The Beginning of the End: Vaccine Prevention of HPV-Driven Cancers
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de l'analyse d'échantillons tumoraux prélevés sur 2 670 patients diagnostiqués entre 1993 et 2005, cette étude évalue la fraction attribuable au papillomavirus humain (HPV) pour divers types de cancer, puis estime l'effet du vaccin bivalent et du vaccin nonavalent récemment développé sur le risque de cancers associés au HPV
Résumé en anglais
In this issue of the journal, Saraiya and co-authors present an important analysis of human papillomavirus (HPV) detection in tumors retrieved from select US sites prior to HPV vaccine implementation (2006). Not only are these data necessary to evaluate future vaccine effectiveness in reducing cancers caused by HPV infection, but they will also aid in the growing assessment of the worldwide burden of tumors attributable to HPV infection. These data raise the question : “How many cases of cancer can be prevented by HPV vaccination in the US?”