CLL: when the target of treatment is disease-related symptoms

Mené sur 41 patients atteints d'une leucémie lymphoïde chronique, cet essai de phase II évalue l'efficacité du ruxolitinib pour prendre en charge leurs symptômes et améliorer leur qualité de vie

The Lancet Haematology, sous presse, 2017, commentaire

Résumé en anglais

Fatigue is the symptom most frequently reported by patients with cancer. Its cause is multifactorial, including disease burden, treatment-related effects, anaemia, psychological stress, and depression.1 Despite the variability of the contributing factors, fatigue seems to have common pathogenetic pathways. Increased concentrations of inflammatory cytokines are noted in patients complaining of cancer-related symptoms and have been associated with tumour activity and poor clinical outcomes.2 From the perspective of personalised medical care, fatigue merits a multidisciplinary and cause-oriented treatment approach.