Influence of gastrectomy for gastric cancer treatment on faecal microbiome and metabolome profiles
Menée à partir de l'analyse métagénomique et de l'analyse métabolomique d'échantillons fécaux issus de 56 témoins et de 50 patients ayant subi une gastrectomie pour un cancer gastrique, cette étude met en évidence l'influence du traitement sur les profils du microbiome et du métabolome fécaux
Résumé en anglais
Objective : Recent evidence points to the gut microbiome’s involvement in postoperative outcomes, including after gastrectomy. Here, we investigated the influence of gastrectomy for gastric cancer on the gut microbiome and metabolome, and how it related to postgastrectomy conditions.
Design : We performed shotgun metagenomics sequencing and capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry-based metabolomics analyses on faecal samples collected from participants with a history of gastrectomy for gastric cancer (n=50) and compared them with control participants (n=56).
Results : The gut microbiota in the gastrectomy group showed higher species diversity and richness (p<0.05), together with greater abundance of aerobes, facultative anaerobes and oral microbes. Moreover, bile acids such as genotoxic deoxycholic acid and branched-chain amino acids were differentially abundant between the two groups (linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe): p<0.05, q<0.1, LDA>2.0), as were also Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes modules involved in nutrient transport and organic compounds biosynthesis (LEfSe: p<0.05, q<0.1, LDA>2.0).
Conclusion : Our results reveal alterations of gut microbiota after gastrectomy, suggesting its association with postoperative comorbidities. The multi-omic approach applied in this study could complement the follow-up of patients after gastrectomy.