Nota Bene Cancer
Nota Bene Cancer est un bulletin hebdomadaire de veille bibliographique. En libre accès, Nota Bene Cancer permet à ses abonnés de gagner du temps pour se tenir informé de l’actualité scientifique et médicale dans les divers domaines de la recherche sur les cancers.
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Pour retrouver les publications signalées par Nota Bene Cancer (archives indexées à partir du n°127 du 1" mars 2012) :
Sommaire du n° 439 du 14 février 2020
Qualité de vie, soins de support (4)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (51 articles), cette étude analyse les recommandations de bonnes pratiques concernant la prise en charge des symptômes à long terme et des déficiences fonctionnelles chez des patients ayant survécu à un cancer anal ou colorectal
Systematic review of clinical practice guidelines for colorectal and anal cancer: the extent of recommendations for managing long-term symptoms and...
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (51 articles), cette étude analyse les recommandations de bonnes pratiques concernant la prise en charge des symptômes à long terme et des déficiences fonctionnelles chez des patients ayant survécu à un cancer anal ou colorectal
Systematic review of clinical practice guidelines for colorectal and anal cancer: the extent of recommendations for managing long-term symptoms and functional impairments
Wiltink, Lisette M. ; White, K. ; King, M. T. ; Rutherford, C.
Purpose : Due to increasing numbers of colorectal and anal cancer survivors, more individuals are living with long-term symptoms after treatment. A systematic review was undertaken to assess the extent to which practice guidelines for colorectal and anal cancer provide recommendations for managing long-term symptoms and functioning impairments. Methods : Four electronic databases and websites of 30 international cancer societies were searched for clinical practice guidelines, consensus [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 183 témoins et sur 736 patients ayant survécu plus de 2 ans à un cancer hématologique et ayant reçu une greffe de moelle osseuse ou une transfusion de sang entre 1974 et 2014 (âge supérieur à 60 ans lors des traitements), cette étude de cohorte analyse la sévérité de leur fatigue
Pain in older survivors of hematologic malignancies after blood or marrow transplantation: A BMTSS report
Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 183 témoins et sur 736 patients ayant survécu plus de 2 ans à un cancer hématologique et ayant reçu une greffe de moelle osseuse ou une transfusion de sang entre 1974 et 2014 (âge supérieur à 60 ans lors des traitements), cette étude de cohorte analyse la sévérité de leur fatigue
Pain in older survivors of hematologic malignancies after blood or marrow transplantation: A BMTSS report
Farrukh, Naveed ; Hageman, Lindsey ; Chen, Yanjun ; Wu, Jessica ; Ness, Emily ; Kung, Michelle ; Francisco, Liton ; Parman, Mariel ; Landier, Wendy ; Arora, Mukta ; Armenian, Saro ; Bhatia, Smita ; Williams, Grant R.
Background : Blood or marrow transplantation (BMT) is increasingly offered to older adults with hematologic malignancies; however, their risk for severe pain is poorly understood. Using the Bone Marrow Transplant Survivor Study, the current study investigated the prevalence and predictors of pain after BMT (allogeneic or autologous) as well as its association with physical performance impairments and frailty. Methods : The cohort included 736 patients with hematologic malignancies who underwent [...]
Menée en Nouvelle-Zélande à partir de données portant sur 51 patientes ayant survécu à un cancer du sein, cette étude analyse l'efficacité d'exercices d'entraînement de résistance sur une période de 12 semaines pour améliorer la santé musculaire et cardiorespiratoire
Circuit resistance training and cardiovascular health in breast cancer survivors
Menée en Nouvelle-Zélande à partir de données portant sur 51 patientes ayant survécu à un cancer du sein, cette étude analyse l'efficacité d'exercices d'entraînement de résistance sur une période de 12 semaines pour améliorer la santé musculaire et cardiorespiratoire
Circuit resistance training and cardiovascular health in breast cancer survivors
Jones, Lynnette M. ; Stoner, Lee ; Baldi, J. Chris ; McLaren, Blair
Objective : Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in breast cancer survivors. While evidence shows circuit resistance training (CRT) is effective for improving muscle and cardiorespiratory fitness, whether CRT is an efficacious therapy for decreasing cardiovascular risk in cancer survivors is unclear. Methods : Fifty‐one breast cancer survivors were recruited to either 12 weeks CRT (n = 26), or a non‐exercising wait‐list control (n = 25). Two supervised 60 min CRT sessions per [...]
