Safety Concerns or Adverse Effects as the Main Reason for Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Refusal: National Immunization Survey–Teen, 2008 to 2019
Menée à partir de données d'enquêtes réalisées sur la période 2008-2019, cette étude analyse l'évolution de la défiance des parents envers le vaccin contre le papillomavirus humain (HPV) pour des raisons de sécurité ou d'effets indésirables
Résumé en anglais
Vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV) is effective at preventing several squamous cell carcinomas, yet the population-level uptake of the vaccine remains low in the US. Several factors contribute to HPV vaccine hesitancy and refusal; of note, safety concerns rank consistently high as a reason for nonvaccination. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the fragility of public confidence in the safety of vaccines. Therefore, this study examines safety concerns or adverse effects of the HPV vaccine as the main reason for nonvaccination over an 11-year period.