Past, Present, and Future Challenges in Breast Cancer Treatment

A l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de l'American Society of Clinical Oncology, cet article passe en revue l'évolution récente des traitements du cancer du sein et analyse les défis à relever pour les développements futurs

Journal of Clinical Oncology, sous presse, 2014, article en libre accès

Résumé en anglais

The past half century—the lifetime of the American Society of Clinical Oncology—represents a historical watershed in the management of breast cancer, a period in which old dogmas were overthrown, to be replaced by biology-driven therapeutic approaches. These approaches transformed the disease from one where mutilating local therapy was followed by distant recurrence and death, to one where patients regularly choose local (and often minimal) therapy, then receive systemic therapies that are increasingly effective and progressively more targeted.