Mené sur 44 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein, cet essai de phase II évalue l'efficacité de la cryothérapie pour prévenir une neuropathie périphérique et les effets indésirables dermatologiques induits par le paclitaxel
Cryotherapy for the prevention of weekly paclitaxel-induced peripheral adverse events in breast cancer patients
Mené sur 44 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein, cet essai de phase II évalue l'efficacité de la cryothérapie pour prévenir une neuropathie périphérique et les effets indésirables dermatologiques induits par le paclitaxel
Cryotherapy for the prevention of weekly paclitaxel-induced peripheral adverse events in breast cancer patients
Shigematsu, Hideo ; Hirata, Taizo ; Nishina, Mai ; Yasui, Daisuke ; Ozaki, Shinji
Purpose : This randomized phase II study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of cryotherapy in preventing peripheral neuropathy and dermatological adverse events in breast cancer patients treated with weekly paclitaxel. Methods : Patients treated with 12 weekly doses of paclitaxel for breast cancer were randomized (1:1) into a cryotherapy or control group. The primary endpoint was the percentage of patients with a marked decrease in the Functional Assessment of Cancer [...]
Observation (5)
Menée dans 41 pays sur la période 1998-2012, cette étude internationale analyse l'évolution de l'incidence des cancers chez les adolescents et jeunes adultes
International trends in the incidence of cancer among adolescents and young adults
Menée dans 41 pays sur la période 1998-2012, cette étude internationale analyse l'évolution de l'incidence des cancers chez les adolescents et jeunes adultes
International trends in the incidence of cancer among adolescents and young adults
Gupta, Sumit ; Harper, Andrew ; Ruan, Yibing ; Barr, Ronald ; Frazier, A Lindsay ; Ferlay, Jacques ; Steliarova-Foucher, Eva ; Fidler-Benaoudia, Miranda M
Background : Although adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancers represent a unique spectrum of malignancies, epidemiologic studies of cancer incidence often group AYAs together with younger or older populations, obscuring patterns specific to this population. Methods : We examined AYA cancer incidence trends in 41 countries over a 15-year period using the CI5plus database. Truncated age-standardized incidence rates were calculated and the annual percentage change (APC) was assessed, with [...]
Menée aux Etats-Unis en 2018 par enquête auprès de centres de cancérologie désignés ou non par l'Institut national du cancer, cette étude analyse les changements dans les services de soins palliatifs au cours des dix dernières années
State of palliative care services at US cancer centers: An updated national survey
Menée aux Etats-Unis en 2018 par enquête auprès de centres de cancérologie désignés ou non par l'Institut national du cancer, cette étude analyse les changements dans les services de soins palliatifs au cours des dix dernières années
State of palliative care services at US cancer centers: An updated national survey
Hui, David ; De La Rosa, Allison ; Chen, Joseph ; Dibaj, Seyedeh ; Delgado Guay, Marvin ; Heung, Yvonne ; Liu, Diane ; Bruera, Eduardo
Background: This study examined the changes in outpatient palliative care services at US cancer centers over the past decade. Methods: Between April and August 2018, all National Cancer Institute (NCI)–designated cancer centers and a random sample of 1252 non–NCI-designated cancer centers were surveyed. Two surveys used previously in a 2009 national study were sent to each institution: a 22-question cancer center executive survey regarding palliative care infrastructure and attitudes toward [...]
