Reasons for Vaping Among US Adolescents
Menée à partir de données d'enquêtes réalisées auprès de 28 522 étudiants américains, cette étude examine les raisons du vapotage chez les adolescents
Résumé en anglais
Adolescent use of electronic nicotine delivery systems or e-cigarettes—known as vaping—is prevalent and of critical public health importance because of dependence risk and respiratory, neurologic, and cardiovascular problems. Vaping is marketed as a less harmful alternative to smoking combustible cigarettes. However, a large population of nicotine-naïve consumers, including adolescents, vape. In 2015, US adolescents in eighth, 10th, and 12th grades most frequently endorsed experimentation, taste, and boredom as reasons for vaping. Adolescents rarely endorsed cigarette cessation as a reason to vape. In the past decade, adolescent nicotine vaping has become a primary concern. Understanding why adolescents vape nicotine, specifically, is important for informing prevention and intervention. This study examined reasons for vaping nicotine among eighth-, 10th-, and 12th-grade US students, focusing on differences by vaping frequency and grade.