Familial carcinoma of unknown primary
Couplée aux données d'un registre américain des cancers, cette étude cas-témoins évalue le risque de divers cancers chez des individus parents au premier et second degré de patients atteints d'un carcinome d'origine primitive inconnue (4 160 patients et 41 600 témoins)
Résumé en anglais
Approximately 3% to 5% of all human cancers manifest as carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP), which is the seventh most frequent histologically confirmed cancer and the fourth most common cancer-related cause of death in patients of both sexes.1 Currently, CUP evaluation involves standard metastatic workup in combination with immunohistochemical analysis and increasingly sophisticated pathological and genetic analysis. Treatment is targeted at the most likely primary source on the basis of this workup. However, empirical chemotherapy is often used.