Menée en Allemagne à partir des données de 3 registres des cancers portant sur 22 905 patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon diagnostiqué entre 2000 et 2015, cette étude analyse l'association entre des facteurs socioéconomiques locaux et la survie
Socioeconomic differences and lung cancer survival in Germany: Investigation based on population-based clinical cancer registration
Menée en Allemagne à partir des données de 3 registres des cancers portant sur 22 905 patients atteints d'un cancer du poumon diagnostiqué entre 2000 et 2015, cette étude analyse l'association entre des facteurs socioéconomiques locaux et la survie
Socioeconomic differences and lung cancer survival in Germany: Investigation based on population-based clinical cancer registration
Finke, Isabelle ; Behrens, Gundula ; Schwettmann, Lars ; Gerken, Michael ; Pritzkuleit, Ron ; Holleczek, Bernd ; Brenner, Hermann ; Jansen, Lina
Objectives : Studies from several countries reported socioeconomic inequalities in lung cancer survival. Hypothesized reasons are differences in cancer care or tumor characteristics. We investigated associations of small-area deprivation and lung cancer survival in Germany and the possible impact of differences in patient, tumor or treatment factors. Materials and Methods : Patients registered with a primary tumor of the lung between 2000-2015 in three German population-based clinical cancer [...]
Menée auprès de 4 485 patients atteints d'un cancer hématologique et ayant subi une greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques entre 1976 et 2014 (âge médian au moment de la greffe : 38,8 ans ; 56% d'hommes), cette étude estime le taux de survie conditionnel à 5 ans, compare les risques de décès toutes causes confondues et par cancer à ceux de la population générale et identifie les facteurs associés à la mortalité tardive non liée à la maladie
Conditional Survival, Cause-specific Mortality, Risk Factors of Late Mortality After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Menée auprès de 4 485 patients atteints d'un cancer hématologique et ayant subi une greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques entre 1976 et 2014 (âge médian au moment de la greffe : 38,8 ans ; 56% d'hommes), cette étude estime le taux de survie conditionnel à 5 ans, compare les risques de décès toutes causes confondues et par cancer à ceux de la population générale et identifie les facteurs associés à la mortalité tardive non liée à la maladie
Conditional Survival, Cause-specific Mortality, Risk Factors of Late Mortality After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Wong, F Lennie ; Berano, Jennifer ; Atencio, Liezl ; Stiller, Tracey ; Kim, Heeyoung ; Chanson, Dayana ; Forman, Stephen J ; Nakamura, Ryotaro ; Armenian, Saro H
Long-term mortality after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is conventionally calculated from the time of HCT, ignoring temporal changes in survivors’ mortality risks. Conditional survival rates, accounting for time already survived, are relevant for optimal delivery of survivorship care, but have not been widely quantified. We estimated conditional survival by elapsed survival time in allogeneic HCT patients and examined cause-specific mortality.We calculated conditional survival rates [...]
