Cancer statistics, 2025: A hinge moment for optimism to morph into hope?

Menée à partir de données de registres américains, cette étude présente, pour l'année 2025, une projection de l'incidence des cancers ainsi qu'une projection de la mortalité spécifique (2 041 910 nouveaux cas et 618 120 décès par cancer)

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, sous presse, 2025, éditorial en libre accès

Résumé en anglais

Since 1951, the American Cancer Society has compiled and published data on an annual basis pertaining to the incidence and outcomes of most malignancies in the United States. This meticulous effort consistently manifests as one of the most cited articles in the literature, extensively referenced not only by oncologists but also by health scientists at large. The influence of this reporting is attributable to its comprehensiveness, readability, and the establishment of benchmarks for where we are, where we have been, and where we ought to be headed.
This year's article by Siegel et al.,1 once again, provides important insights. Five-year relative all-cancer survival rates increased from 49% between 1975 and 1977 to approximately 69% between 2014 and 2020. Moreover, the general cancer mortality rate continues to fall. However, closer scrutiny reveals dramatic disparities. For instance, overall cancer incidence has declined in men but has been persistently rising in women. In addition, disproportionate cancer mortality is borne by Native Americans (particularly with regard to primary tumors of the colorectum, kidney, liver, lung, stomach, and uterine cervix), Black men (especially in the setting of prostate cancer), and Black women (for breast and uterine corpus cancers). Driving these disparities, Siegel et al. point to socioeconomic deprivation resulting from structural racism, including (but not limited to) inequities in access to screening and treatment.