Revisiting the tumorigenesis timeline with a data-driven generative model

Menée à partir d'un modèle mathématique intégrant des données épidémiologiques et des données de séquençage, cette étude analyse la chronologie des événements mutationnels dans la tumorigenèse

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, sous presse, 2019, résumé

Résumé en anglais

Recently, investigators have shown that only a few driver gene mutational events appear to be needed for cancer to occur. However, the reason that some mutational events precede others in the same cancer and the explanation for tissue-specific differences in this timing, remain mysterious. We here combine mathematical modeling with epidemiologic studies and sequencing data to address these questions. We suggest that the first driver event in cancers generally occurred at early ages and provide estimates for the fitness of different types of drivers during tumor evolution, showing how they vary with the tissue of origin.Cancer is driven by the sequential accumulation of genetic and epigenetic changes in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. The timing of these events is not well understood. Moreover, it is currently unknown why the same driver gene change appears as an early event in some cancer types and as a later event, or not at all, in others. These questions have become even more topical with the recent progress brought by genome-wide sequencing studies of cancer. Focusing on mutational events, we provide a mathematical model of the full process of tumor evolution that includes different types of fitness advantages for driver genes and carrying-capacity considerations. The model is able to recapitulate a substantial proportion of the observed cancer incidence in several cancer types (colorectal, pancreatic, and leukemia) and inherited conditions (Lynch and familial adenomatous polyposis), by changing only 2 tissue-specific parameters: the number of stem cells in a tissue and its cell division frequency. The model sheds light on the evolutionary dynamics of cancer by suggesting a generalized early onset of tumorigenesis followed by slow mutational waves, in contrast to previous conclusions. Formulas and estimates are provided for the fitness increases induced by driver mutations, often much larger than previously described, and highly tissue dependent. Our results suggest a mechanistic explanation for why the selective fitness advantage introduced by specific driver genes is tissue dependent.