Mené aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 48 835 femmes âgées de 50 à 79 ans, cet essai randomisé évalue l'association à long terme entre des modifications de comportements alimentaires (adhésion à un régime alimentaire pauvre en graisses comportant des légumes, des fruits et des céréales) et le risque de cancer du sein ainsi que la mortalité spécifique (durée médiane de suivi : 19,6 ans)
Dietary Modification and Breast Cancer Mortality: Long-Term Follow-Up of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trial
Mené aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 48 835 femmes âgées de 50 à 79 ans, cet essai randomisé évalue l'association à long terme entre des modifications de comportements alimentaires (adhésion à un régime alimentaire pauvre en graisses comportant des légumes, des fruits et des céréales) et le risque de cancer du sein ainsi que la mortalité spécifique (durée médiane de suivi : 19,6 ans)
Dietary Modification and Breast Cancer Mortality: Long-Term Follow-Up of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trial
Rowan T. Chlebowski ; Aaron K. Aragaki ; Garnet L. Anderson ; Kathy Pan ; Marian L. Neuhouser ; JoAnn E. Manson ; Cynthia A. Thomson ; Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani ; Dorothy S. Lane ; Karen C. Johnson ; Jean Wactawski-Wende ; Linda Snetselaar ; Thomas E. Rohan ; Juhua Luo ; Ana Barac ; Ross L. Prentice ; on behalf of the Women’s Health Initiative
PURPOSE : Observational studies of dietary fat intake and breast cancer have reported inconsistent findings. This topic was addressed in additional analyses of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Dietary Modification (DM) clinical trial that evaluated a low-fat dietary pattern influence on breast cancer incidence. METHODS : In the WHI DM trial, 48,835 postmenopausal women, ages 50-79 years, with no prior breast cancer, and a dietary fat intake of ≥ 32% of energy were randomly assigned at 40 US [...]
Approches psycho-sociales (2)
Menée au Canada par questionnaire auprès de 289 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé, cette étude analyse l'association entre la communication au sein du couple, la sécurité de l'attachement et la préparation au décès
The Impact of Attachment Security on Death Preparation in Advanced Cancer: The Role of Couple Communication
Menée au Canada par questionnaire auprès de 289 patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé, cette étude analyse l'association entre la communication au sein du couple, la sécurité de l'attachement et la préparation au décès
The Impact of Attachment Security on Death Preparation in Advanced Cancer: The Role of Couple Communication
Mah, Kenneth ; Shapiro, Gilla K. ; Hales, Sarah ; Rydall, Anne ; Malfitano, Carmine ; An, Ekaterina ; Nissim, Rinat ; Li, Madeline ; Zimmermann, Camilla ; Rodin, Gary
Objective : Attachment security protects psychological well‐being in patients with advanced cancer, but its effect on death preparation in this population has not been demonstrated. We examined the relationship of attachment security to death preparation in advanced cancer and tested whether couple communication mediates this relationship and whether gender and age moderate this mediating effect, using longitudinal data from a psychotherapy trial. Methods : Patients with advanced cancer who [...]
Menée au Canada, cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'un outil permettant de détecter la peur de la récidive chez des patients ayant survécu à un cancer
The FCR-1: Initial validation of a single-item measure of fear of cancer recurrence
Menée au Canada, cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'un outil permettant de détecter la peur de la récidive chez des patients ayant survécu à un cancer
The FCR-1: Initial validation of a single-item measure of fear of cancer recurrence
Rudy, Lauren ; Maheu, Christine ; Körner, Annett ; Lebel, Sophie ; Gélinas, Céline
Objective : Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is characterized by the fear, worry, or concern that cancer will come back or progress. The negative effects associated with FCR are consistently identified by cancer survivors as one of their most prominent unmet needs. Current measures of FCR can be long, complex, and burdensome for survivors to complete. The objective of the present study is to develop and validate a one‐item measure of FCR. Methods : The ability of the FCR‐1 to detect change in [...]
Sensibilisation et communication (1)
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (14 études), cette étude analyse les besoins en information, chez des patients atteints d'un cancer, concernant les tests génomiques et leurs implications thérapeutiques
Understanding and information needs of cancer patients regarding treatment-focused genomic testing: A systematic review
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (14 études), cette étude analyse les besoins en information, chez des patients atteints d'un cancer, concernant les tests génomiques et leurs implications thérapeutiques
Understanding and information needs of cancer patients regarding treatment-focused genomic testing: A systematic review
Wolyniec, Kamil ; Sharp, Jessica ; Lazarakis, Smaro ; Mileshkin, Linda ; Schofield, Penelope
Objective : To systematically review literature exploring experiences of cancer patients regarding their understanding of treatment‐focused genomic testing as well as their information needs and related themes. Methods : Six databases were searched for the original studies published in English language that explored patients’ understanding of the information related to the genomic testing and its implications for treatment of cancer. The Mixed‐Method Assessement Tool was used to examine the [...]
