Improving Pain Self-Management Among Rural Older Adults With Cancer
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 30 patients atteints d'un cancer, vivant en zone rurale et âgés d'au moins 65 ans, cette étude évalue la faisabilité et l'intérêt d'une intervention, comportant un cahier d'exercices et un accompagnement téléphonique, pour aider les patients à mieux communiquer sur leur douleur avec l'équipe médicale
Résumé en anglais
Importance : Undertreated cancer pain is a major public health concern among older adults in rural communities. Interventions to improve pain management among this vulnerable population are needed.
Objective : To test the feasibility, acceptability, and changes in pain outcomes from exposure to an adapted intervention, Cancer Health Empowerment for Living without Pain (CA-HELP), to improve patients’ communication about pain to their clinicians.
Design, Setting, and Participants : Older adults with cancer (aged ≥65 years) who were residing in a noninstitutional rural setting and receiving outpatient care at a rural-based clinic in Tennessee were enrolled in the study, in which everyone received the intervention, in May 2022. All patients were given assessments at baseline and 1 week after intervention. Mean score differences were analyzed using 1-tailed paired sample t tests (