, with risk of thyroid cancer in postmenopausal women. Methods We assessed these associations with risk of incident thyroid cancer in a cohort of 145,007 postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative. Over 12.7 years of follow-up, 296 cases of thyroid cancer were identified, including 243 with papillary thyroid cancer. Cox proportional hazards models were used to [...]
Facteurs exogènes : Agents infectieux (1)
Menée en population taïwanaise (35 871 participants), cette étude analyse l'association entre un zona et le risque de cancer
Risk of cancer among patients with herpes zoster infection: a population-based study
Menée en population taïwanaise (35 871 participants), cette étude analyse l'association entre un zona et le risque de cancer
Risk of cancer among patients with herpes zoster infection: a population-based study
Wang, Yu-Ping ; Liu, Chia-Jen ; Hu, Yu-Wen ; Chen, Tzeng-Ji ; Lin, Yi-Tsung ; Fung, Chang-Phone
Background: Whether the risk of cancer is increased among patients with herpes zoster is unclear. We investigated the risk of cancer among patients with herpes zoster using a nationwide health registry in Taiwan.Methods: We identified 35 871 patients with newly diagnosed herpes zoster during 2000–2008 from the National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan. We analyzed the standardized incidence ratios for various types of cancer.Results: Among patients with herpes zoster, 895 cases of [...]
Facteurs exogènes : Autres (3)
A partir d'une revue systématique de 28 études épidémiologiques (3 434 cas de second cancer ; 11 types de tumeur), cette étude évalue l'association entre une exposition à de fortes doses fractionnées de rayonnements ionisants dans le cadre d'une radiothérapie et la survenue d'un second cancer
Second Solid Cancers After Radiation Therapy: A Systematic Review of the Epidemiologic Studies of the Radiation Dose-Response Relationship
A partir d'une revue systématique de 28 études épidémiologiques (3 434 cas de second cancer ; 11 types de tumeur), cette étude évalue l'association entre une exposition à de fortes doses fractionnées de rayonnements ionisants dans le cadre d'une radiothérapie et la survenue d'un second cancer
Second Solid Cancers After Radiation Therapy: A Systematic Review of the Epidemiologic Studies of the Radiation Dose-Response Relationship
Berrington de Gonzalez, Amy ; Gilbert, Ethel ; Curtis, Rochelle ; Inskip, Peter ; Kleinerman, Ruth ; Morton, Lindsay ; Rajaraman, Preetha ; Little, Mark P.
Rapid innovations in radiation therapy techniques have resulted in an urgent need for risk projection models for second cancer risks from high-dose radiation exposure, because direct observation of the late effects of newer treatments will require patient follow-up for a decade or more. However, the patterns of cancer risk after fractionated high-dose radiation are much less well understood than those after lower-dose exposures (0.1-5 Gy). In particular, there is uncertainty about the shape of [...]
Menée sur 7 132 hommes vivant en zone urbaine et n'ayant jamais été atteints d'un cancer (durée maximale de suivi : 30 ans), cette étude lituanienne évalue l'association entre le tabagisme ou d'autres facteurs de risque (consommation d'alcool, indice de masse corporelle, taux de cholestérol) et le risque de cancer du pancréas (77 cas)
Smoking and other risk factors for pancreatic cancer: A cohort study in men in Lithuania
Menée sur 7 132 hommes vivant en zone urbaine et n'ayant jamais été atteints d'un cancer (durée maximale de suivi : 30 ans), cette étude lituanienne évalue l'association entre le tabagisme ou d'autres facteurs de risque (consommation d'alcool, indice de masse corporelle, taux de cholestérol) et le risque de cancer du pancréas (77 cas)
Smoking and other risk factors for pancreatic cancer: A cohort study in men in Lithuania
Kuzmickiene, Irena ; Everatt, Ruta ; Virviciute, Dalia ; Tamosiunas, Abdonas ; Radisauskas, Ricardas ; Reklaitiene, Regina ; Milinaviciene, Egle
Background: Cancer of the pancreas is a relatively rare, but highly fatal cancer worldwide. Cigarette smoking has been recognized as an important risk factor, but the relation to other potential determinants is still inconsistent. We investigated the association between different lifestyle, biological and anthropometric factors and the risk of pancreatic cancer in a prospective population-based cohort study from Kaunas, Lithuania. Methods: Our study included 7132 urban men initially free from [...]
Cette étude écossaise (309 cas et 294 témoins) évalue l'association entre l'utilisation de statines et le risque de cancer colorectal, ainsi que la survie des patients
Statin use and association with colorectal cancer survival and risk: case control study with prescription data linkage
Cette étude écossaise (309 cas et 294 témoins) évalue l'association entre l'utilisation de statines et le risque de cancer colorectal, ainsi que la survie des patients
Statin use and association with colorectal cancer survival and risk: case control study with prescription data linkage
Lakha, Fatim ; Theodoratou, Evropi ; Farrington, Susan ; Tenesa, Albert ; Cetnarskyj, Roseanne ; Din, Farhat ; Porteous, Mary ; Dunlop, Malcolm ; Campbell, Harry
BACKGROUND:In Scotland colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer and a leading cause of cancer death. Epidemiological studies have reported conflicting associations between statins and CRC risk and there is one published report of the association between statins and CRC survival.METHODS:Analysis was carried out on 309 cases and 294 controls from the Scottish Study of Colorectal Cancer (SOCCS). Cox's hazard and logistic regression models were applied to investigate the association [...]