Soins palliatifs (1)
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Palliative Care for Family Caregivers
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Palliative Care for Family Caregivers
Sorayya Alam ; Breffni Hannon ; Camilla Zimmermann
Family caregivers provide substantial care for patients with advanced cancer, while suffering from hidden morbidity and unmet needs. The objectives of this review were to examine risk factors associated with caregiving for patients with advanced cancer, evaluate the evidence for pertinent interventions, and provide a practical framework for palliative care of caregivers in oncology settings. We reviewed studies examining the association of factors at the level of the caregiver, patient, [...]
Patient-Clinician Communication Issues in Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Cancer
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Patient-Clinician Communication Issues in Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Cancer
Anthony L. Back
The delivery of palliative care to patients with advanced cancer and their families, whether done by oncology clinicians or palliative care clinicians, requires patient-centered communication. Excellent communication can introduce patients and families to palliative care in a nonthreatening way, build patient trust, enable symptom control, strengthen coping, and guide decision making. This review covers deficiencies in the current state of communication, patient preferences for communication [...]
Forging a New Frontier: Providing Palliative Care to People With Cancer in Rural and Remote Areas
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Forging a New Frontier: Providing Palliative Care to People With Cancer in Rural and Remote Areas
Marie Bakitas ; Kristen Allen Watts ; Emily Malone ; J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom ; Susan McCammon ; Richard Taylor ; Rodney Tucker ; Ronit Elk
Mounting evidence supports oncology organizations’ recommendations of early palliative care as a cancer care best practice for patients with advanced cancer and/or high symptom burden. However, few trials on which these best practices are based have included rural and remote community-based oncology care. Therefore, little is known about whether early palliative care models are applicable in these low-resource areas. This literature synthesis identifies some of the challenges of integrating [...]
Prognostic Awareness in Adult Oncology and Palliative Care
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Prognostic Awareness in Adult Oncology and Palliative Care
Phyllis N. Butow ; Josephine M. Clayton ; Ronald M. Epstein
Communicating prognosis clearly and empathically can foster accurate prognostic awareness in patients with advanced cancer and their family members. Whereas patients and doctors desire clear prognostic communication, it presents many challenges in oncologic and palliative care settings. Patients with advanced cancer often have poor prognostic awareness as a result of deficiencies in doctor communication and understandable—and potentially adaptive—attempts by patients and families to reduce the [...]
Role of Hospice Care at the End of Life for People With Cancer
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Role of Hospice Care at the End of Life for People With Cancer
David C. Currow ; Meera R. Agar ; Jane L. Phillips
Patient-defined factors that are important at the end of life include being physically independent for as long as possible, good symptom control, and spending quality time with friends and family. Hospice care adds to the quality of care and these patient-centered priorities for people with cancer and their families in the last weeks and days of life. Evidence from large observational studies demonstrate that hospice care can improve outcomes directly and support better and more appropriate [...]
Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Patients With Hematologic Malignancies
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Patients With Hematologic Malignancies
Areej El-Jawahri ; Ashley M. Nelson ; Tamryn F. Gray ; Stephanie J. Lee ; Thomas W. LeBlanc
Hematologic malignancies are a heterogeneous group of diseases with unique illness trajectories, treatment paradigms, and potential for curability, which affect patients’ palliative and end-of-life care needs. Patients with hematologic malignancies endure immense physical and psychological symptoms because of both their illness and often intensive treatments that result in significant toxicities and adverse effects. Compared with patients with solid tumors, those with hematologic malignancies [...]
