Role of FOLFIRINOX and chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced and borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: update of the AGEO cohort
Menée en France à partir de données portant sur 330 patients atteints d'un adénocarcinome du pancréas de stade localement avancé ou à la limite de la résécabilité (durée médiane de suivi : 26,7 mois), cette étude multicentrique évalue l'efficacité, du point de vue du taux de réponse objective, du taux de résection, de la survie sans progression et de la survie globale, et la toxicité d'une chimiothérapie de type FOLFIRINOX suivie ou non d'une chimioradiothérapie
Résumé en anglais
Background : FOLFIRINOX has shown promising results in locally advanced (LAPA) or borderline resectable (BRPA) pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We report here a cohort of patients treated with this regimen from the AGEO group.
Methods : This is a retrospective multicentre study. We included all consecutive patients with non-pre-treated LAPA or BRPA treated with FOLFIRINOX.
Results : We included 330 patients (57.9% male, 65.4% <65 years, 96.4% PS <2). Disease was classified as BRPA in 31.1% or LAPA in 68.9%. Objective response rate with FOLFIRINOX was 29.5% and stable disease 51%. Subsequent CRT was performed in 46.4% of patients and 23.9% had curative intent surgery. Resection rates were 42.1% for BRPA and 15.5% for LAPA. Main G3/4 toxicities were fatigue (15%), neutropenia (12%) and neuropathy (G2/3 35%). After a median follow-up of 26.7 months, median OS (mOS) and PFS were 21.4 and 12.4 months, respectively. For patients treated by FOLFIRINOX alone, or FOLFIRINOX followed by CRT, or FOLFIRINOX + /