Identifying the Utility of Dental Providers in Human Papillomavirus Prevention Efforts: Results From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018

Menée à partir des données d'une enquête réalisée entre 2015 et 2018 et portant sur 8 704 jeunes âgés de 9 à 26 ans, cette étude analyse l'association entre leur dernière visite chez un dentiste et leur statut vaccinal contre le papillomavirus humain

Journal of Adolescent Health, sous presse, 2021, article en libre accès

Résumé en anglais

Purpose: The aim of this study is to (1) examine the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in adolescents and young adults in the U.S., including those who had a dental visit in the last year but not a medical visit and (2) to determine an association between last visit to the dentist and HPV vaccination status.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2015 to 2018, including participants 9–26 years. Descriptive statistical analyses were conducted to characterize the study population and calculate the prevalence of HPV vaccination in adolescents and young adults, including those who had a dental visit in the last year but not a medical visit. Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the association between last visit to the dentist and HPV vaccination status.

Results: In total, 38.6% of participants were vaccinated for HPV, with higher prevalence of vaccination in those with the following characteristics: female, older age, higher income, higher education level, and having medical insurance. Participants who had a dental visit in the last year had an HPV vaccination rate of 40.8%. Of those who had a dental visit and were not vaccinated for HPV, 12.5% did not have a medical visit. Having a dental visit in the last year increased the odds of being vaccinated for HPV (odds ratio 1.69, confidence interval 1.26–2.28).

Conclusions: Dentists see a significant number of adolescents and young adults who are unvaccinated for HPV in a given year and could serve as an access point for HPV vaccine delivery in the future.