Dissemination and Implementation of Palliative Care in Oncology
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Dissemination and Implementation of Palliative Care in Oncology
Betty R. Ferrell ; Vincent Chung ; Marianna Koczywas ; Thomas J. Smith
Palliative care began in academic centers with specialty consultation services, and its value to patients, families, and health systems has been evident. The demand for palliative care to be integrated throughout the cancer trajectory, combined with a limited palliative care workforce, means that new models of care are needed. This review discusses evidence regarding the need for integration of palliative care into routine oncology care and describes best practices recognized for dissemination [...]
Understanding and Addressing the Role of Coping in Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Cancer
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Understanding and Addressing the Role of Coping in Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Cancer
Joseph A. Greer ; Allison J. Applebaum ; Juliet C. Jacobsen ; Jennifer S. Temel ; Vicki A. Jackson
Advanced cancer, with its considerable physical symptoms and psychosocial burdens, represents an existential threat and major stressor to patients and their caregivers. In response to such stress, patients and their caregivers use a variety of strategies to manage the disease and related symptoms, such as problem-focused, emotion-focused, meaning-focused, and spiritual/religious coping. The use of such coping strategies is associated with multiple outcomes, including quality of life, symptoms [...]
Disparities in Palliative Care in Patients With Cancer
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Disparities in Palliative Care in Patients With Cancer
Jennifer J. Griggs
In the United States, racial and ethnic minorities and people with lower socioeconomic status (SES) face structural, health system, and interpersonal barriers to optimal health care, including palliative care. Much of the available data on palliative care in racial and ethnic minorities and people with lower SES have identified disparities according to race, ethnicity, and SES. Limitations to understanding disparities in palliative care include the fact that much of the available data are [...]
Palliative Care and the Management of Common Distressing Symptoms in Advanced Cancer: Pain, Breathlessness, Nausea and Vomiting, and Fatigue
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Palliative Care and the Management of Common Distressing Symptoms in Advanced Cancer: Pain, Breathlessness, Nausea and Vomiting, and Fatigue
Lesley A. Henson ; Matthew Maddocks ; Catherine Evans ; Martin Davidson ; Stephanie Hicks ; Irene J. Higginson
Good symptom management in oncology is associated with improved patient and family quality of life, greater treatment compliance, and may even offer survival advantages. With population growth and aging, the proportion of patients with multiple symptoms—both related and unrelated to their cancer—is anticipated to increase, supporting calls for a more routine and integrated approach to symptom management. This article presents a summary of the literature for the use of symptom assessment tools [...]
Models of Palliative Care Delivery for Patients With Cancer
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Models of Palliative Care Delivery for Patients With Cancer
David Hui ; Eduardo Bruera
Palliative care has evolved over the past five decades as an interprofessional specialty to improve quality of life and quality of care for patients with cancer and their families. Existing evidence supports that timely involvement of specialist palliative care teams can enhance the care delivered by oncology teams. This review provides a state-of-the-science synopsis of the literature that supports each of the five clinical models of specialist palliative care delivery, including outpatient [...]
Standards, Guidelines, and Quality Measures for Successful Specialty Palliative Care Integration Into Oncology: Current Approaches and Future Direc...
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Standards, Guidelines, and Quality Measures for Successful Specialty Palliative Care Integration Into Oncology: Current Approaches and Future Directions
Arif H. Kamal ; Claudia Bausewein ; David J. Casarett ; David C. Currow ; Deborah J. Dudgeon ; Irene J. Higginson
Although robust evidence demonstrates that specialty palliative care integrated into oncology care improves patient and health system outcomes, few clinicians are familiar with the standards, guidelines, and quality measures related to integration. These types of guidance outline principles of best practice and provide a framework for assessing the fidelity of their implementation. Significant advances in the understanding of effective methods and procedures to guide integration of specialty [...]