Facteurs endogènes (7)
Menée en population chinoise, cette étude (476 cas et 526 témoins) évalue l'association entre des polymorphismes de deux gènes, p21 et p27, et le risque de carcinome hépatocellulaire
Genetic variants of p21 and p27 and hepatocellular cancer risk in a Chinese Han population: A case-control study
Menée en population chinoise, cette étude (476 cas et 526 témoins) évalue l'association entre des polymorphismes de deux gènes, p21 et p27, et le risque de carcinome hépatocellulaire
Genetic variants of p21 and p27 and hepatocellular cancer risk in a Chinese Han population: A case-control study
Liu, Fei ; Wei, Yong-Gang ; Luo, Li-Mei ; Wang, Wen-Tao ; Yan, Lv-Nan ; Wen, Tian-Fu ; Xu, Ming-Qing ; Yang, Jia-Yin ; Li, Bo
The p21 (Cip1/CDKN1A) and p27 (Kip1/CDKN1B) are members of the Cip/Kip family of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, which can arrest cell proliferation and serve as tumour suppressors. We hypothesized that genetic variants in p21 and p27 may modify individual susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the associations of the polymorphisms of Ser31Arg and C+20T in p21 and C-79T and Gly109Val in p27, as well as their combinations, with HCC risk in a [...]
A partir des données des registres américains des cancers, cette étude analyse l'association entre une sclérose latérale amyotrophique (maladie de Charcot) et le risque de cancer
The association between cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A partir des données des registres américains des cancers, cette étude analyse l'association entre une sclérose latérale amyotrophique (maladie de Charcot) et le risque de cancer
The association between cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Freedman, D. ; Curtis, Rochelle ; Daugherty, Sarah ; Goedert, James ; Kuncl, Ralph ; Tucker, Margaret
Objective Increasing evidence suggests that some neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, are inversely related to cancer. Few epidemiologic studies have examined the relationship between cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), another major neurodegenerative disease. This study addresses that gap. Methods Using data from 16 population-based cancer registries of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the U.S. National Cancer Institute and [...]
Cette étude américaine (499 cas et 963 témoins) analyse l'association entre la longueur des télomères et le risque de cancer du pancréas
Telomere Length and Pancreatic Cancer: A Case–Control Study
Cette étude américaine (499 cas et 963 témoins) analyse l'association entre la longueur des télomères et le risque de cancer du pancréas
Telomere Length and Pancreatic Cancer: A Case–Control Study
Skinner, Halcyon G. ; Gangnon, Ronald E. ; Litzelman, Kristin ; Johnson, Ruth A. ; Chari, Suresh T. ; Petersen, Gloria M. ; Boardman, Lisa A.
Background: Telomeres, the ends of chromosomes, are critical for maintaining genomic stability and grow shorter with age. Shortened telomeres in pancreatic tissue play a key role in the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer, and shorter telomeres in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) have been associated with increased risk for several cancer types. We hypothesized that shorter blood telomeres are associated with higher risk for pancreatic cancer.Methods: Telomere length was measured in PBLs using [...]
Cette étude de cohorte incluant 5 149 participantes évalue l'association entre des mutations des gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2 et le risque de cancer du pancréas
The incidence of pancreatic cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers
Cette étude de cohorte incluant 5 149 participantes évalue l'association entre des mutations des gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2 et le risque de cancer du pancréas
The incidence of pancreatic cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers
Iqbal, J. ; Ragone, A. ; Lubinski, J. ; Lynch, H. T. ; Moller, P. ; Ghadirian, P. ; Foulkes, W. D. ; Armel, S. ; Eisen, A. ; Neuhausen, S. L. ; Senter, L. ; Singer, C. F. ; Ainsworth, P. ; Kim-Sing, C. ; Tung, N. ; Friedman, E. ; Llacuachaqui, M. ; Ping, S. ; Narod, S. A.
Background: Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 predispose to pancreatic cancer. We estimated the incidence of pancreatic cancer in a cohort of female carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation. We also estimated survival rates in pancreatic cancer cases from families with a BRCA mutation. Methods: We followed 5149 women with a mutation for new cases of pancreatic cancer. The standardised incidence ratios (SIR) for pancreatic cancer were calculated based on age group and country of residence. We [...]
