Incidence, survival, and mortality of cancer in children and young adolescents in Belgium and the Netherlands in 2004–2015: A comparative population-based study
Menée à partir de données des registres des cancers portant au total sur 12 061 enfants ou jeunes adolescents atteints d'un cancer diagnostiqué sur la période 2004-2015, cette étude compare l'incidence des cancers, la survie et la mortalité aux Pays-Bas et en Belgique
Résumé en anglais
International comparisons of cancer surveillance measures may provide insight into inequalities in registration practices, etiological factors, and treatment strategies. This study aimed to compare incidence, survival, and mortality of cancer in children and young adolescents between Belgium and the Netherlands. All children (0–14 years) and young adolescents (15–17 years) diagnosed with cancer between 2004 and 2015 were selected from the population-based cancer registries of Belgium (N = 4739) and the Netherlands (N = 7322). Differences in incidence and mortality were expressed as standardized rate ratios (SRR; BE/NL). Five-year observed survival was calculated using the Kaplan–Meier method. During 2004–2015, the overall cancer incidence among children and young adolescents was similar in both countries. Incidence of neuroblastoma was significantly higher in Belgian children (2010–2015: SRR = 1.3, 95% CI 1.0–1.6). Five-year survival of all malignant cancers was comparable in 2010–2015, exceeding 80% in both age groups. Remarkable differences in survival existed in children for malignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors in 2004–2009 (BE = 62%, NL = 45%), for acute myeloid leukemia (BE = 68%, NL = 78%) and rhabdomyosarcomas (BE = 60%, NL = 79%) in 2010–2015, and for neuroblastoma in both periods (2004–2009: BE = 76%, NL = 64%; 2010–2015: BE = 82%, NL = 64%). Overall cancer mortality in children decreased by approximately 3 percent-points annually in both countries, but was slightly lower in Belgium in 2004–2009 (SRR = 0.9, 95% CI 0.7–1.0). Despite differences for specific cancer types, overall cancer incidence, survival, and mortality were comparable between Dutch and Belgian children and young adolescents in 2010–2015. Variability in screening, diagnosis, and registration practices probably explains the observed differences in incidence and survival of neuroblastoma and malignant CNS tumors.