Economics of Palliative Care for Cancer: Interpreting Current Evidence, Mapping Future Priorities for Research
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Economics of Palliative Care for Cancer: Interpreting Current Evidence, Mapping Future Priorities for Research
Peter May ; Charles Normand ; R. Sean Morrison
The National Cancer Institute estimates that $154 billion will be spent on care for people with cancer in 2019, distributed across the year after diagnosis (31%), the final year of life (31%), and continuing care between those two (38%). Projections of future costs estimate persistent growth in care expenditures. Early research studies on the economics of palliative care have reported a general pattern of cost savings during inpatient hospital admissions and the end-of-life phase. Recent [...]
Psychological Interventions for Patients With Advanced Disease: Implications for Oncology and Palliative Care
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Psychological Interventions for Patients With Advanced Disease: Implications for Oncology and Palliative Care
Gary Rodin ; Ekaterina An ; Joanna Shnall ; Carmine Malfitano
A growing body of research demonstrates the feasibility and efficacy of psychological interventions for adult patients with advanced cancer. Findings from quantitative studies of psychotherapeutic interventions with primary psychological outcomes for such patients are reviewed here and recommendations for best practice are made. We consider these interventions according to three broad phases in which they are most commonly applied: soon after diagnosis of advanced cancer, when living with the [...]
Pediatric Palliative Care in Oncology
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Pediatric Palliative Care in Oncology
Jennifer Snaman ; Sarah McCarthy ; Lori Wiener ; Joanne Wolfe
Pediatric palliative care aims to alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life of children with serious disease and increase support for their parents and other family members. Integration of palliative care into the routine care of children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer has resulted in improved outcomes in patients and their families. The field of pediatric palliative oncology—encompassing primary palliative care provided by the multidisciplinary oncology team as well as [...]
Palliative Care in Oncology: Continuing to Build the Evidence Base and Disseminate Effective Care Models
Ce dossier présente un ensemble d'articles sur les soins palliatifs en cancérologie
Palliative Care in Oncology: Continuing to Build the Evidence Base and Disseminate Effective Care Models
Jennifer S. Temel ; Paul B. Jacobsen
Over the past decade, substantial progress has been made in building the evidence base for integrating palliative care with cancer care and increasing the availability of palliative care services for patients with cancer.1 Multiple clinical trials have evaluated proactive care models in which patients begin to receive palliative care services on the basis of an initial diagnosis of advanced cancer or disease progression.2-11 The goal of these delivery models is to improve patients’ experiences [...]
Ressources et infrastructures (Lutte contre les cancers) (1)
Cette étude présente le rapport annuel de l'"American Society of Clinical Oncology" incluant le diagnostic, la prévention et les traitements du cancer pour l'année 2020
Clinical Cancer Advances 2020: Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer From the American Society of Clinical Oncology
Cette étude présente le rapport annuel de l'"American Society of Clinical Oncology" incluant le diagnostic, la prévention et les traitements du cancer pour l'année 2020
Clinical Cancer Advances 2020: Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer From the American Society of Clinical Oncology
Merry Jennifer Markham ; Kerri Wachter ; Neeraj Agarwal ; Monica M. Bertagnolli ; Susan Marina Chang ; William Dale ; Catherine S. M. Diefenbach ; Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo ; Daniel J. George ; Timothy D. Gilligan ; R. Donald Harvey ; Melissa L. Johnson ; Randall J. Kimple ; Miriam A. Knoll ; Noelle LoConte ; Robert G. Maki ; Jane Lowe Meisel ; Jeffrey A. Meyerhardt ; Nathan A. Pennell ; Gabrielle B. Rocque ; Michael S. Sabel ; Richard L. Schilsky ; Bryan James Schneider ; William D. Tap ; Robert G. Uzzo ; Shannon Neville Westin
Each year Clinical Cancer Advances: ASCO’s Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer highlights the most important clinical research advances of the past year, including the Advance of the Year, and identifies priority areas where ASCO believes research efforts should be focused moving forward. In 2020, ASCO names the Refinement of Surgical Treatment of Cancer as the Advance of the Year. Years of progress in developing new systemic cancer therapies has not only improved patient survival and [...]