Financial toxicity of total cancer care immunotherapy patients and caregivers: impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and inflation

Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles concernant la prise en charge des cancers durant la crise sanitaire liée à la COVID-19

Supportive Care in Cancer, Volume 32, Numéro 12, Page 790, 2024, résumé

Résumé en anglais

Purpose: Financial toxicity, cancer-treatment-related financial harm, is associated with expensive treatments like immunotherapy. The purpose of this study was to explore financial toxicity among advanced cancer patients receiving immunotherapies and their caregivers and, secondarily, to study how recent inflation and the COVID-19 pandemic impacted these experiences.

Methods: Advanced cancer patients receiving immunotherapies and their caregivers were recruited to participate in semi-structured interviews about supportive care needs from 2022 to 2023. The Comprehensive Score for Financial Toxicity was collected. Guided by Jones et al.’s cancer financial toxicity model, the content analysis was conducted by two trained coders using NVIVO R1.

Results: Sixteen patients and 10 caregivers (including 7 dyads) across 5 states participated in interviews in 2022–2023. Participants averaged 63.43 years (SD = 12.75), and patients received an average of 14.6 months of immunotherapy (SD = 9.415). The majority lived in non-metropolitan areas (67%) and were white (95%). Three theory-driven themes were developed: (1) Sources of Financial Toxicity, (2) Buffers of Financial Toxicity, and (3) Consequences of Financial Toxicity. Inflation was added to financial toxicity for non-metropolitan dwelling participants due to increased prices of gas and accommodation. Social support systems buffered the impact of financial toxicity. Material and psychological impacts of financial toxicity disproportionately affected younger and privately insured participants.

Conclusion: While immunotherapy patients face high medical costs of treatment, the burdens of accessing treatment for people living at a distance from the cancer center can exacerbate financial toxicity. Clinicians and researchers should also consider external financial pressures such as national economic impacts that compound the financial toxicity of treatment.