Aging Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Manifest Profound Epigenetic Reprogramming of Enhancers That May Predispose to Leukemia

Menée à partir d'échantillons de moelle osseuse prélevés sur 96 donneurs en bonne santé et âgés de 18 à 75 ans, cette étude met en évidence, au cours du vieillissement des cellules souches hématopoïétiques, des modifications épigénétiques affectant les séquences amplificatrices de l'ADN et pouvant ainsi prédisposer au développement d'une leucémie

Cancer Discovery, sous presse, 2019, résumé

Résumé en anglais

Aging is associated with functional decline of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) as well as an increased risk of myeloid malignancies. We performed an integrative characterization of epigenomic and transcriptomic changes, including single-cell RNA-seq, during normal human aging. Lineage-CD34+CD38- cells (HSC-enriched, HSCe) undergo age-associated epigenetic reprogramming consisting of redistribution of DNA methylation and reductions in H3K27ac, H3K4me1 and H3K4me3. This reprogramming of aged HSCe globally targets developmental and cancer pathways which are comparably altered in AML of all ages; encompassing loss of 4,656 active enhancers, 3,091 bivalent promoters, and deregulation of several epigenetic modifiers and key hematopoietic transcription factors, such as KLF6, BCL6 and RUNX3. Notably, in vitro downregulation of KLF6 results in impaired differentiation, increased colony forming potential and changes in expression that recapitulate aging and leukemia signatures. Thus, age-associated epigenetic reprogramming may form a predisposing condition for the development of age-related AML.