Menée sur 1 795 hommes islandais, cette étude identifie un nouveau variant, situé sur le chromosome 8q24, associé à la susceptibilité au cancer de la prostate
A study based on whole-genome sequencing yields a rare variant at 8q24 associated with prostate cancer
Menée sur 1 795 hommes islandais, cette étude identifie un nouveau variant, situé sur le chromosome 8q24, associé à la susceptibilité au cancer de la prostate
A study based on whole-genome sequencing yields a rare variant at 8q24 associated with prostate cancer
Gudmundsson, Julius ; Sulem, Patrick ; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F. ; Masson, Gisli ; Agnarsson, Bjarni A. ; Benediktsdottir, Kristrun R. ; Sigurdsson, Asgeir ; Magnusson, Olafur Th ; Gudjonsson, Sigurjon A. ; Magnusdottir, Droplaug N. ; Johannsdottir, Hrefna ; Helgadottir, Hafdis Th ; Stacey, Simon N. ; Jonasdottir, Adalbjorg ; Olafsdottir, Stefania B. ; Thorleifsson, Gudmar ; Jonasson, Jon G. ; Tryggvadottir, Laufey ; Navarrete, Sebastian ; Fuertes, Fernando ; Helfand, Brian T. ; Hu, Qiaoyan ; Csiki, Irma E. ; Mates, Ioan N. ; Jinga, Viorel ; Aben, Katja K. H. ; van Oort, Inge M. ; Vermeulen, Sita H. ; Donovan, Jenny L. ; Hamdy, Freddy C. ; Ng, Chi-Fai ; Chiu, Peter K. F. ; Lau, Kin-Mang ; Ng, Maggie C. Y. ; Gulcher, Jeffrey R. ; Kong, Augustine ; Catalona, William J. ; Mayordomo, Jose I. ; Einarsson, Gudmundur V. ; Barkardottir, Rosa B. ; Jonsson, Eirikur ; Mates, Dana ; Neal, David E. ; Kiemeney, Lambertus A. ; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur ; Rafnar, Thorunn ; Stefansson, Kari
In Western countries, prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer of men and one of the leading causes of cancer-related death in men. Several genome-wide association studies have yielded numerous common variants conferring risk of prostate cancer. Here, we analyzed 32.5 million variants discovered by whole-genome sequencing 1,795 Icelanders. We identified a new low-frequency variant at 8q24 associated with prostate cancer in European populations, rs188140481[A] (odds ratio (OR) = 2.90; [...]
Menée sur 1 509 cas et 2 307 témoins appariés sur l'âge, cette étude identifie un variant du gène SMAD7 associé au risque de cancer colorectal
Phenotypic and tumor molecular characterization of colorectal cancer in relation to a susceptibility SMAD7 variant associated with survival
Menée sur 1 509 cas et 2 307 témoins appariés sur l'âge, cette étude identifie un variant du gène SMAD7 associé au risque de cancer colorectal
Phenotypic and tumor molecular characterization of colorectal cancer in relation to a susceptibility SMAD7 variant associated with survival
Garcia-Albeniz, Xabier ; Nan, Hongmei ; Valeri, Linda ; Morikawa, Teppei ; Kuchiba, Aya ; Phipps, Amanda I ; Hutter, Carolyn M ; Peters, Ulrike ; Newcomb, Polly A ; Fuchs, Charles S ; Giovannucci, Edward L ; Ogino, Shuji ; Chan, Andrew T
Objective. The minor allele (G) of rs4939827, a SMAD7 (18q21) intronic variant, is associated with a lower risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC) and poorer survival after diagnosis. Our objective was to evaluate the associations of this variant with different tumor phenotype and intratumoral molecular characteristics. Design. We evaluated 1509 CRC cases and 2307 age-matched controls nested within the Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. We used the TaqMan [...]
Menée à Porto-Rico, cette étude observationnelle (285 cas et 539 témoins) évalue l'association entre une mesure du niveau de la capacité de réparation de l'ADN dans les lymphocytes et le risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes
The association of DNA Repair with breast cancer risk in women. A comparative observational study
Menée à Porto-Rico, cette étude observationnelle (285 cas et 539 témoins) évalue l'association entre une mesure du niveau de la capacité de réparation de l'ADN dans les lymphocytes et le risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes
The association of DNA Repair with breast cancer risk in women. A comparative observational study
Matta, Jaime ; Echenique, Miguel ; Negron, Esperanza ; Morales, Luisa ; Vargas, Wanda ; Gaetan, Felipe ; Lizardi, Eduardo ; Torres, Anibal ; Rosado, Jose ; Bolanos, Guillermo ; Cruz, Juan ; Laboy, Joaquin ; Barnes, Ricardo ; Medina, Santos ; Romero, Angel ; Martinez, Rosendo ; Dutil, Julie ; Suárez, Erick ; Alvarez-Garriga, Carolina ; Bayona, Manuel
BACKGROUND:Previous studies have found a link between a low DNA repair capacity (DRC) level and increased cancer risk. Our aim was to assess the statistical association of DRC level and breast cancer (BC) using a case--control epidemiological study in a Hispanic community.METHODS:We conducted a comparative observational study to assess the validity of DRC in detecting BC in 824 women throughout Puerto Rico. Over a 6-year period, we compared 285 women newly diagnosed with BC to 539 without BC. [...]