Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Infection by Number of Vaccine Doses Among US Women

Menée aux Etats-Unis par enquête auprès de 1 004 femmes non-vaccinées contre le papillomavirus humain et auprès de 616 femmes ayant reçu au moins une dose du vaccin (âge médian : 22,2 ans), cette étude analyse la prévalence des infections par le HPV en fonction du nombre de doses de vaccin reçues

JAMA Network Open, Volume 2, Numéro 12, Page e1918571-e1918571, 2019, article en libre accès

Résumé en anglais

More than a decade after the introduction of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in the United States, only 51.1% of adolescents have completed the vaccine series, while a greater number (68.1%) received at least 1 dose. The suboptimal series completion rate in the United States is partly attributable to the barriers, including unawareness of or forgetting the need for additional doses, lack of insurance coverage or health care professional recommendations, and less frequent contact with the medical system. To simplify the recommendations, trials are evaluating the efficacy of a single-dose regimen. In this study, we investigated HPV infection prevalence among women by number of vaccine doses received.