Possible insufficiency of generic price competition to contain prices for orally administered anticancer therapies

Menée dans un contexte américain, cette étude analyse les coûts associés à la recherche et au développement consacrés aux médicaments anticancéreux par 10 compagnies pharmaceutiques, puis évalue les revenus de ces industries après l'approbation du médicament par la FDA, sur la période 2006-2015

JAMA Internal Medicine, sous presse, 2017, résumé

Résumé en anglais

Generic price competition is viewed as an important way to contain prices and increase patient access to prescription medications.1,2 Following the introduction of generic options, substantial decreases have been observed in prices for infused anticancer therapies. However, it is unclear whether such declines will be observed for orally administered anticancer drugs.3 Capecitabine is one of the first high-priced orally administered anticancer drugs to lose patent protection in the United States, making it a useful case study for understanding how generic entry may affect orally administered anticancer drug prices.